The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 591: Was it you that night?

Since the end of the last century, family ethics dramas, mother-in-law dramas and other TV dramas that reflect current family life and ethics have always been popular themes. It is loved by middle-aged and elderly women who occupy an important part of the audience, and the ratings are good.

Since Haiqing decided to take the "daughter-in-law" route and signed a contract with Millennium Entertainment, it has been highly valued by the company.

Over the years, she has also developed very well. She has taken many TV dramas that reflect family life, and she is deeply loved by the audience. She has won the reputation of "national daughter-in-law" and has become a well-deserved millennial sister.

And Millennium Entertainment has now successfully promoted from the mid-to-high-end low-end to the low-end.

In "Love Call Transfer", Hai Qing plays the role of the protagonist "Xu Lang"'s Cancer ex-wife.

There are very few scenes for this role, similar to Lin Zhiling's scenes. Normally, it can be filmed in two days.

However, Haiqing announced more and more film appointments. It was not until December that the filming of "Love Call Transfer" was nearing its end, and there was no time to enter the group for filming. This is the schedule that she vacated only after she pushed down a commercial event.

To be honest, it is more profitable to participate in a business event in two days. Millennium Entertainment and her agent both hope that she will take on the business event. It’s just that Mai Xiaoyu personally called to the "Love Call Transfer", and she couldn’t refuse.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Hai Qing got off the plane with two assistants. He was recognized before he left the airport, and a fan immediately asked for a group photo.

She often encounters this situation without panic at all, but when she saw the cute staff who came to pick up the airport, she was shocked.

A group of four came to the nanny car arranged by Mengren, and the male assistant pulled the car door.

Hai Qing said, "I'll sit in the front."

"Sister Qing, this is not appropriate."

"Nothing inappropriate, get in the car."

While speaking, Hai Qing opened the passenger door and sat next to the driver while the two assistants were dumbfounded.

The two assistants looked at each other helplessly and sat in the back row.

The car started, galloped away, and left the airport along the expressway.

Hai Qing said suddenly: "Mai, you are too courageous."

The driver in sportswear and a baseball cap grinned and said, "Sister Qing is so big, how dare I not come and pick it up in person."

"Come on, what have you been afraid of."

"That's because you don't know me well enough. In fact, I am afraid of many things. For example, if your company suddenly asks you to change your schedule, I am quite worried."

Haiqing chuckled: "Pretend, you continue to pretend. Our company didn't let me change the schedule. How difficult to pick up cute scenes, although it is a movie, only two days of scenes, but it is also very rare, like your company I have never been found in the film and television dramas filmed a few years ago."

"The main reason is that there is no suitable role for you."

This is the truth.

Mengren's TV series are mainly idol dramas.

Idol dramas require good looks, but they do not have high requirements for acting skills. They are suitable for young actors with good looks who have just made their debut to quickly accumulate popularity and increase their commercial value. If idol dramas are popular, actors are likely to become popular.

When the time comes, the film appointment will not worry, and the pay is not low, you can hone and improve your acting skills in the filming.

Anyway, it was someone else’s crew.

When the acting skills have improved to a certain level, they will be recruited to shoot cute dramas to continue to increase their popularity and popularity and form a virtuous circle.

Haiqing's idol drama...but it's inappropriate.

The two of you chatted happily, and the two assistants in the back row were dumbfounded.

Mr. Mai?

The cute boss?

He came to pick up the plane in person, and acted as a driver for Sister Qing?

Well, these are no longer the key points now, the key point is-

Is he the "sunrise crowd" who reported that Xie Weixin and others gathered to take drugs?

What the hell!

It is wrong for Xie Weixin and others to gather a crowd to take drugs, and the report is correct. However, the two of them just feel like they can’t tell and want to stay away from each other.

Hai Qing looked like a okay person, and didn't mention that incident along the way.

The traffic jam in Yanjing, five or six o'clock is the peak period of traffic jam. Stopping along the way, it took more than an hour from the airport to the hotel.

Fortunately, Mai Xiaoyu and Hai Qing are not in a hurry. In the past, the two were in contact, and they talked a few words on the phone from time to time, but they couldn't talk so much on the phone.

The two have a lot of topics.

For example, the various things of the year, such as Haiqing's current changes, such as Mai Xiaoyu's low-key "deep fame and fame", such as the rapid development of Mengren in recent years, such as the bottleneck encountered by the millennium, and so on.

Arrive at the hotel, check in.

After everything was settled, Mai Xiaoyu asked Haiqing and the three to have dinner at the hotel and continued to chat at the dinner table.

Mainly Mai Xiaoyu and Hai Qing talked, and Hai Qing's two assistants ate and drank silently, and occasionally took charge of pouring wine.

Hai Qing is also a free and easy temper, chatting happily with Mai Xiaoyutian. The two chatted and talked about the time when Hai Qing just graduated and started to shoot "The Stone" and "Pink Girl" a few years ago.

The memories of that period are very beautiful, and both of them are deeply moved.

Haiqing graduated without filming, and drifted around in Yanjing to run teams to hand in resumes; Mengren’s advertising business was blocked and forced to transform into film and television dramas. Mai Xiaoyu began to test the gold content of film and television dramas in his dreams.

The green years passed by in an instant, and the two of them are now considered small achievements, and will no longer be as embarrassed as they were in the past.

The two chatted while drinking, and were full of emotions.

The two assistants next to him listened with big eyes and small eyes.

They only now know that Hai Qing and Mai Xiaoyu have such a deep relationship.

The "Daughter-in-law" route was proposed by Mai Xiaoyu, and even the stage name "Haiqing" was changed by Mai Xiaoyu.

From a certain point of view, Hai Qing can be regarded as a cute person. If it weren't for "Pink Girl", Millennium Entertainment would not have signed her.

No wonder the relationship between Sister Qing and Mr. Mai is so good, and Mengren's star-making ability is too strong!

Mai Xiaoyu filled Hai Qing and himself with wine, and asked, "By the way, Director Zhang has something to do tonight, let me ask for him, is the script okay?"

"I'm a professional actor with a background in science class. There are only a few scenes, and there are not many lines. How could there be a problem? You asked this to be too hurtful. You have to fine yourself three cups."

"I will punish myself."

After the two cups fell, Hai Qing poured him the third cup, and then picked up the glass: "I will accompany you with this cup."

Mai Xiaoyu can drink, and Haiqing is also a good drinker. The two can be described as match-ups, but Haiqing's two assistants are suffering.

When the game was about to leave at ten o'clock, the two assistants were a little dizzy, and they were able to stay awake.

After returning to the room, Hai Qing asked the two assistants to go back to the room to rest, and Mai Xiaoyu also got up to say goodbye, ready to call Ke Haoyi to take him home.

At this time Hai Qing called to stop him: "Mr. Mai, it's been a long time since I saw him. Let me chat with me for a while."

Mai Xiaoyu looked at his watch, glanced at her again, and said with a smile: "In the middle of the night after drinking and having sex, your invitation, it is easy for me to misunderstand."

"You are always a mouthful. Forgot that you used me as a shield when shooting "The Stone"?" Hai Qing smiled and said, took out a lady's cigarette and handed it to Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu took the cigarette and said in astonishment: "When did you learn to smoke? Are you afraid of being scolded by your master?"

"He is more fierce than I smoked." Hai Qing took out the lighter, lighted it on Mai Xiaoyu, and then lighted it on himself, taking a sip, that was a proficiency.

"You are also an old smoker."

"No way. I filmed a scene two years ago. The characters in the scene have to smoke constantly. I can only bite the bullet and learn to smoke, otherwise the effect of the filming is not good. It makes me learn to smoke now. Although. Smoking is not good, but smoking two when you are stressed can really relieve stress."

Mai Xiaoyu smoked a cigarette and looked at Hai Qing with a smile: "Then you might as well take drugs. That stuff can not only relieve pressure, but also inspire inspiration."

Hai Qing was relieved and said, "I know I can't hide it from you, you are as smart as my master."

"He would toss without me." Mai Xiaoyu mocked himself and asked: "Your boss?"

"No. I have worked with Sister Xin in two dramas before. We have a good relationship and she takes care of me."

"So you take drugs too?"

"No, I can tell the importance of things. I want to help sister Xin to beg for mercy. She is actually quite nice, but sometimes she has a quick temper, and she doesn't even know that she inadvertently offends people."

"She didn't offend me."


Hai Qing looked at Mai Xiaoyu in surprise.

She thought that Xie Weixin had offended an artist under the Mengren banner and provoked the "killing god" Mai Xiaoyu, and in a rage, she clicked Xie Weixin's poisonous den.

Not only does she think so, but many people in the circle think like her.

Everyone in the circle knows how strong Mengren's protection of his artists is and how fierce their revenge is.

Like the Huo Jianhua incident last year, the cute guys finally came back beautifully. There are also 10 or 20 people in the circle who were in front of the stage and behind the scenes were "linked".

Of the seven people arrested this time, Xie Wei had the biggest heart, and the result was the worst.

Others gather for drug use in administrative detention for a maximum of fifteen days; Xie Weixin allows others to take drugs in criminal detention, and he will be sentenced if he fails!

Therefore, Hai Qing mistakenly believed that Xie Weixin had offended Mai Xiaoyu, and wanted to plead for her to avoid jail.

"I haven't dealt with her before, and the artist in our company has never worked with her. How can I offend it?"

"Then why..."

"Because she took drugs and didn't know people, she was doomed to be a cannon fodder. Even if I didn't call the police at the time, she would not be able to run away. There was a team of police squatting nearby, waiting to catch the police."

"Another team of police?"

"Well, the target of the police team is Tang Yan from our company."

"Tang Yan? She also takes drugs?"

"I should report to the police if she wants to take drugs, and let her fend for herself. The problem is that she doesn't take drugs. If she is tricked into attending private gatherings, the team of police is waiting for her to go in."

Hai Qing thought for a while, his eyes lighted up: "Someone wants to harm her?"

"Yeah. After the police arrived, I took her in. Someone bit her and tried to drag her into the water. If I didn't call the police and waited for the media to expose this matter, Tang Yan would be ruined."

"It turned out to be like this." Hai Qing wiped out half of the cigarette in his hand and fully understood, "I didn't expect things to be so complicated. Who did it? It's too despicable. Mr. Mai, you have to find a way to clarify the truth as soon as possible, otherwise, It’s not good for you and your company."

"I also know, otherwise I'm worried that your company will let you break the contract."

"Don't you worry about me taking the initiative to break the contract?"

"You are not that kind of person."

Hai Qing laughed: "Neither is our boss. This time I came to Yanjing, and our boss specifically called me and told me to come to Yanjing to make a good filming without burden."

"Oh, your boss is pretty good, when will you have a chance to meet him?"

"He has had several dealings with Mr. Liu from your company, and it is considered to be acquainted with some friendship. It's just that you are too low-key, never show up in public, never attend any awards ceremony, banquets, and always hide behind to harm others, so I have never had a chance to meet."

"Hey, what do you mean by hiding behind and harming people, who did I harm?"

Hai Qing smiled: "Whoever wants to harm you, you can kill anyone."

"That's true. Dare to yin our company's artist, I will let him die. Let me tell you one more thing. The two chess pieces that black hands placed behind the scenes that night were beaten into cannon fodder by me on the spot. It can be regarded as an explanation for Xie Weixin and the others. ."

"You might as well tell sister Xin the company about the secret inside."

"I said very clearly in front of them that night. Their company should already know."

"No wonder, I said I contacted Sister Xin’s agent. When I mentioned you, he didn’t hate you much. Then again, you are so kind to your company’s artists. Last year, this year, Tang Yan, every time If something happens, your boss will personally come forward."

"Don't worry, if you get into trouble in the future, I won't stand by. After all, you are still our cute member."

"Bah, curse me less, I won't have any trouble."

"It's best if nothing happens."

The two chatted for a while and drank a cup of hot tea to sober up, but the effect was not very good.

The feeling on Jiu Jin's head became stronger and stronger, and Mai Xiaoyu stood up with the armrest of the sofa chair: "No, I have to go back to sleep. I didn't expect you to drink so much."

Hai Qing got up and saw him off: "Call someone to pick you up, don't drive by yourself."

"I know."

Mai Xiaoyu took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact Ke Haoyi.

Hai Qing exhorted again: "Also, try to find a way to publish the truth of the matter as soon as possible, otherwise many people have opinions on you."

There are more opinions ~ For those who do not know the truth about the interests of the injured party, it is not an opinion, but a grudge. Whenever there is a chance, it will show the cute people together.

"I have arrangements." Mai Xiaoyu replied, suddenly put down his phone, and turned to look at Hai Qing, "You care about me so much. Why don't you answer a question that has troubled me for several years?"

"What doubts can bother you for years?"

Mai Xiaoyu stepped forward and walked to Hai Qing: "Remember the evening of the "Pink Girl" celebration party?"

"Of course I remember. At that time, you refused to sign me and suggested that I sign for Millennium. Do you regret it now?"

"Just remember, I just have one question... Was it you that night!"

At the last sentence, Mai Xiaoyu suddenly increased his tone.

Hai Qing was stunned for a moment, and then categorically said: "It's not me."

PS: I built a V group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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