The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 598: Stealing chicken will not lose the rice

The troubled person is Ning Shirong.

What a great game, as long as Tang Yan steps in with one foot, this life is over.

Moe Ren still wants to praise Tang Yan next year... Drug addicts have no future!

But the result?

Because Pei Pengbing didn't work well, he didn't spend less money, but Tang Yan was unscathed. The popularity and popularity is even better than before. The two TV series "Xian 3" and "Days of Living with a Flight Attendant", which starred in them, also took the opportunity to have a large-scale free publicity.

What's worse is yet to come!

Thinking of his father Ning Zhiyuan’s one-hour long conversation with him in the study last night, Ning Shirong was upset.

If it weren't for Pei Pengbing's trash to mess things up, how could it be the way it is now?

"Idiot, look at what you do!"

Ning Shirong cursed angrily, and the crystal ashtray at hand flew over and hit Pei Pengbing's head heavily.

The blood slowly dripped down his forehead, but Pei Pengbing did not dare to wipe it, crying and begging: "Young Master Rong, you believe me, it really wasn't me. I just asked someone to pass her a sentence, let her shut her mouth and come out. After having her advantage, she didn't let anyone kill her."

"I still don't know where I am wrong, what is the use of trash like you!"

Another pen holder flew past.

"Young Master Rong, I know that this time I'm not doing things well and wasted your plan. I am willing to make up for it. I have a way to clean up the surnamed Mai. This time even if he does not die, he will have to peel off his skin."

"Do you have a way to clean up Mai Xiaoyu?"

"Yes, and it's a good way." Pei Pengbing nodded vigorously, "Zhou Ping's parents are planning to sue Mengren, because Mengren slandered Zhou Ping on Weibo. Nowadays, the Internet is not all talking about Zhou Ping's suicide. We can use this opportunity to push to the surnamed Mai, and let people think that he was looking for someone to kill Zhou Ping..."

Pei Pengbing thought his strategy was good.

Zhou Ping framed Tang Yan. Tang Yan is not only a cute entertainer, but also Mai Xiaoyu's rumored girlfriend. Mai Xiaoyu made her debut for Tang Yan. In order to protect her, she took the initiative to call the police. Because she was confused and found someone to get through the detention center, Zhou Ping was committed suicide...

This logic is valid, and more importantly, Ning Shirong didn't hit him with anything this time.

As everyone knows, Ning Shirong is because he doesn't have anything at hand, otherwise he would have had another bag on his forehead.

Squeezing the anger in his heart, Ning Shirong asked, "Are you trying to make a big fuss about Zhou Ping's death?"

"Rong Shaoying. It's the surname Mai reminded me. If he hadn't posted on Weibo, I hadn't thought of it."

"Ha, haha. Do you think Mai Xiaoyu is more stupid than you?"

Pei Pengbing: "..."

"Have you ever thought about it, why did he specifically mention Zhou Ping's death on Weibo, so that people questioned it?"

"He, he, was he on purpose?"

Ning Shirong did not answer, and continued to ask: "Do you know how Zhou Ping died?"

Pei Pengbing thought for a while and looked at Ning Shirong in horror: "Rong, Rong Shao, is it you?"

"Fool, do I care about the life and death of that kind of ants?" Ning Shirong was furious, "Do you know how many people you provoke me this time? He just wants you to make this one bigger and make me more troublesome. !"

Zhou Ping was indeed committed suicide. It was not Ning Shirong or Mai Xiaoyu who shot, but someone else.

After Xie Weixin and others were arrested for taking drugs, the interests of many forces were damaged.

Take Xie Weixin as an example. Needless to say, the loss of the company to which he belongs, a good cash cow, just fell.

In addition, Xie Weixin has filmed most of the TV series, and several TV series that have been filmed and have not been broadcast on the TV station, all of which must be replaced or reshot of her scenes. She is a heroine with a lot of scenes. How much does it cost to remake or remake?

Really, there is a lot of money for the investors!

Yes, the investor has a lot of money and is a bit silly in a way, but people are not stupid. Beep!

Just like the crew of "April Love" in which Huo Jianhua had an accident last year, the owner of Sanjin Coal, the investor, almost didn't act with Mai Xiaoyu because of his loss of more than 10 million.

Mai Xiaoyu is still the boss of Mengren Film and Television at any rate, and his status and status are laid there.

What is Zhou Ping?

A small person who is nothing, in the eyes of those wealthy and ruthless investors, is not pinching her to death like a bug?

Not only Xie Weixin, there are also first-line well-known female screenwriters and second-line male singers who were arrested for taking drugs, and it is not the family and the two whose interests have been damaged!

This time the involvement is wider and there are more parties whose interests have been harmed. Isn't it normal that if one party is unhappy and spreads her anger on Zhou Ping's body?

Moreover, the incident was exposed this time, and the explosion was very thorough, and all the forces knew what was going on.

If the wrongdoer has the right and the debt is the owner, of course the party who suffers from the interests will seek compensation from Qingtian.

Zhou Ping's suicide can also be counted as killing a chicken and a monkey!

What if you Qingtian is a huge base?

Really thought you could walk sideways?

There are not two domestic group companies with a larger scale and greater influence than DynaSky, and a small-scale company may not have the roots of DynaSky!

Moreover, this time there are many parties whose interests have been harmed, and when they unite, Qingtian does not dare to hold back.

As for denial or denial... this is a trick ~ is not on the table.

Not to mention the clear and plain writing of the Mengren official micro, the grievances between Mengren and Qingtian are not secret in the upper level of the entertainment circle. Even if people reversely check Zhou Ping's body, they can also find Qingtian along the line.

If you really want to do things like this, Qingtian will be more passive.

After all, it's the unclassified matter of Qingtian, which makes people ridiculed.

Zhou Ping, a key figure, was unexpectedly exposed. What can be justified?

Last night, Ning Zhiyuan asked Ning Shirong to talk about this.

In order to calm the anger of those whose interests have suffered, the Sky Group had to make some concessions to make up for the losses of the other party.

For the giant Qingtian, these concessions are nothing, the key is that they are too aggrieved!

Especially Ning Shirong, a conceited, arrogant, and arrogant master who wanted to calculate cute people, but instead of stealing chickens and losing his rice, he cheated himself. It was a shame.

This matter was finally revealed, and Pei Pengbing wanted to use Zhou Ping's death to cause trouble...Are you doing Mai Xiaoyu? This is so obvious that you are doing Qingtian and Ning Shirong!

Ning Shirong rubbed his forehead and said, "Tell Zhou Ping's parents that you are not allowed to sue Mengren. Also, check the bottom of Longxing."

"Don't worry, Rong Shao, I will do it." Pei Pengbing responded first, and then asked, "Are you going to let Long Xing break the news?"

"How did you become the ceo of Aiman ​​Culture in the first place? I haven't seen it until now. Are Long Xing and Moe Ren in the same group?"

"I can see it, I just want to deal with the surname Mai too much. Young Master Rong, before the matter subsides, I will attack Yang Mi again and use this trick..."


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