The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 607: Is the flight attendant system and service brought? Add five more for the grandmaster,

Mai Xiaoyu and the beer sister moved their hands and feet, but Zhao Liying turned a blind eye.

When the beer girl left, she and Mai Xiaoyu drank two bottles of beer and urged: "Go dancing."


Mai Xiaoyu took her hand and walked towards the dance floor.

Zhao Liying broke free: "I won't go."

"Didn't you say to dance?"

"I mean you go by yourself."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled, did not say anything, took off his jacket and threw it on Zhao Liying's head.

"Watch my clothes."

He hasn't been to a nightclub for a while, but some things have become instinct and won't become unfamiliar because of infrequent use.

For example... Sister-in-law.

Holding Mai Xiaoyu's coat, Zhao Liying sat quietly on the sofa of Kaka, bulging her cheeks, and watched Mai Xiaoyu jumping on the dance floor.

She was a little angry, not because when Mai Xiaoyu was dancing, there were always men of all kinds coming over to talk, but because Mai Xiaoyu hooked up another girl, a girl with long hair.

On the dance floor, the girl and Mai Xiaoyu interacted extremely strongly.

Rubbing against Mai Xiaoyu's arms, he took the initiative to touch Mai Xiaoyu, and he also took Mai Xiaoyu's hand to touch himself, the two were close to each other face to face, rubbing their lower body with the explosive rhythm...

Zhao Liying feels familiar with all kinds of actions that are not suitable for children.

After more than half an hour, Mai Xiaoyu came back, and the girl naturally came back with him.

The movements of the two are extremely intimate, with their fingers clasped tightly, and the girl is still hugging Mai Xiaoyu's arm and cuddling on his shoulder.

Whispering constantly along the way, the girl laughed and waved from time to time-in Zhao Liying's eyes, it was "wave laugh", then she slapped Mai Xiaoyu coquettishly, but the two towering lumps on her chest were squeezing Mai Xiao tighter and tighter. I arm.

When Mai Xiaoyu returned to the deck with the long-haired girl, Zhao Liying stood up first.

"What are you doing with her back!"

"Christmas Eve tonight."

"What about Christmas Eve?"

"Christmas Eve is also called Shiyeye, she wants to lose her body, and I am happy to help her lose her body. Look!"

Mai Xiaoyu showed the exquisitely packaged...sleeve.

A bunch of sets.

Zhao Liying became angry, grabbed the pile of condoms in Mai Xiaoyu's hand, and threw it out fiercely.

The long-haired girl seemed to be surprised to see Zhao Liying, and said something to Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu also whispered a few words with the long-haired girl, and gave her a kiss.

Zhao Liying didn't understand their conversation, but she heard the word "Smecta".


"Yes, as a master, I should help foreign friends solve problems, don't you think?"

"Strong words. I promised to invite you to dinner tonight, drink you, and dance, but I didn't promise to invite you, please... do that kind of thing!"

"You don't need to ask for this, we are in love with each other."

"That's not okay, I will invite you to watch a movie later!" Zhao Liying walked over and broke up the two forcibly, no matter what the long-haired girl said, she just pushed each other out of the deck.

Who wants a long-haired girl from a foreign country to be very persistent, Zhao Liying just returned to the deck, she also came back, and said something to Mai Xiaoyu.

This Zhao Liying is angry.

In a hurry, she threw herself directly into Mai Xiaoyu's arms: "You tell her that I am your girlfriend and let her go."

Before Mai Xiaoyu had time to speak, the long-haired girl spoke first, using Chinese, although it was a bit lame: "The second year I came to China to study in China, I passed the CET-4. I don't need him to tell me, I can hear it. Understand what you say. I will leave, but before I leave, I have a word to tell you. Leaving him, he is not worthy of your love, scumbag!"

The last two words were said by Chong Mai Xiaoyu.

The long-haired girl left, went back to dance on the dance floor, and continued to look for a partner tonight.

Mai Xiaoyu was speechless, and the Korean girl who was able to hold her hands was able to speak Chinese, which really caught him off guard.

Zhao Liying kept giggling, repeating the word "Scumbag" repeatedly in her mouth.

Mai Xiaoyu whispered in her ear: "It's pretty and warped, and it feels good."

"What?" Zhao Liying laughed and tears came out. She didn't understand Mai Xiaoyu's words and looked up at him.

Mai Xiaoyu smirked, and suddenly exerted force in his hands. Zhao Liying jumped out of his arms as if he had been stepped on his tail, covering his hips with both hands, and scolded with a red face: "Rogue."

"Are you hinting at me?"

Mai Xiaoyu sat down, lit a cigarette, and said while still making gestures with one hand.


"Hey, you are coming to Dynasty, the theme of Dynasty tonight is ons. I won't take her away, can I take you away?"

"I don't know they are hosting an ons party."

"Then what do you want to do now, I still have one in my hand."

Mai Xiaoyu turned magically, and another condom appeared in his hand.

Zhao Liying snatched it over and pinched it to the ground: "Do you do this, are you worthy of Sister Tangtang?"

"She didn't say anything, you can manage to be quite wide."

Zhao Liying's eyes widened: "Are you dating Sister Tangtang really dating?"

"What do you think, Concubine?"

"No. You said, Yu Gong, you and Tangtang sister are the boss and artist; Yu Si, you and Tangtang sister are friends, good friends."

"Then you still ask?"

"But your private life can't be so messy. You found one last time, and this time you found another. It's a Korean woman... Korean women all have plastic surgery."

"I never touched you any time, why are you in a hurry?"

"Why didn't you touch it! Last time you...this time you...drink again!"

Said it was drinking, Zhao Liying just drank another bottle of beer with Mai Xiaoyu.

Counting the two bottles that Mai Xiaoyu drank before dancing, she only drank three bottles tonight, and then she took Mai Xiaoyu to leave.

Mai Xiaoyu pointed to the wine fruit plate on the table: "There is still so much wine."

"No more."

"No more? This is a lot of money, don't you feel bad?"

How could it not feel bad?

After Zhao Liying finished filming ", the pay she got was only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan!

Enduring the pain, Zhao Liying pulled up Mai Xiaoyu: "It's past nine o'clock, and the movie ticket I bought is for the ten o'clock show. If you don't go, you won't be able to keep up with the beginning."

Christmas is also one of the golden periods of the film industry. There are many new films released at the same time, as well as two Hollywood blockbusters.

Zhao Liying bought tickets for a domestic film because the leading actor in this domestic film is Huang Bo.

This movie is a commercial comedy film that Huang Bo took after winning the Golden Horse Award at the end of last year. It was specially arranged to be released on the Christmas schedule this year. The filming rate is not bad.

The two came to the theater, Zhao Liying bought popcorn and functional drinks, and walked into the theater.

Not to mention, the attendance is good, almost full. The movie is also okay, with a tight plot and lots of jokes. Huang Bo continued his classic little character performance, throwing out one bag after another from time to time, making the audience laugh.

It's just that the tickets that Zhao Liying bought are more interesting. They are not sitting next to each other, but in front and back rows.

Mai Xiaoyu sat in the row behind her, just behind her.

When the movie was over, the lights came on, and the audience left the theater one after another.

Zhao Liying looked back and found that Mai Xiaoyu was missing.

She didn't panic, but smiled happily.

After leaving the theater with the audience, she trot all the way to the parking lot and saw Mai Xiaoyu's Mercedes-Benz at a glance. There was soft music in the car, the window of the driver's seat was lowered, one arm was placed outside, there was a cigarette in his hand, and there were several cigarette butts on the ground.

"Why don't you wait for me?" Zhao Liying asked deliberately after getting in the car.

Mai Xiaoyu grinned: "Does the stewardess bring her uniform?"


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