The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 614: Want to marry Jon? He is not qualified!

Taiwan Island.

In the garden of a luxury villa.

After finishing Taijiquan, the chairman of Hailian Group, the old man Chen Jia, accompanied by his eldest son Chen Xiangdong, read today's newspaper while drinking morning tea.

Nearly 70 years old, he has entered the retirement stage. On weekdays, I practice Tai Chi, plant flowers and plants, and chat with old friends. The business of the group is gradually handed over to the CEO, Chen Xiangdong, who only grasps the general direction and gives guidance and suggestions at the macro-strategic level.

Sixty ears are smooth, seventy ancient rare.

People of his level, at this age, are very open to many things, fully embodying the chill of the word "earshun", and seldom get angry because of something.

But today, seeing the scandals about Chen Qiaoen and Huo Jianhua reported in some tabloids, he put down the newspaper in his hand and knocked three times on the reports about Chen Qiaoen's scandal.

This is his habit, and whenever he does this, it means dissatisfaction with something.

Chen Xiangdong knew the old man's habits and raised his head: "Dad?"

"Xiangdong, please contact the person in charge of these media as soon as possible. I don't want to see similar reports again..."

The power of capital is enormous.

That is to say, China is better. In developed countries that hold high the banner of democracy and chant slogans of democracy in the West, capital can control the direction of a country, but many people who eat melons are in the middle of the authorities.

With the energy of Hailian Group, it is not too easy to put an end to Chen Qiaoen's scandal.

Moreover, the scandal this time was entirely a chase, and the reports on Chen Qiaoen's scandal were all influential small media and marketing accounts, who wanted to take the opportunity to attract eyeball fans.

The truly powerful and influential media all know Chen Qiao'en's background and will never make a fuss about her scandal.

It's not that I'm afraid not to shoot, but it's worth it.

Is it worth it to offend Hailian Group for a scandal report?

Chen Xiangdong replied: "I know what to do. Dad, I heard that this TV series will be shot on the island, and Jon will come back with the crew at that time."

"Ha ha."

Old man Chen sipped his tea and laughed twice: "So I said, Mai Xiaoyu is a young man that is not easy."

"You mean, he deliberately asked Jon to return to the island to film, so that you can see Jon often?"

"Hehe." Old man Chen laughed again, "What is the name of the actor who filmed with Jon?"

"Allace, used to be an artist from Taiwan Island, later for some reason, went to the mainland to develop."

"Go and say hello to the media on the island, and let them stop making trouble. At least I don't want to hear the noisy sound of Jon coming back to star in this drama."

"I'll do it when I get to work... Dad, do you mean that he deliberately used our house this time? Then he has ulterior motives in signing Jon to favor?"

"Do you think he has any intentions?"

"Climb up to our Hailian Group."

"Yes, nor is it."

Chen Xiangdong didn't understand, and Old Man Chen continued: "I vaguely feel that he seems to be playing a game of chess..."

"Go, play chess?"

"Well, a big game of chess, I can't see through it at all, I can only feel it based on years of experience."

"Are you looking at him too highly? How old is he, and he is only the son of a mainland lawyer, and he is still practicing Sanda."

"Look up high?" The old man shook his head, "Xiang Dong, I only ask you one question. Why does he pretend to be crazy? He has a top-notch team, but he pretends to have multiple personalities. What is the purpose?"

"I think he was trying to deceive Jon and make Jon misunderstand that he is ill..."

Elder Chen didn't listen to the eldest son's analysis, he slowly closed his eyes, and sat on the rocking chair to shake gently.

Chen Xiangdong stopped talking, and sat quietly waiting.

Ten minutes later, the old man of the Chen family opened his eyes: "What has happened to him recently?"

"I heard that I am going to the United States to film."

"Oh, cute guys have entered Hollywood too?"

"No. It is said that it is a domestic film, all actors are selected from the United States, and the investment...tens of thousands of dollars."

Domestic film?

American casting?

Invest tens of thousands of dollars?

Old man Chen froze for a moment and sighed: "It's still the side door of the slanting front, but I never stumbled every time... Xiangdong, I asked you to investigate his information. Is there any new progress?"

"Not yet, only the ones that were found before. After he came out of the detention center, until the creation of Mengren Film and Television, the information was always blank. It was because I was at a disadvantage. I will urge the people below to find out as soon as possible."

"After checking it for so long, we don’t need to check it. As I said, he is not a simple young man. If you can hide it, it may be difficult for outsiders to find it. If you can’t find it, others are afraid the same No. By the way, what about his private life?"

"His private life should have been very chaotic for a period of time. It is hard to say whether it has changed now."

"Xiaoyou's conclusion?"


"How about Xiaoyou's temptation to him?"


"Failed?" Mr. Chen sipped his tea and savored it for a moment. "Is he really changed, or is he not satisfied with Xiaoyou?"

"I'm not sure. At the end of last year, he kissed Xiao You, took off Xiao You's clothes, and... left."

"Gone? He didn't touch Xiaoyou?"


Old man Chen: "..."

This routine is very fresh, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do it!

After thinking for a moment, Old Man Chen asked, "Did he notice something?"

"Probably not. That time, he strongly suggested that Xiaoyou go to "If You Are the One" as a guest commentator, saying that it was to protect her."

"It seems that he attaches great importance to his status as a'lunatic'. What do you think of Xiaoyou?"

Chen Xiangdong was silent for a long time, until the old man's eyes became a little unpleasant, he hesitated and said: "Xiaoyou analyzes that he has Jon in his heart, so Jon’s unilateral friends and girlfriends, he will not have any ideas, because There is a burden in my heart."

"Haha, hahaha, interesting, so interesting. When you turn back you contact Jon and tell her that when I have my 70th birthday this year, let her bring Mai Xiaoyu and Mai Xiaoyu, just say that I said it."

"Invite him?"

"No, bring him."


Chen Xiangdong's eyes widened.

"Bring" and "invite" represent two completely different meanings!

Don't think "invitation" sounds nice. If possible, Chen Xiangdong would rather "invite" rather than "bring".

"Dad, this is not appropriate, or else you think about it..."

"Why, are you questioning my decision?"

"The son doesn't dare. I just don't think his status is worthy of our family Jon. And I suspect that when he approached Jon, it was for this purpose."

Don't think that Mengren is developing rapidly. Mai Xiaoyu now has a net worth of more than one billion yuan.

In the eyes of the rich, even if Mai Xiaoyu is worth several billions, it is not worth it.

There is a nobleman in three generations, this is not a casual talk.

Meng people are rising too fast, and Mai Xiaoyu is a nouveau riche, without any background.

It's not good to say, just like the average Sanjin coal boss.

If you have money, we can cooperate, and we can do business together to make money, but getting are not qualified!

The idea of ​​righteousness has been passed down for thousands of years. Today, ordinary people still have this idea, let alone the rich?

It's okay to marry a wife, marry a daughter... a wealthy son-in-law is not so good!

Mr. Chen thought about it for a few minutes, then slowly nodded: "What you said makes sense. Put this one out in advance..."


Mai Xiaoyu didn't know that in Taiwan, more than 1,700 kilometers away, there are still people who are worried about their marriage and whether they are qualified to become a wealthy son-in-law.

He is preparing to fly to the United States with Zhang Xiaoquan to shoot the movie that is going to make a big deal-"This Man Comes From Earth"!

Shi Hao has almost prepared.

The cabin he requested, the furnishings in the house, the police car and the ambulance for props are ready; the mini crew has also been formed, only waiting for the director to be in place; the actors have also narrowed the scope through remote video, only waiting for him and Zhang Xiaoquan went over and decided on the final candidate.

Before leaving, he also had to make arrangements for Yanjing.

Ye Chu's Maiye Film and Television Special Effects Production Company is producing the post-production special effects of "Xian 3", which will have to be handed over to Li Hui.

The cartoon "Little Magic Fairy 2" has been produced, and CCTV Children's Channel has purchased the first broadcast rights and is scheduled to be broadcast during the winter vacation. Kaku TV and the children's science and education channels of various provinces and Taiwans can only broadcast the second round after the CCTV broadcast.

This has to be urged by Liu Junhao and Luo Xing so as not to delay the broadcast of the TV and Children Channel for some reason. When the time comes, other stores will bully customers, but it will affect the sales of the three cooperative film and television peripheral products.

Little magic fairy clothes are very expensive, okay, it is most suitable as a New Year gift for little girls!

In addition, the preparatory work of "Stewardess" and the training of stewardess etiquette by Tang Yan and Tong Liya on China Eastern Airlines, this must be watched by Sun Yaxing.

Because Li Hui led his team and joined Moeren in the form of a studio, Sun Yaxing, who wanted to sign a contract with Moeren, couldn't sit still.

His level and fame are far worse than Li Hui. Before taking the first cute drama, he was a director specializing in serving local tyrants and celebrities. The themes of the TV series are very mixed, and they are familiar with everything, but there is no specialization.

However, after cooperating for so many years, Mengren really needs his own TV drama director. Mai Xiaoyu did not refuse this time, and promised him to wait for "Stewardess" to be completed, and let him and his team join Mengren in the form of a studio.

There is also the second Moe Ren Annual Meeting this year.

At this annual meeting, Xiaoxing Xi was still filming his "Ten Thousand Thousands" in the East China Sea, and Mai Xiaoyu and Zhang Xiaoquan were filming "This Man Comes From Earth" in the United States. The Mengren big3 couldn't make it back, so Liu Xiaoli had to give full power to Liu Xiaoli. Responsible.

After the work has been accounted for, there are still some personal matters to be dealt with.

Like Liu Tao, there are two announcements from Yanjing, and I took a few days of rest to create a gentle town, and talk with Mai Yingxiong every night with rain and dew moisturizing love.

Zhao Liying and Liu Shishi are the two adorable newbies that Mai Xiaoyu values ​​most, and he pays attention to them in a special way.

When dealing with Zhao Liying, Mai Xiaoyu slapped up as always; when dealing with Liu Shi, Mai Xiaoyu played "Threat" again, and if he didn't perform well, he would change roles, making the two Mengxins unable to say a word.

The day before leaving, Qianqian and Shu Chang also rushed back to Yanjing to see them off.

They couldn't send Mai Xiaoyu to the airport, so they had to say goodbye at home.

Shu Chang pulled Mai Xiaoyu's sleeves: "Brother, you go to the U.S. to be careful. I heard that there is a serious gun proliferation in the U.S. If there is no need, don't fight casually and be careful of getting injured. If you must do it, then fight hard, but Qian Be careful they have guns."

Liu Xiaoli couldn't listen to these words, but Mai Xiaoyu listened smoothly. This was Dong Ping's younger sister, who rewarded her with a hug and a touch.

Cici asked next to him: "Brother, when will you finish?"

"If it goes well, it will be at the end of January. If you encounter problems, it may be until the beginning of February. In short, you will definitely be able to come back before the Spring Festival."

"That's right, I will also fly to the United States in late January to discuss the script with the director, scriptwriter, and other creative staff of "Kung Fu King". Then I will go to see you filming."

In addition to the two sisters who are not related by blood, there are also his father, Comrade Lao Mai, and stepmother Liu Xiaoli.

In fact, Mai Xiaoyu used to go out many times before and did not return to Yanjing for a long time, but it was not just before the Spring Festival. His family worried that he could not go home for the Spring Festival because of unexpected circumstances when he was making movies in the United States.

The Spring Festival is the most important festival of the year for every Chinese.

Zhang Xiaoquan must also explain that Shen Fei is now pregnant with his flesh and blood. Although he has only been pregnant for two or three months, he is also worried about and the two are preparing to get married. Seeing parents talking about marriage and marrying is something that cannot be delayed.

Everything about the company was settled. On January 9, 2007, Mai Xiaoyu, Zhang Xiaoquan and Mai Xiaoyu’s bodyguard Ke Haoyi took a flight to Los Angeles, preparing to film "This Man Comes From Earth".

Shi Hao arranged the hotel in advance and went to the airport to pick him up in person.

At the reception banquet, Shi Hao mentioned again that Mai Xiaoyu was planning to invest US$50,000 in this film, and he was very emotional.

"I still remember that when I saw you for the first time, you Mengren just started and invested two million yuan to shoot "I Believe." A few years later, Mengren became popular in the industry, but invested US$50,000 to make a movie. ...Tsk tusk, you can't go back more and more."

"Isn't that afraid of being regarded as a local tyrant."

"The local tyrant is always better than the local turtle, you are too picky."

"Well, I want to invest a billion in filming, but who would like to invest!"


"Well, one billion dollars."

I go……

Shi Hao took a breath and looked at Zhang Xiaoquan next to him.

Who wants Zhang Xiaoquan nodded seriously.

Although he doesn't know what the movie that Mai Xiaoyu has invested in one billion yuan is, he can tell the truth from Mai Xiaoyu's tone.

Shi Hao took a sip of wine and was shocked, then smiled bitterly, "Do you want to use "This Man From Earth" to attract investment?"

"In the future, it will attract more than investment... Hualong will also go to Cannes in May this year. I suggest you lead the team personally, and then let you watch the excitement..."

Mengren sublimation... Since "This Man Comes From Earth"!


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