The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 621: Blow your egg, the egg is the lord of the heavens and add more two/9

Three thirty in the afternoon.

The western mountains of Los Angeles.

Somewhere in the col, this man is from the Earth crew.

Since the start of the work, the crew has progressed fairly smoothly. The shooting is now over half of the time, and it should be completed before the end of January as scheduled.

But today, someone came to kick the scale.

In Christine's apartment some time ago, the Daniel brothers, who were defeated by Marc, brought their black cousin, Samuel, to take revenge.

After some inquiries, they finally learned that McDonald was taking the crew here to shoot, and Samuel was ready to do it.

Bring the Daniel brothers, and then summon a group of men, with steel pipes, iron chains, machetes, etc., ready to smash the crew, teach a lesson, and then blackmail. The Chinese are notoriously bully, and they are used to covering up their cowardice with tolerance and patience.

Yes, in the eyes of Samuel, the Chinese are cowardly, and this is also the common view of many blacks. So they like stealing, looting, and blackmailing Chinese traders the most.

The twenty-odd people, under the leadership of Samuel, rode high-power modified motorcycles and felt the crew quickly amidst the roar.

It's just that the script did not develop as they expected, and they were greeted not by begging for mercy and compensation, but by three guns.

Mai Ying is in the center, Zhang Xiaoquan is on the left, and Ke Haoyi is on the right, each with a black and shiny pistol, standing in a triangle position, pointing at more than twenty people, including brothers Samuel and Daniel.

The crew of the crew hides aside and watches from a distance.

They are here to work. Don't expect them to fight black people for the safety of the crew, even if there are black people among them.

It was Samuel who regretted it.



Daring to point a gun at the future king of the block

I knew I should have a gun!

He looked at Brother Daniel and asked angrily: "He is really a Chinese, isn't he a **** Korean?"

The Daniel brothers nodded vigorously: "I swear, he is definitely from China."

Chinese people

Samuel grinned, showing two rows of white teeth: "Cowardly Chinese, do you dare to shoot? We have more than 20 people, and you only have three guns."

Mai Ying smiled contemptuously: "You can try, and I will blow your head when the time comes. According to American law, if I beat you to death, you will die in vain, and your brothers will avenge you and fight for you to stay after you die. Compared with the next position, I think they can ulcerate the latter, what do you think?"

Samuel: ""

far away.

Cici and Li Xue sat in the car, looking at the situation ahead, with worried faces.

"What about Sister Xue, shall we call the police?"

Li Xue hesitated for a moment: "Now Mr. Mai controls the situation. If he wanted to call the police, he would have called the police. Don't worry, trust Mr. Mai."

"But there are so many people on the other side."

"In this way, I will call Brother Cheng Long and ask him what to do."

Cheng Long and Chen Ziqiang sat in another car.

After receiving Li Xue's call for help, Cheng Long's reply was only one word: Wait.

He followed Cici and Li Xuelai, a man from the Earth crew, half of the reason was curiosity, curious about what kind of movie this is.

In the past, Chinese-language films came to the United States to persuade them to be filmed. For example, the classic autumn fairy tales of the last century were filmed in the United States. But the main actors and most of the supporting actors in the play are all Chinese.

This is normal. Otherwise, how can it be called a Chinese film and how can it be screened in China?

You are an all-foreign cast, can domestic audiences buy it?

The other half of the reason was also curiosity, wondering whether McKen could really solve the trouble Cici encountered.

On the way here, he asked Chen Ziqiang to inquire about the situation of Mengren Film and Television, and what the news was.

Mengren Film and Television has a certain strength, and the senior level may also have background relationships. It has developed rapidly in recent years.

But this company is a weird thing. It’s a wolf. No one provokes him. It’s harmless to play with his own. It’s harmless to fight for humans and animals. But whoever provokes him can bite the opponent half to death, and he doesn’t follow the routine. Nor does it follow the rules of the game.

In a word: You can look far and cooperate, but you can't make friends. If you don't have to, it's best not to provoke it, because the cute boss is too crazy.

Cheng Long didn't understand when he first heard this comment, but now he has a deep understanding.

When he parked the car before, he could see that this is a common occurrence for local gangsters to blackmail the crew.

To his surprise, the three Chinese people actually carried guns and confronted each other. And he also learned from Li Xue's answer that he guessed that the Chinese man at the top of the triangle position and the frontmost was Mai Yu, the owner of Mengren Film and Television.

In danger, the boss himself rushes to the forefront

What kind of routine is this?

Is there such a play?

This is not a weird thing?

Isn't that crazy enough?

"Do you need someone to help them solve this?"

When Cheng Long hung up, the agent Chen Zhiqiang asked.

Cheng Long opened up the situation in Hollywood and has successfully established a foothold for many years. As China's international Kung Fu star, he is equivalent to China's business card, loved by many American movie fans, and has accumulated a wide range of contacts in the United States, knowing some important people.

Like the scene before him, he was able to find a correspondingly important person in Los Angeles to force the illegal group of blacks to retreat.

"Don't worry, just look at the situation." Cheng Longyi.

Chen Zhiqiang hesitated for a moment and reminded: "The one named Qianqian is actually quite ordinary; the agent named Li Xue is not as pretty as her sister Li Bingbing."

"What do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that the rumors are true, the cute boss is really crazy, and he actually held a gun to confront the other person in person."

"You talk too much, I have a sense of measure."

Cheng Long and Chen Zhiqiang were talking in the car, and Mai Xuan was also beeping constantly.

McDonald did not shoot, and Samuel did not dare to let his men do Hey, yellow-skinned monkey, have you ever shot, do you know what it's like to kill? Hold your gun tightly, my heart is scared to pee my pants, crying and going home to find my mother! "


Samuel's men burst into laughter.

"A group of inferior black ghosts, who don't even understand the basics of uniting the weak and resisting the strong, and discriminate against the yellow race. They deserve to be discriminated against by the whites for a lifetime!"

Malcolm's words severely stung the sore spots of Samuel and the others, and they all yelled at them. If it weren't for the pistols in the hands of the three men, I'm afraid they would have rushed over to fight.

Mai Xing rushed to them: "Are you black ghosts just beeping? You can come here if you are not afraid of death, I promise to blow his eggs!"

"If there is a kind you shoot at Lao Tzu, if you don't have a kind, roll back into your mother's stomach"

A black man with three nose rings on his nose strode over, cursing as he walked, and didn't put the guns in the hands of the three men in his eyes.

As the goods approached step by step, Zhang Xiaoquan began to tremble, Ke Haoyi's eyes were cold, and Samuel and the group were eager to try, ready to take action at any time.

When the black man with the three nose rings came to the front, Mai Ying started to do it first!

But seeing him holding a gun in his right hand, pulling a crosshead screwdriver from his waist with his left hand, and a screwdriver pierced the opponent's thigh.

Then, he pulled out the red-dyed screwdriver and kicked the opponent's crotch before the other party called out.


The black man with three nose rings fell to the ground, clutching his crotch in pain, and screamed like a pig.

McDonald stuck out his tongue, licked the blood on the screwdriver, and sipped it on Samuel's face: "His blood is stinky, where is your blood?"


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