The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 628: International version of Porcelain

Mai Cheng did not expect anything from himself, Cici and Dead Bunny could be like sisters, at least they were not diametrically opposed, Chris returned to Martin-Ma Er was talking to Cheng Long’s agent Chen Zhiqiang, drinking and making skewer mutual communication. net

In this way, Mai Ying has time to figure out how to make a small circle of Cheng Long tonight.

In his eyes, Cheng Long's biggest advantage is his influence in Hollywood, and he can be called the first person in China today. And he deliberately arranged for Cici to enter Hollywood, Cheng Long is a very good candidate to take advantage of the situation.

At the same time, he also had to guard against it so that Cici would not suffer.

Close your eyes, hold the skewers in one hand, and break the can in the other, and draw a circle on the can with your right index finger.

A few minutes later, Cici's voice came in her ear: "Brother, are you angry?"

"What is angry?" Mai Ying opened his eyes.

"Then you keep silent."

"I'm thinking about how to clean up the producer of the King of Kung Fu. Samuel, I have a business, are you interested in it?"

"As long as the price is right!"

Hearing that there is money to be made, Samuel abandons Cheng Long and brings someone to Mai Yin.

Mai Cheng beat Cici to Li Xue's side, and there were some things that she couldn't make her hear.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Xiaoquan knew that the show was about to start, so he leaned in and prepared to cooperate.

"Say Mike, what can we do to help you." Samuel was straightforward.

Mai Xing asked him to arrange a few people to be isolated on the periphery, so as not to let other people come close to eavesdropping, and then said: "My sister was bullied."

"Oh **** it, which **** that doesn't have eyes? Tell me, Samuel teaches him for you, and promises that he won't even recognize his mother."

"The producer, director, screenwriter, as well as the deputy director and actor of the Kung Fu King crew."

"King Fu, you Chinese people?"

"No, white people. Although the king of kung fu is invested by our China Film Company, the producer is American and white American."

"Oh**, five **** white ghosts! No problem, ten thousand dollars each, I promise they won't see tomorrow's sunrise in California."

Samuel's words were murderous, but McDonald would definitely not use such a method.

"Murder is against the law."


Samuel and his gang laughed loudly.

For them, breaking the law is no different from eating.

If they don't break the law, how can they get a foothold on the street?

Being a law-abiding American citizen will be laughed to death by colleagues.

"If I have a way to get you to beat them up and not violate the law, and the law will require them to apologize to you for compensation, what do you think?"

"It's impossible, but **** white ghosts, the **** law is to protect them!" Big Daniel questioned.

McDonald looked at Samuel and asked, "Do you believe it?"

Thinking of the various things that Malcolm showed in the afternoon, Samuel said solemnly: "Let's talk and listen."

Mai's routine is very simple, that is, let Samuel send black children or young girls, carry recording equipment with him, and provoke him in relatively secluded places such as parking lots.

Annoy the other party with the most vulgar and vicious words, forcing the other party to swear words or sentences that discriminate against black people such as "nigger" and "negro", and record them secretly.

The next step is simple.

Samuel, who was in ambush in the dark, brought people up and beat him violently. He could also take advantage of the chaos to steal valuables such as wallets, mobile phones, and watches from the other party.

Then use the audio recording just now to threaten to ask the other party to compensate for their mental losses, otherwise they will go to court to sue them for racial discrimination.

"For each recording, I will use one thousand dollars to buy it from you, how about it?"

This is the United States. The law must be biased between blacks and whites in favor of whites; and between Americans and Chinese, it must be biased in favor of Americans. Therefore, Mai Chenjiu can avoid direct action by himself, and hand it over to Samuel and his team, and it is the best policy for Americans to deal with American talents.

Samuel and the others were silent.

Zhang Xiaoquan couldn't understand English and didn't understand. He sat aside and lit his cigarette, smoking and secretly watching Cheng Long's movement not far away.

He knew that Mai Ying wanted to circle Cheng Long, but he didn't know Mai Ying's routine.

No one said a word for a while, and Mai Ying smiled and said, "Why, do you think my trick is too insidious?"

Little Daniel looked around, and said: "This, it seems to be a little less courageous, not in line with our style."

"Your style is to speak with your fists, but after so many years, has your situation changed? Isn't it still being discriminated against by whites? You have been discriminated against since birth. When you go to school, if you learn to abuse blacks more than whites, white students are very likely All transfers, am I wrong?"

That's right!

The reality is crueler than he said.

In the United States, blacks are disadvantaged in all aspects of schooling, medical treatment, and job hunting. Even the toys of filial sons, black children and white children are also very distinct.

This is not a question of whether there is money, but a deep-rooted concept of race.

Just like Mercedes-Benz has a car that is sought after by rich blacks and bought by a large number of rich blacks. As a result, the sales of that Mercedes-Benz is extremely poor because whites refuse to buy it.

Mai Ying is instigating, but it is also an objective fact, but his tone is more provocative.

So, there was a moment of silence again, and a small black man asked, "Is the recording useful? The law is born of a white ghost, and a lawsuit costs a lot of money."

"They are not ordinary white people, but members of the public. The entertainment industry has brought them fame and rich income. Unless they are willing to give up, they can only apologize to you."

Samuel moved.

Mai Xuan strikes while the iron is hot: "Samuel, don't you remember the punch I taught you, it's just a skill in fighting, but the effect is very good. You never lack imitation, what you lack is here."

He pointed to his head: "The combination of strength and wisdom, in the words of our Huaxia people, is called both civil and military, so that we can truly defeat our opponents and gain the benefits of Ruan Da."

"It's done!" Samuel slapped his face, "but I want fifty thousand dollars after it's done."

"Do you think I'm a silly beep? If you pack five apricot fish, you will need fifty thousand dollars to open your mouth?"

"Apricot fish? No, no, no, the producers and directors are very famous big people, each of them is 10,000 US dollars, and the price is very reasonable."

"Just a hammer! Martin, come here!" Mai Ying shouted.

He didn't want to stay among a group of black people.

"What's the matter?"

"I asked you to come over, you owe me an account."

"I don't think I owe you anything."

"Really? So how did Samuel know that I'm the owner of a film company and I'm still filming here?"

Brother Daniel started yelling.

"Mai, you are right, he told us!"

"He also instructed us to retaliate against you."

Mal cried without tears.

After the Daniel brothers were beaten, they took the initiative to retaliate, and asked him to understand the details of Mai Ying. He didn't want to get into trouble, so he told them about the identity of McDonald, the purpose of coming to the United States, and the crew he was in.

He was definitely not instigating the Daniel brothers to retaliate!

This is true, but at this moment it doesn't matter what the truth is, because Samuel and his gang have been caught in the "witchcraft" of Malcolm and have been included.

He stood up hesitantly, his legs seeming to be filled with lead.

Chris played with him and yelled: "Mak, you don't want to hurt Martin, do you?"

"Dead Bunny, I'm a pacifist lover. I just want to ask Ma Dusheng a few questions." McDuck paused, and then emphasized, "I want to know about the producers, directors, screenwriters and others of the King of Kung Fu. Details!"

What are the details of the producers, directors, screenwriters, etc. of The King of Kung Fu?

What does he want to do?

Here, Cheng Long sat up straight and looked at each other with Chen Zhiqiang.

Over there, Cici, Li Xue and other seven cute people showed excitement.

What else can I do? I'm definitely going to get ahead for Cici!

In the past, Huo Jiang, Mai Zi, and Tang Yan were bullied.

The one who was bullied this time was Cici, and Cici is Mai Chen’s sister

Those Yankees are dead!

Accompanied by Christine Ma, Cheng Long walked over with Chen Zhiqiang and members of the Cheng family out of concern for the crew of the King of Kung Fu.

Seeing this, Cici and Li Xue also wanted to take the cute person over, and Mai Ying waved at them, indicating that they didn't need to come.

Samuel's men came forward to stop them, and finally only let Martin, Christen Chenglong, and Chen Zhiqiang walk in, while the members of the Cheng family were stopped outside.

For this kind of business, the less people know, the better.

"Martin, ask you a few people"

Mai Ying got the job done and asked Ryan, one of the producers of the King of Kung Fu, director Robert, screenwriter John, and the actor and deputy director for information.

Madu is a senior agent who has worked in the industry for many years and knows a lot about the personnel of the entertainment industry.

According to the information he provided, Ryan is a producer who has only emerged in the past two years and has participated in the shooting of many films, including the production of outstanding films such as Land of the Dead, Degree and Passion 3, etc.

However, there are generally many Hollywood film producers, and the success of those excellent films is not the credit of a single producer. Like the King of Kung Fu, there are also several producers, Ryan is just one of them, not that important.

The director, Robert, was born as a film animator. After the transition, he mainly directed animation films, such as the Lion King and the Elf Mouse Little Brother. Since the director of the horror film Haunted Mansion in o3, no new works have been published until now.

The screenwriter John Fosker is just an ordinary screenwriter; the male protagonist is born, and he is only twenty years old, which is considered a potential newcomer; as for the deputy director, Ma, he has never heard of that person.

This is all within the expectation of Malcolm.

The prerequisite for fair cooperation is that the two sides have equal status.

The U.S. film industry dominates the world, while the Chinese film industry is mainly mixed domestically. This kind of partnership is established on this basis. How strong can you expect the production team in Hollywood?

If it is really a powerful production team, will it cooperate with Huaxia Filmmakers?

There are so many blockbusters in Hollywood!

After Ma was finished, Mai Xing said to Samuel: "Have you heard, can a person of this level be worth ten thousand dollars?"

"All right, five thousand per person."

"Too expensive. I still said that, you get the recordings, and I will buy them for one thousand dollars each."

"Ohno, this is too little!"

"A lot. You can get a lot from them, and more importantly, the methods I teach you. The methods are priceless, aren't they?"

Samuel thought about it for five minutes and gritted his teeth: "I have to admit that you successfully convinced me. I promised you, but I want a 3o% deposit."

"I will give you two thousand, 4o%!"

Maidang punished two thousand dollars and shot it in Samuel's hands.

"God bless you." Samuel complimented and accepted the money quickly, "Wait for my good news."

Chris was curious and asked, "Mai, what do you want to do?"

"Dead Bunny, your agent didn't tell you, isn't it a good thing to be too curious? Samuel, don't you ask these two white people to leave?"

In the United States, there is a clear distinction between black and white.

According to McKenz's strategy, the black group of Samuel intends to cheat the whites, and of course they can't let Christenma lose his way.

Big Daniel went into battle personally and unceremoniously "invited" the two to leave.

It's not only Christine who is curious, but also Cheng Long. He is one of the heroes of the king of kung fu, with the highest pay, and Mai Xing is set to deal with the crew. How could he not care?

Facing Cheng Long, Mai Heng was much more polite, and presented his plan in Chinese.

Hearing Cheng Long and Chen Zhiqiang looked at each other: too insidious.


Zhang Xiaoquan doesn't think so.

Like Cheng Long, he has just understood Mai Ying's routines, but he has a deep understanding of Mai Ying's routines.

Isn't this just moving the domestic Porcelain to the United States, and an upgraded version is coming!

First send old, weak, sick and disabled blacks into battle to provoke whites to insult themselves and speak racially discriminatory remarks in a more isolated or remote environment.

Then the strong black man took the recording and sang The white man had to submit to it because he had no witnesses. As for whether or not to beat the opponent, it depends on the situation, but seeing that they are so powerful and fierce, and they are pinched by the opponent, ordinary white people can only pinch their noses to admit it.

How is this different from domestic Porcelain?

The only difference is that the domestic contact with porcelain relies on the spirit and legal loopholes of Bilian, while the United States relies on the law, and the honest contact with porcelain——

In the United States, a democratic country, white people enjoy a natural advantage. They can discriminate against blacks in their hearts and privately, but they dare to discriminate against blacks publicly, the consequences are very serious!

This is a pit

Zhang Xiaoquan secretly smiled and glanced at Cheng Long.

Sure enough, Cheng Long could not sit still: "Mr. Mai, is it necessary to make trouble to this point?"

"Brother, you're too far-sighted, just call me Maizi." Mai Ying behaved very politely, "They are looking for things first, so they should have this report."

"I know their approach is a bit too much, but now is the time when filmmakers from China and the United States are working closely together. Doing so may affect the cooperation between the two sides."

"What cooperation has nothing to do with me, I only know that Cici is my sister, no matter who it is, as long as I dare to bully my sister, see if I don't kill him!"

This guy does things really reckless!

Cheng Long sighed and said the key to the problem; "I can understand and fully support your feeling of showing up for my sister. But have you ever thought that the crew plans to start in March, and your actions are likely to cause the crew to postpone."

"Postponed? Disbandment is good! We are all about to terminate the contract and file a lawsuit. Do you care about this?"


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