Mengren Commercial Plaza. net

Inside the box of a high-end coffee shop.

The coffee on the table was cold. Wang Chuhan and sister Wang Luodan were sitting together and chatting quietly.

"Sister, have you considered it carefully?"

"Well, I think clearly."

"Don't be impulsive, Mr. Mai said he would sign you. He won't make jokes about this kind of thing."

"I know, but"

Dangdang, a knock on the door sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Mai Yu pushed the door and said hello with a smile: "The two beauties are here."

"Mr. Mai."

"Mr. Mai."

Wang Chuhan and Wang Luodan stood up together and walked over.

"Don't stand with your sister in the future, she is much more beautiful than you." Mai Ying teased Wang Luodan first, and then stretched out his right hand, "Chu Han, it's been a long time."

"It's been a long time, Mr. Mai."

Wang Chuhan replied, instead of holding Mai Yu's hand, he stepped forward and gently embraced Mai Yu.

Mai Gu patted her on the shoulder: "Sorry, welcome home."

Last year, Wang Luodan told him that Wang Chuhan's situation was not very good. Without Shi Hao's support, she was in a difficult situation in Tiandi Film and Television.

Mai Ying told her at the time that after Wang Chuhan's contract expired this year, Moe Ren signed her, which was regarded as going home.

But Wang Chuhan didn't want to sign a contract.

"Chu Han, are you kidding me?"

"I am serious."

Mai Ying looked at Wang Chuhan in surprise, and then at Wang Luodan next to her.

Wang Luodan said helplessly: "Mr. Mai, please persuade my sister. I did not persuade her less during the New Year. My parents also persuaded her, she just couldn't listen."

Wang Chuhan is not unwilling to sign a contract with Moe, but wants to quit the entertainment circle!


Wang Chuhan smiled faintly: "I'm tired"

The water in the entertainment circle is extremely deep.

In order to compete for fame and fortune, intrigues are commonplace, and every seat may cause a case.

It can be as small as the standing position when taking a group photo, the ranking in the poster, the ranking in the publicity report, the number of seats at the event, and the number of seats at the event, as large as the headlines, the appearance, the role and so on. The battle of gunpowder.

Moe is no exception.

It's like attending an awards ceremony, the organizer dare to arrange the first-line stars of Moeren in the corners to try?

Voiceless and secular, disputes will cease for a while, if you can break fame and fortune, you are too empty to roam.

Unfortunately, since ancient times, few people have been able to see through the word "fame and fortune", let alone the vanity fair of the entertainment industry.

Unless the background is deep, the background is strong, and the backing is strong, it is difficult for artists to get rid of the instinct of chasing fame and fortune. Even if it was a white lotus flower before entering the industry, it would not be long before he was affected by the dyeing tank of the entertainment circle, and he would become a member of the fame and fortune-seeking team.

After Shi Hao was poached by Mai Yu, the people of his line would either follow him to join Hualong, or find another job, or be suppressed in Tiandi Film and Television.

Wang Chuhan belongs to the third category of people, who are suppressed in Tiandi Film and Television. She also refused all kinds of meals arranged by her agent, and her situation can be imagined.

It is said that people will grow with age, but in fact they grow with the increase of experience.

Over the past two years, Wang Chuhan has seen too many intrigues, has experienced too much suppression, is tired and exhausted, and he has no intention of showing up in the entertainment industry anymore. Even if Mai Cheng was willing to sign her, she didn't have that idea anymore.

"Mr. Mai, I'm tired, I'm really tired."

Wang Chuhan's tone is calm, and he clearly sees through the various conflicts of interest in the entertainment industry.

Mai Ying didn't force it, and patted the back of her hand: "Since you see it so thoroughly, I respect your decision."

"Ms. Mai!" Wang Luodan was a little anxious.

However, both Mai Xing and Wang Chuhan ignored her.

Mai Yin sipped his coffee and asked, "What are your plans in the future?"

"I want to open a yoga studio."

"Your level of yoga is very high?"

"Mr. Mai, my sister has practiced yoga for many years. Last year, she went to the fitness club as a part-time yoga instructor. She passed the yoga instructor certificate very early."

Mai Hou can't look down on so-called certificates, just like Mengren recruits and never looks at academic qualifications.

It doesn’t matter if they have low academic qualifications. If they can integrate into the company with a good character, the head of the department will suggest that they take the self-examination and come back with a diploma.

Yes, it is mixed.

"Seeing is believing, ears are fictitious. You have been busy filming for the past few years, and still have time to continue practicing yoga?"

"I haven't been very busy these two years."

Wang Chuhan smiled and said, got up and took off his jacket, revealing a tight thin sweater, drawing a graceful upper body.

After she warmed up briefly, when she continuously performed more than a dozen standard difficult yoga movements on the floor of the box, what appeared in front of Mai Yin was a graceful figure from top to bottom.

Women who practice yoga often have a good body.

Exquisite and unique, with all the convexities and concavities.

Mai Xing couldn't help but look at it, and lost his mind.

"Mr. Mai, my sister is not bad."

"Well, much better than you. If you can reach your sister's level, I will swear."

"You didn't spend too much effort on me."

"Why, do you want me to spend my energy on you?"

After being molested, Wang Luodan glared at him and said nothing.

Wang Chuhan returned to his seat, took the jacket handed over by his sister and put it on. He chuckled and said, "I'm so ugly, Mr. Mai."

"It's not ugly, it's much more beautiful than your sister. I regret it. I signed you back then, not your sister."

"Mr. Mai!"

"Mr. Mai, please stop teasing Dandan, I know you care about her. She told me that this year the company is going to adapt Mr. Mai's Du Lala promotion note and let her play'Du Lala'"

"Sister, why don't you play it together? Our sisters are in the same frame. Mr. Mai will definitely not object, right? Mr. Mai."

"No need Dandan, I really don't want to leave the entertainment circle. You have been in the company after graduation, with the protection of Mr. Mai, I don't know how dirty this circle is."


Wang Chuhan said the word Wang Luodan also understood how slim the chance of redemption was, and begged to look at Mai Chen.

However, Mai Xun said: "Don't open a yoga studio, too. Open a fitness club. It's in Building 2."

If an artist wants to maintain a good figure, fitness is a must, and cute people also pay more attention to this aspect.

Mai Heng still goes to the fitness club to practice Sanda when he has time. For example, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying are both cute and new. After signing the company, the training courses include fitness content. Including the evil horse Liya who was raised in a free range, Mai Xuan also asked her agent Zhao Chupeng to arrange targeted fitness training courses for her.

There are also cute employees, who stay up late and work overtime during busy work, and lack of exercise at irregular meals, all of which are ruining the body.

In the Mengren headquarters compound, a large fitness club is opened, where you can exercise at any time when you have time. It is not only good for the cute artists and employees, but also for the employees of Storm Technology and Wheat Leaf Special Effects.

These people are not code farmers, or work at desks in front of computers for a long time. They need fitness exercises most to avoid death from overwork.

As for Wang Chuhan, the boss, as soon as the fitness club opens, he can recruit many members, as well as celebrity members as a gimmick, which is also very good for her business.

The only problem is funding.

To serve celebrities and attract celebrities to apply for membership cards, fitness clubs must be professional and high-end. And this kind of fitness club, the funds that need to be invested are not just a surprise.

"Mr. Mai, this requires a lot of money," Wang Luodan asked hesitantly.

Mai Xuan looked at Wang Chuhan and smiled: "I pay the money, you pay the people, we divide the account four or six, I am four and you six, how about it?"


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