The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 644: No background + love jumping? = death? Adding...

Pei Pengbing's hatred for Mai Cheng was like a torrential river.

Ever since the boss of Aiman ​​Culture became the leader of Ning Shirong's dirty work, he has always wanted to take advantage of Ning Shirong's power to clean up the dead.

Ning Shirong's energy is not small, and he can mobilize a lot of resources. However, after such a long time, although it has caused a lot of trouble to Mai Yu, it has not hurt his muscles and bones at all!

This time the crew of the stewardess started up with a high profile, and after receiving Ning Shirong's instruction, he was ready to start the crew of the stewardess.

Don't be too troublesome, simple violence works best.

He contacted the local reporters and gangsters in the East China Sea, and planned to let the gangsters deliberately touch porcelain and quarrel with the crew when the crew was filming, which would affect the normal shooting of the crew and force the crew to beat people by pushing and shoving.

Then arrange for a large number of **** to attack and smash the crew to make things worse.

Then the reporter made a big report on the grounds that the crew of the flight attendant was beaten up, which aroused public attention, and then let the arranged reporters explode "inside stories"-the crew was rude and rude, assaulting "innocent passers-by" first, and relatives and friends of "passers-by" And the enthusiastic people who can't see it will anger the crew.

At that time, the crew of the flight attendants were beaten, the equipment was smashed, and the filming was delayed. The loss was not small.

The routine is too simple?

No technical content?

Only simple can be more rude and effective.

In the past, Ning Shirong played complicated games with Mai Ying. Which time did he win?

Moreover, after the incident, Ning Shirong acted first and used the media to occupy the commanding heights of public opinion and wield a moral stick to beat the crew of the flight attendants. Reprimand the poor quality of the crew members and the poor conduct of the actors. Do you think the people who eat melons believe it or not?

Don’t forget that there are also naval forces with rhythm!

Pei Pengbing was confident and slowly, thinking that this time he had a chance to win, but before he had time to do it, Ning Shirong was called to stop the fetus in time.

So he turned his gaze to the crew that was destined to love you.

"Fortunately for the surname Mai. Rong Shao, aren't they planning to shoot another TV series on Taiwan Island. Tai Island is very messy, it is more likely to cause conflict, and it can also make a fuss about the nature of the conflict."

This TV series, like the flight attendants, is also a cute drama, which is completely invested and filmed by the cute film and television.

Move the routine to the crew that is destined to love you, and the effect seems to be better.

Ning Shirong is absolutely capable of buying up several news media on Taiwan Island, and by then he can escalate the situation to the level of "the poor quality of the mainland crews, causing dissatisfaction among Taiwanese residents and causing serious conflicts."

Pei Pengbing became more excited as he spoke, but Ning Shirong didn't listen at all.

"Don't touch that crew either."


What else can it be because of?

Chen Qiaoen!

Taiwan Island is the base camp of Hailian Group!

Pei Pengbing's level was too low, and Ning Shirong didn't tell him.

However, Ning Shirong's silence had already conveyed a clear message to Pei Pengbing.

Pei Pengbing stayed silent for a moment, annoyed: "I'm not reconciled to let go of my grandson surnamed Mai. Rong Shao, last year's Tang Yan incident, because of him, made you passive."

Arch fire its effect.

Ning Shirong said with a sullen face: "I am in a passive state? Huh*What is the biggest mistake of Dao Malu?"

"What is it?"

"There is no background background, no background, but I love jumping too much. Like this time Feng Shaofeng was in a car accident, he actually wanted to provoke the relationship between the Feng family and us."

Since CCTV's news broadcast, without naming, affirmed that Mengren Film and Television had carried out the "Internet Civilization Language" and "Star Campus Charity Activities" activities, some bigwigs indeed suspected that there were people on the McDonald.

But the one who knows Mai Ying best is Ning Shirong, because he is Mai Ying's enemy, mortal enemy.

Ning Shirong knew very well that Mai Chan used to be a gangster and is now a nouveau riche at best, without the slightest upper-level foundation.

If there were really people above him, who really had such great energy, how could Ning Shirong easily get rid of his crimes back then?

He took the lead in attacking the public security organs and causing trouble, isn't he the best proof of his helplessness?

Now I return to Yenching to set up Moeren Film and Television. Facing Qingtian’s repeated suppression, I can only passively deal with it and never dare to take the initiative to counterattack. Could this be the performance of someone above?

Therefore, Ning Shirong concluded that there was no upper-level boss behind Mai Ying, and he was jumping around and tearing and forcing people, this is his own death!

Pei Pengbing's eyes rolled: "I understand. I'll go find a few reliable people and have a few more car accidents. Rong Shao, who do you think we should pack? Or just find someone to kill his grandson named Mai."

"Isn't it cheaper for him?" Ning Shirong Yinsi smiled, "I received the news two days ago that before the Spring Festival e-Loan Insurance had paid a sky-high endorsement fee and invited Hu Xu to serve as the image spokesperson, but Moe Ren rejected it."

East China Sea.

The First People's Hospital of Donghai City.

Senior cadre.

"Mr. Mai, my injury is almost healed, and the doctor said that I can be discharged from the hospital."

"What the doctor said is that it is basically fine, but it will take a few days to recuperate."

"I go back to the crew and take care of myself while filming, without delay."

"When you take care of your body, it will be too late to film in the film crew, right? Liying Liying?"

"Huh? Ah, yes."

"What is it, did you hear what I said to Shao Feng?"

Mai Xuan looked at Zhao Liying sullenly.

Among the flight attendants, Zhao Liying didn't have many scenes, and some of them played against Feng Shaofeng's opponents. Feng Shaofeng was injured, and some of her scenes could not be filmed.

Today, without her role, Mai Cheng specially brought her to the hospital to visit Feng Shaofeng.

Feng Shaofeng's recovery is very good. After nearly two weeks of treatment, his injury has basically improved. You can move freely, as long as you pay attention to protection to prevent secondary injuries.

On the contrary, it was Zhao Liying, and Mai Ying realized that this girl was really wrong and avoided herself.

Yesterday I asked her to come to visit Feng Shaofeng together. It took a lot of Today, I didn’t say a word on the way here, and even sat in the back row specially. no response.

After I got to the hospital, I was absent-minded. I talked and laughed when I chatted with Feng Shaofeng, but when I faced him

After staying in the department for a long time, he told Feng Shaofeng to feel at ease and not worry about returning to the crew, and Mai Cheng took Zhao Lilang away.

"Love Concubine"


On the way downstairs to the parking lot, Mai Ying teased her from time to time. Zhao Liying never picked up trouble and deliberately fell behind him.

It seems really related to that night.

Mai Ying had a judgment.

The two came to the parking lot of the hospital. Zhao Liying walked around from the front of the car to the back door of the car. It appeared that she planned to sit in the back row again, behind the co-pilot.

Mai Ying walked to the driver's seat, and just opened the door of the car, he suddenly squatted on the ground with a "ouch", clutching his stomach.

"What's wrong with you, Mr. Mai?"

Zhao Liying ran to him all the way, asking with concern.

Mai Xu smiled and stood up: "Aren't you ignoring me?"

"Are you okay?"

"The body is great, it's fragrant to eat."

Knowing that he was deceived, Zhao Liying was angry: "Aren't you afraid of becoming the sheep-herding baby in the wolf!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the back of the car.

Mai Ying knew it in his heart: "Stop, take the co-pilot."

Zhao Liying stopped and glanced back at him, sitting in the passenger seat with a puffed face.

Mai Ying got into the car and fastened his seat belt before he was about to tease Zhao Liying when his cell phone rang.

"Yu'er, have you watched today's news?"


Puqun: 557559073.

v group: 607682821.

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