The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 661: The style of jumping is the hall master zhaochupeng...

"Not only did she secretly return to China, she also joined forces with your son to design the immortals to jump over me. How do you think I should treat them?"

On the phone, Mai Ying's words made Tang Xiliang's hands and feet cold. net

When they were kicked out of Huaxia, the second generation of the Reds of the Maidong party made it very clear that they were not allowed to enter the land of Huaxia.

That's not a joke. After the Red Second Generation's sense of justice is bursting, it is very, often, but, afraid!

Now, Xieer secretly returns to the country without saying, but also seeks revenge from Mai Ying, the way of revenge is still the kind of inferior fairy dance.

The fairy jump is not useless, but the scorer.

For ordinary people, the fairy jump is useful.

But at the level of Mai Ying, you dare to play fairy jumping with him, he can make you steam!

"Mr. Mai, we have immigrated to the United States, why should you rush to kill her? She is still young. Just ask for how much money you want, and my son. If you dare to hurt them, even if I fight this old fate, I won't let you go. !"

"Another one who won't let me go. You are really a family, and the tunes are all the same. Tang, you have been a stable life for a long time, and you have been a dog for the Ning family. You plan to start counterattack from me, don’t you think? It’s safe to hide in the United States. Believe it or not, I will let you and the women go to bed, and then find the American gangster to destroy your family!"


Tang Xiliang was shocked by the sound of the cup falling and cracking on the phone.

He was not afraid of the last threat from Mai Cheng, but he was afraid that Mai Cheng would buckle his hat and said that he planned to seek revenge from those six!

Those six are the predators who really cannibalize people without spitting out bones!

"Absolutely not!" Tang Xiliang categorically denied, "Let's talk about it, how much money do you want to let my daughter go?"

"Dad, don't give him money, I don't believe what he dares to do to me!" Tang Xia suddenly rushed over and shouted: "Our family was miserable enough by him. We don't have much money left, so why should we return it to him? ?"

The 21-year-old flowers that grew up in the greenhouse have never experienced wind and rain, and still don’t understand the cruelty of reality.

She thought she was still the little princess of the Tang Dynasty, and Mai Cheng didn't dare to hurt her, but Tang Xiliang would not be so naive.

"Don't talk. Mr. Mai, I beg you"

"It's better to beg for yourself." Mai Ying took the stubbornly. "You did a good job in the Tang Dynasty, but you don't want to do it with good people. You go to the Ning family as a dog and want to bite me. So, can you blame me?"

"I know this is our own fault, and we didn't blame you." Tang Xiliang's posture was very low.

"You can't blame me. It was you who acted as a dog for the Ning family before biting me, and when something happened, I was abandoned by the Ning family as an abandoned son. I was surprised. Your daughter wanted me to take revenge on this matter. I really thought I was Is it best to pinch soft persimmons!"

"She is still young and ignorant, Mr. Mai, don't be familiar with her."

Tang Xia couldn't listen anymore: "Dad, why are you so afraid of him? The surnamed Mai, you also know that the Ning family dealt with you that time, why didn't you retaliate against them, but angered our family!"

"Because you are weak" and you dare to bite people indiscriminately, just like you did tonight, seeking your own death!"

"You are a coward who is bullying and afraid of hardship, you are not worthy of being a man!"

"I am hard or not, am I a man, I will let you feel it myself later."

The words and tone of Mai Xie Yinxie frightened Tang Xia, and also made Tang Xiliang and Tang Shi anxious.

"Mr. Mai, have something to say well"

If possible, Tang Xiliang would like to appear in front of Mai Yin immediately to protect her daughter.

However, he is not there, someone is there.

Tang Shi rushed to Mai Ying again, but was blocked by Ke Haoyi again.

The two changed their punches, and each stepped back three steps, regardless of the outcome.

Tang Shi knew that the other party was not weaker than himself, so he didn't dare to move, for fear that he might be irritated.

"Mr. Mai, we are wrong tonight, you let my sister go, I will do whatever you want."

"Old Tang, did you hear that? This is the son you threw out and didn't dare to recognize. Although your whole family despised him, even though he hates you, he still regards you as his relatives, and Juji does his best to protect him. you.

But what about you, have you ever regarded him as your relatives? Your daughter only wants to use him to find me revenge, and you only worry about your daughter, and never considered his safety. He is also surnamed Tang, your son, blood is thicker than water! "

When Tang Shi heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he looked at Mai Ying with complicated eyes.

There was a wave in Tang Xia's heart. He glanced at Mai Ying, and finally fell on Tang Shi, slightly apologetic.

Tang Xiliang was silent, and it took a long time for him to sigh on the phone: "Oh, I am sorry for their mother and son, but there are some things you don't understand."

"Isn't there something you don't understand? Isn't it that you are afraid of it? Now that you have fallen into this position, what is there to be terrible? Besides, if your Tang family wants to make a comeback, wouldn't it be okay for you to be popular?"

Make a comeback?


The style of painting is too big, right?

Tang Xia and Tang Shi looked at Mai Xu in amazement, Ke Haoyi's eyes fixed on Tang Shi, and Tang Xiliang suspiciously said, "What did you just say?"

"It's nothing, just see your son pleasing to the eye, and I would like to remind you a few words."

"Please tell me."

"I have a grudge against the Ning family, do you know?"

"A little bit of knowledge."

"Then I'll tell you three and four again. Ning Jia and I are as deep as the sea and cannot be resolved, so they have been aiming at me, and you are just one of the many cannon fodder they researched. The scale of Qingtian is huge, and I can't do him now. Can destroy all the cannon fodder they sent."


"Smart people are just shocking. But our cute people are also showing up, and the expansion is also very fast. You can use my character clearly. It is not the kind of person who sits and waits. So sooner or later I will have a battle with the Ning family. I live."


Is he dead and alive?

This seems to be a meaning.

Tang Xiliang thought that Mai Xuan was wrong, and didn't think too much: "Do you want me to help you deal with the Ning family?"

"Will you?" Mai Xing asked rhetorically, "If I were you, I would accumulate strength abroad, and wait until the final battle between me and the Ning family, and see the right time to enter the arena. It is not necessary to choose a side team, as long as I can get from it. Profit is enough. Do you think what I said makes sense?"

It definitely makes sense, the problem is

"Why are you telling me this? You are not afraid of me telling the Ning family?"

"You won't do that. Your foundation of hard work for many years was ruined, and you hate me, and you are very Ning family. It's just that the Ning family is so powerful that you can't afford to provoke it, so I hate it the most."

"Hehe, I don't hate anyone now, I just hate that I can't discipline myself, and I don't educate my younger generation well."

"You don't need to hint at me. I'm finished. It's up to you what to do. As for your son and daughter, you can leave. I won't embarrass them."

"Really, really?"

"What's the truth? You don't think I really want to beat your daughter, do you? Oh, I slept with her tonight, and your family will depend on me tomorrow. You must marry her to ~I have suffered so much."

Tang Xia: ""

Tang Shi""

Tang Xiliang: ""

The style of painting changed so fast that the Tang family couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all.

I thought that in the end a great price would have to be paid to get back the peace of a pair of children. As a result, Mai Ying didn’t mention any conditions, and instead underestimated two sentences, which made the ending with a black comedy effect.

Such a deep city.

Tang Xiliang sighed with emotion, and he hesitated for a while and offered to exchange cell phone numbers with Malcolm.

Tang Xia went to the bathroom to change her clothes and left with Tang Shi.

Before Tang Shi left, he said sincerely to Mai Ying: "Thank you."

Mai Yin waved his hand without raising his head, letting him get out of it quickly. However, after the Tang brothers and sisters left, he raised his head and smiled.

As he said to Liu Tao, he is very good at turning valuable enemies into friends.

Although the Tang family lost their foundation and was driven out of China, the Centipede died and was not stiff. Moreover, they were ruthlessly abandoned by the Ning family, and they also did not have a half-hearted impression of the Ning family. This former enemy was valuable.

When he starts to bury Qingtian, the more such friends, the better. The family cannot give charcoal in snow, but the possibility of icing on the cake is very high, especially when they have the opportunity to profit from it.

It is the nature of businessmen to chase benefits.

That night, Mai Ying slept soundly, but was woken up by the phone early in the morning.

On the phone, Zhang Xiaoquan yelled anxiously, "Yu'er, why didn't you answer the phone last night? Lao Xiu's X goods are back. You know that for more than a year, that **** X goods has blindly expanded to What point?

You didn't see the **** he took, and I never expected me to! I told you that if you watched what he took, you would want to beat him like I did."

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