The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 773: Fire, starting from the premiere

"Tingting, go shopping at **** square after work. There are discounts for activities today. I heard that there will be performances."

"No, I'll go home after I finish this work."

"It's only six o'clock, why are you going back so early?"

"Tonight's "Hit" premiered. After I went back to eat, it almost started. I starred Huo..."


"Heizi, come out for a drink."

"Don't go."

"I'll introduce some girls to you, will they come?"

"Uh...after ten o'clock."


""Hit" premieres tonight and ends at ten o'clock."

"Zhi, the girl I introduced to you is important, or is it important to watch TV series?"

"Girls are very important, TV dramas are also very important, my goddess starring, I heard that there is a bed scene in the first episode."


"Husband, I'm back, is the meal ready?"

"Wife, don't be angry if you tell you something."

"I don't care, I'm going to watch "Hit" tonight, you are not allowed to grab it with me."

"If you want to grab it, you don't have to grab it, the TV is broken."

"Then you don't hurry up and find someone to fix it?"

"It's so late, where can I find someone to fix it... Baby, don't be angry, or else, go to our mother to see it, we haven't been to see her for a long time."

"Then what are you waiting for, don't change your clothes and go quickly..."


"Fuck me, **** me, what are you going to do, why did you all come to our dormitory for dinner?"

"Hey, who made your dormitory have a TV."

"I'll go, I'll go to the cafeteria for a meal, but I didn't even have a place."

"The third child, I told you just now that I asked you to call back to eat. You don't want to listen. Look at them...Hey, remember to take the lunch away for dinner."


"Xiao Zhang, why haven't you packed the tableware?"

"Manager Wang, there are still dozens of students who haven't finished eating, that's not it."

"Which class is engaged in activities? Why are they all sitting together?"

"It seems to be waiting to watch a TV series. By the way, the manager, there are not enough drinks."

"Then prepare more, and use me to teach?"


In the first week of 2008, each satellite TV opened a new year drama week.

"Destined to Love You" aired a little later, in the second half of the week. In the first half of the week, many satellite TVs, including CCTV, released their own new year dramas.

After the baptism of the new year's big drama, this week's list is a little calm, and the drama is still rich and diverse, but the feeling of being people is lacking the feeling that makes people shine.

Even the two major rivals of "Hit", the costume idol drama exclusively broadcast by Mango TV and the four-star co-broadcast anti-Japanese war drama, performed mediocre in front of a set of CCTV's opening drama.

CCTV's new year dramas often use grand productions. The first this year is the 52 episodes of CCTV's new year drama that attracted the attention of the audience.

After going through the process of PK with dozens of works, "Crossing Guandong" was finally selected by CCTV. In addition to CCTV's optimistic view of the tenacious and independent theme in the play, it was also out of trust in the protagonist Li Youbin's acting skills.

At the beginning, the great success of "Bright Sword" starring Li Youbin gave CCTV the absolute confidence that "Li Yunlong" could shine the first sword in early 2008.

"Crossing Guandong" did not disappoint CCTV. After it was broadcast on January 2, 2008, it received rave reviews.

Due to the different ratings data networks used and the huge advantages of CCTV, provincial satellite TVs generally do not play with CCTV.

The national network adopted by CCTV has a data sample of 6000 households, of which the rural weight is 70.

70...There are many rural areas that cannot receive satellite TVs from other provinces. How can provincial satellite TVs play happily with CCTV?

The urban network data used by the provincial satellite TV has a sample population of more than 40,000 across the country, and the sample households are distributed in central cities across the country.

The data of the national network and the city network have their own uses. In view of the different consumption habits of the viewing group, the preferences of advertisers are also different.

The home appliance industry, the daily chemical industry, the food and beverage industry including beverages, and the automobile industry all like to advertise on CCTV. CCTV's "standard kings" in advertising bidding over the years are mostly from these industries.

However, many fashion brands prefer to refer to the ratings data of the city network, and then choose the first and second-tier provincial satellite TVs to invest in advertising campaigns for the middle class with strong spending power, white-collar elites, and young people with fashion concepts.

The audience for idol dramas is adolescents, young people, and those who have just entered the middle age with various idol dramas in recent years.

This part of the population is often the main consumer group, but also the target customer group and potential customer group of major fashion brands.

"Hit" is a cute drama, a youth idol drama jointly created by the entertainment circles on both sides of the mainland and Taiwan Island. It also has two powerful stars starring Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen, which are highly anticipated.

As early as after the "Meteor Garden" was broadcast, the gossip scandal between the two people flowed out and was strangled by the Chen family, but the people who eat melons talked about it.

This time the "Hit" publicity is okay. It is a conventional and orthodox path, but the four satellite TVs that have purchased the premiere rights are different.

I don’t know who it is or who is the first one. Anyway, it’s about "Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen's **** scene, exciting and love scene", "Chen Qiaoen's first kiss on the screen", "Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen may be in love because of the drama." Waiting for the news, quietly spread on the Internet.

Even if the Hailian Chen family wanted to interfere, they couldn't hold it down.

The possibility of Sijia TV is very high, so what? People have spent a lot of money to buy the rights to the first broadcast, and they hope to make money from the advertising revenue brought by the high ratings. Of course, the more attractive the publicity, the better.

Without fabricating "Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen's scandal", the fanfare hype is already quite professional.

I don't know when it started, the scandals of the male and female protagonists have become a regular means of TV drama hype. This gave birth to a new term-love during the propaganda period.

During the publicity period of the works, "unintentional" scandals flowed out, and both artists and works gained exposure and received a lot of publicity for free. Not only love, but also broken love, marriage, divorce, and the entertainment industry that needs to fight every minute can be used as a weight to make headlines.

The people who eat melons are not fools, and they have their own judgments if they are too many. But even if they think it's propaganda and hype, they still can't help but pay attention. The most frightening thing is that many people are stupidly confused about whether it is hype or not.

Some things you think are hype, but the result is true; some things, you think it is true, the result is hype.

In the years since Moeren was founded, it relied on its own brand, the appeal of the actors, and the quality of the plot itself, and never used this method to promote hype. It's just that among many big dramas this year, CCTV's "Crossing Guandong" put too much pressure on various satellite TVs.

Even Mango Satellite TV, which is used to beating CCTV, this year's opening drama, in terms of topicality, popularity, and praise, has been overwhelmed by "Crossing Guandong".

Finally, "Hit", a youth idol drama produced by Moeren, which combines mainland and Taiwanese actors, was launched.

Just after the first episode was broadcast, the mainland audience was frying.

Many people on the Internet denounce being deceived and denounce false propaganda.

"I rub, who said there was a **** scene in the first episode?"

"The first episode is over, where is the **** scene?"

"If you close the door, it's a **** scene?"

"Pants are all taken off, will you show me this?"

"I have watched the trailer. It seems that there are two versions, and the Taiwan version only has **** scenes."


Some viewers on Taiwan Island saw the discussion on the Internet and came out with a high-profile show superior.

"Who said there is no **** scene, Huo Jianhua is so manly, I love him to death."

"Chen Qiaoen's body is top-notch."

"Welfare, this is Chen Qiao'en's first kiss on the screen, and it's also her first passionate scene, right?"

"When I saw them rolling the sheets, I was excited."


"Are we talking about the same TV show?"

"Are you from Mars?"

"I remember that there are two versions of "Hit", the trailers are different, the mainland version and the Taiwan island version are different in editing."

"Really, I seriously protest against Mengren's discrimination against mainland audiences!"

Discrimination is a feather.

This time "Hit", a Taiwanese TV station also bought the exclusive premiere rights on the island, and it was broadcast at the same time as the four mainland TV stations, but it was two versions.

This is not because Mai Xiaoyu discriminates against mainland viewers, but because the two sides of the strait have different standards for TV dramas.

Like the beginning of the bed and drama part, the car accident part, the miscarriage plot, ons, unmarried first pregnancy, etc., the broadcast on Taiwan Island is no problem, but the mainland...put it this way, it is unsightly, too trivial, and will Teach bad friends.

Relevant plots and bridges were either deleted or reshot, and even the main plot was slightly changed.

Ons is true at the beginning of the Taiwanese version, it is true that the heroine is pregnant, and the miscarriage is true; the mainland version is a misunderstanding, the heroine is not pregnant at all, it was the previous hospital who treated a female patient with the same name as the heroine to The heroine got confused.

In order to pass the mainland review and "Hit" was broadcast smoothly, Moe had to do this. This was decided by Mai Xiaoyu early in the morning with the director, the leading actors and actresses.

There is no problem with the overall plot of the two versions. In terms of the plot direction, although the process has changed slightly, the general direction and ending are completely the same.

It’s just that viewers who watch the mainland version don’t have so many benefits.

However, do Taiwanese audiences really get benefits?

Some viewers on the southeast coast have something to say.

"Haha, I’m from Bamin, and I like the site of Bamin. My family can receive TV stations from Taiwan Island. The Taiwanese version is really different from the mainland version. As a man standing and peeing, I personally think that the Taiwanese version is good-looking ."

"Cut, we can also receive it in Southern Guangdong. I'm watching the Taiwan version of "Hit". Each episode of the Taiwan version is 60 minutes, but there are two episodes every night, and the progress of the mainland version is not much. Let me just say that I am a beauty and think that Taiwan The version looks good."

"As a TV glutton, I need to remind the brothers across the strait, do you really think those benefits are real?"

"Hehe, they don't understand after I said it, they knew it was a stand-in and a borrowed shot."

"The publicity now has no bottom line, so what did you say about Chen Qiaoen's first kiss on the screen? Is it funny!"


A TV series, two versions.

Audiences who watched the mainland version felt deceived, but still thought the mainland version was good-looking. Taiwanese viewers who can watch the Taiwanese version, tell the story about the Taiwanese version and network stickers, as well as the mainland viewers who can receive Taiwanese TV stations in the southeast coast. After watching the two versions, they think that the Taiwanese version is better, which instantly formed a topic.

At the end of the first three episodes, the mainland viewers who were following the show were very interested in asking where they could see the Taiwan version of "Hit".

Huaxia attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights and copyright protection. It is extremely difficult to find pirated TV series on the Internet. However, many big-name video websites, Storm Technology, have bought the exclusive network broadcasting rights of "Hit" at a high price.

Both the mainland version and the Taiwan version of the exclusive network broadcast rights were bought by Storm Technology. They will not be broadcast on Storm Video until a week later. It is now a trailer and extras.

Some viewers have watched the trailers and tidbits on Storm Video, but those who have not watched it now, after clicking on it, they find that, as stated on the Internet, "Hit" is divided into two versions, the mainland version and the Taiwan version.

Refer to the audience's message, the Taiwan version is slightly larger than the mainland version, and there is a real hammering **** scene in it!

As for Chen Qiao'en's kiss scenes, exciting and love scenes, they are all acting as stand-in actors... It doesn't matter, just satisfy the yy brain supplements of the people who eat melons!

At noon the next day, the ratings for the premiere of "Hit" were released, and Dolphin TV successfully won the top spot with the good reputation of "The world loves the world" and the accumulated TV series ratings during Wang Yunshi's reign!

With a ratings of 238 for the premiere of "Hit", Dolphin TV easily pulled Mango TV off the horse and became the champion of the same period!

On the national network, the ratings of "Hit" are far lower than that of "Crossing Guandong", but last night, the ratings of "Crossing Guandong" dropped significantly by a small step!

In addition, the popularity of "Hit" on the Internet continues to rise, and the topic level remains high, no less than "Crossing Guandong".

Especially young viewers pay more attention to "Hit", which has caused heated discussions on the Internet.

The topics discussed included actors, plots, character styles, and costume design. The most common issue was the gap between the mainland version and the Taiwan version.

"Where can I see the Taiwanese version?"

"I really want the stand stand version, we want the stand version!"

"Can't Storm Technology broadcast the Taiwanese version in advance?"

"Is Mengren controlled by Taiwan Island Funds, otherwise, why only the Taiwanese version has benefits?"

"If you don't know don't beep, beep, this is the case with the mainland censorship system."



Some people think it’s an exaggeration that only three episodes can cause such a sensation, is it cute or the TV station is looking for a navy.

A netizen’s remarks are very representative: You may have to watch a few episodes of other dramas to determine whether you like it or not. One episode of "Hit" is enough. Because of the normality of fairy tales and extreme dog blood of idol dramas, both are staged in the first episode.

After the broadcast of "Hit", Dolphin TV has steadily ranked first in the c50 city's simultaneous ratings, and no one can shake it. The other three satellite TVs are also rapidly improving their rankings.

The second half of the week passed quickly, and by the second week, the ratings of "Hit" on Dolphin TV had broken 3, and the ratings of the other three satellite TVs also stabilized at the beginning of 2, monopolizing the ranking of 2-4 in the same period.

Taiwan Island is even more fierce, directly setting new records for the average ratings and segment ratings of single episodes of idol dramas.

Hong Kong tvb said that it has purchased the copyright of "Hit", which will be broadcast during the Spring Festival this year.

In the beginning of 2008, "Fate to Love You" created by Moe Ren was upgraded to a super-phenomenal TV series, leading the viewing frenzy across the Taiwan Strait and the three places.

Even Storm Video has caught on, because the network broadcast rights of the Taiwan version of "Hit" are in their hands, and many mainland viewers are looking forward to it.

At this time, Mengren announced with a high profile that it plans to spend 55 million yuan, directed by Sun Yaxing, starring Huo Jianhua, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, Shu Chang and others, to create an 80-episode romantic idol drama "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family"!

As soon as the news came out, all the first-line TVs could not sit still...

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