The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 779: "Shameless" propaganda

The popular youth idol drama "Destined to Love You", which was popular across the mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, had a gratifying viewing effect after it was broadcast on the Internet. In just three days, it received millions of views.

Some users have never watched TV, such as college students, office workers, etc., and there is no TV in the dormitory and rented houses.

Some users have already watched it on TV, but it is different on the Internet. You can watch several episodes at once. You can also choose to fast forward, skip the episodes that you are not interested in, and focus on the episodes you like to watch.

What is uncomfortable is that the 75-second pre-posting time is too long, and the nightly updates can only be watched in advance by VIP members, otherwise they will have to wait 24 hours before they can be watched for free.

Fortunately, for the mainland version, it was shown on TV. It was played at night and during the day. After the first round of broadcast is over, the second round will be seamlessly connected.

But what about the Taiwanese version?

Except for some parts of the southeast coast, which can receive Taiwan Island TV, most of the mainland viewers can only watch it through the Internet!

And users who have seen the Taiwan version almost agree that the mainland version is pretty good, and the Taiwan version... is even better!

According to the information disclosed by Storm Media, on the night of the network premiere, Taiwan version members clicked more than 100,000. Currently, the two episodes of the Taiwan version of "Hit" updated every night have more than 200,000 clicks on a single episode.

In three days, do one or two hundred thousand users choose to recharge their membership?

Taking into account the past two years, relying on the reputation of Moe Ren drama, Storm Video has developed rapidly, accumulating a large number of users, and one or two hundred thousand recharged users seem to be fine.

In fact, there are not so many at all, it was after Mai Xiaoyu and Zhou Jun, the CEO of Storm Technology, asked someone to do it. Including millions of total hits, there is also moisture in it.

This is because Mai Xiaoyu, considering the current development status of video websites, did not dare to brush more and fly higher. The Internet TV series in Weird Dream can generate more than tens of billions of hits, and dogs are really dead.

It is the norm to find people on the Internet to click, click and follow fans.

Mai Xiaoyu remembers that the host of a variety show in Guaimeng has more than 90 million Weibo fans, and Nima has a population of only 1.5 billion.

In the video website circle, finding a professional company to get clicks is a kind of secret that is not a secret. But even if you click, it has to do with the quality of the film and television drama itself and its appeal to the audience.

If the audience doesn’t buy the bad movies, you won’t be able to smash them even if you get to the sky; but the movies and TV dramas that the audience likes to watch, the higher the ratings, can really attract real users. Because the vast majority of people are group animals, harbouring blind obedience.

Although the Internet hits of "Hit" are mixed with water, the media's effect on the network broadcast of "Hit" is almost all positive publicity reports.

"The hit broadcast of "Hit" spread from TV stations to the Internet, and hundreds of thousands of people use the Internet to watch it every day."

What else is "the number of hits exceeded one million within 24 hours of online broadcasting"; what "the Taiwan version of "Hit" is sought after"; what "passed the two editions of "Hit" and asked about the mainland TV series review system"; what "stormed the video again "Hit" storm"; what network broadcast boosted the ratings of "Hit" to a new high" and so on.

There are a lot of reports. I really can’t believe it. There are a lot of soft notices, with a wave of rhythm, and seeing the relevant news go viral, many media follow them to reprint the report.

However, there are facts in these reports.

With the broadcast of "Hit" on the Internet, the ratings of TV stations have not been affected and declined, but have made progress.

Because Storm Video’s "Hit" is slower than TV stations, and some users have not watched "Hit" before, and after seeing it on the Internet, they became interested in watching TV dramas.

Regarding Storm Media’s first paid membership system, there are also reports in the media, with different attitudes.

Some media believe that paid viewing of video sites is the general trend. After all, video sites are not charitable organizations, and they want to make a profit.

Some media believe that the current time for the video website industry to launch a paid membership system is not yet ripe, and Storm Media is likely to lose a large number of users and fall out of the industry's first echelon.

Netizens are not so polite, and the Internet is angry at Storm Video.

"The longest time for other people's ads is 60 seconds. Is 75 seconds not enough for yours?"

"The 75-second advertisement has already made a lot of money, so what kind of recharge members do you want to see first? Have you lost the money?"

"Seriously questioning the behavior of video websites forcing viewers to watch advertisements and depriving viewers of their right to choose is an infringement!"

Infringing on the rights of the nuns, co-authoring our video site should be a philanthropist, should you burn money so that you can watch it for free?

Haven't seen how many video websites, big and small, can't afford to burn money and go bankrupt in the past few years?

A number of well-known video sites in the first echelon have successively expressed their views on the paid membership system pioneered by Storm Media through their official WeChat accounts. "At the beginning of the rise, how many video sites are there; who knows how many years of burning money, wind and rain?" "Copyright costs, bandwidth costs, and labor costs, the three mountains are so heavy that they cannot bear the pain." "The internet bubble was still fresh in the memory of the last century. In the new millennium, when will video websites stop burning money?"

5Lenet: "Only when users, content providers and platforms benefit at the same time can the industry develop healthily."


5Lenet’s views have been recognized by some netizens on the Internet.

As a user, I like to watch for free, but if content providers and platforms continue to burn money, the final outcome can only be the demise of the video website industry. At that time, netizens no longer have free videos to watch, which is not good for anyone.

However, there are still many netizens who are accustomed to free that do not approve of it. During the debate, the video websites of the first group have expressed their opinions one after another, preparing to try out the paid membership system.

Actually, the first paid membership system launched by Storm Media, the effect is not good.

There are only a few tens of thousands of paid members, and more than 80% of users just bought a one-month membership with the minimum term just to watch "Hit".

Although the colleagues don't know the specific situation, they still guess the same. Considering that it takes a lot of time to convert free users and the development of paying habits, the large video websites of the first group decided to develop paying users as soon as possible.

The concept of paying users has long been in the future planning, but no one has taken the lead. This time, Storm Video takes the lead, and the effect is poor, but not all users are unacceptable.

Moreover, Storm Video currently only has one "Hit", which allows paying users to enjoy privileges and priority viewing. Other privileges are more reflected in skipping advertisements.

What if the number of TV shows that paying users can watch first increases?

What if you add movies and variety shows?

When the entire industry introduces a paid membership system, will users still have a choice?

This is of the same nature as TV stations inserting commercials in TV dramas.

The audience doesn't like it, but all TV stations do so, and the audience has to passively accept it.

Therefore, the paid membership system of video sites can be expected in the future, and the fancy is not to recharge a small amount of tens of dollars a year, but to cultivate the loyalty of users!

You can recharge your membership here, you can skip the ads, you can watch movies and TV series first, and you can enjoy more follow-up privileges. Why should you go to other video websites to watch movies and TV series?

That's right, just grab users!

One of the fundamentals of grabbing users is to grab the source of the film and grab the copyright. It is best to be exclusive and exclusive!

In the video website industry, an invisible war is about to start. This war will burn more money, and there will be more small and medium video websites facing bankruptcy and mergers and acquisitions. The entire video website industry will undergo a major reshuffle, which will also accelerate the development of the entire industry.

This storm, on the surface, was due to the fact that Storm Media took the lead in launching a paid membership system with the help of the two editions of "Hit"; in fact, the real behind the scenes is someone else.

In the tea house, looking at Mai Xiaoyu who was tasting tea in front of him, Zhou Jun, CEO of Storm Technology, sighed;

Mai Xiaoyu put down his tea cup, praised "good tea", and said with a smile: "I haven't waited that long, and you can't deny that this is the general trend of video sites in the future."

Zhou Jun would like to ask why Mai Xiaoyu is so sure about the development trend of future video websites.

It is not that the judgment is wrong, but that Mai Xiaoyu is a layman!

Just like when Li Yanggang, the president of Sunshine Real Estate, saw Mai Xiaoyu, he felt that he had made a decisive judgment on the real estate market, especially when the housing prices in the first-tier cities were going to be exhausted all the way.

In any industry, leading companies in a leading and dominant position will make a long-term plan for their industry.

But you are a layman!

Zhou Jun handed Mai Xiaoyu a cigarette, lit it, and asked: "Let's charge first, which may cause the loss of users. In fact, some users did say that they would uninstall the player after watching "Hit"."

“It’s okay, aren’t other companies preparing to launch a paid membership model? When most paid websites launch this model, the situation will be different. The next step that determines the development of video websites is the copyright issue, and the copyright price will also increase. It’s getting more expensive."

"No wonder you have been letting me buy online copyrights for the past two years."

"Yes, there is no one for me, and I am superior for others. When the copyright battle becomes the norm, it is time to enter the competition of online TV dramas and self-made dramas."

"Internet TV series? Self-made drama?" Zhou Jun didn't know much, ""Love Apartment"?"

""Love Apartment" is just one of them. Don’t forget, our Moeren’s members have more than 1,000 members, and their chances of getting on the TV screen are very small, but I can create more opportunities for them through the Internet. The Internet became popular and became a star."

Why does it sound mysterious?

Zhou Jun pondered for a moment, no longer thinking about this kind of ethereal topic, and said: "The publicity effect of "The Apartment of Love" is good, and it is broadcasted in the mode of "Hit"?"

"Why not?"

With the online broadcast of "Hit", "Love Apartment" with targeted placement of patch ads has also received widespread attention.

"Who is this woman, her **** are really big, she's so sexy!"

"She seems to be Liu Yan, and she has hosted several variety shows. At that time, she was quite pure and changed a lot, but I like it!"


"Wow, is this woman an actor? She's so beautiful, her lips are so beautiful, how have you seen it before?"

"She used to be a model from Xiangjiang, but she seemed to be signed by Moe Ren last year."


"Wow hahaha, squirt you to death with a sip of salt soda, do you want to be so funny! Whose beauty is this, no one wants me to take it away."

"I am a cute entertainer, can you get it away? Have you seen "Xiang 3", she played jacaranda in it, I always think she looks a bit like Yang Mi."


"This drama feels very interesting, the plot is very funny, and the actresses are also very beautiful. Why does the actor Zeng Xiaoxian always give me a sense of meanness? Is it my illusion?"

"I also think he was quite cheap when he said that'a good man is me, I'm Zeng Xiaoxian'. Especially when he raises his eyebrows, it's simply..."


The online audience of "Hit" and the audience of "Love Apartment" are very consistent.

The edited "Love Apartment" publicity highlights are humorous and funny. Both male and female protagonists have high looks. Actresses are either sexual or sexy, beautiful or cute. Actors may pretend to be cool, cheap, or cute, which fits a lot. The taste of young people.

Some users who have watched the "Love Apartment" ads will also spontaneously search the Internet for mini promotional videos shot by the seven protagonists of "Love Apartment". The number of clicks continues to increase. Comments... There are mixed reviews and scolding.

The media and the Internet are also propagating and reporting with the gimmick of "online TV drama". Known as "Love Apartment" is China's first online drama, and will open a new chapter in the "chronology of online drama" in 2008. I also said that more and more web dramas will be presented to the audience in the future, for the audience to choose, and to divert the ratings of TV stations.

This "shameless" propaganda method has attracted the attention of many netizens, and the navy has brought a wave of rhythms and controversies and discussions on the Internet.

On the publicity level of "Love Apartment", almost everything that cute people can do, I just used the actors and actresses and celebrities in the play to engage in publicity romances to promote, preparations Also fully ready.

Except for Storm Video to update the episodes in accordance with the "hit" model, other video sites get three months of free copyright for nothing.

However, other video sites have not yet launched a paid membership system, and only update two episodes per night, which is generally two episodes slower than Storm Video, which is considered a benefit for Storm Video members. After all, Storm Media paid the copyright fees.

In mid-January, the first round of "Hit" was over. The highest ratings were 4.18%, and the average ratings were 3.52%. It occupied the top spot in the ratings rankings for more than ten consecutive days, making Dolphin TV enjoy unlimited views.

And the time for the online premiere of "Love Apartment" is getting closer and closer.

Nearly nine o'clock in the evening, Mai Xiaoyu, Xiaoxing Xiaoxing and Zhou Jun were at the dinner table and once again finalized the details of the "Love Apartment" network broadcast, Mai Xiaoyu drove home.

On the way, he received a call from Chen Qiaoen.

"Liar, I'm back..."

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