The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 803: Is it propaganda? Still holding injustice?

With the coming of the new week, the ratings statistics agency once again emphasized its own professionalism, indicating that the ratings statistics during the rebroadcast period of "Running Man" have neither data pollution nor statistical errors, which has aroused many concerns in the industry.

The audience rating is a weather vane, not only a weapon used by TV stations to attract sponsors, pull advertisements, and increase prices, but also a reference basis for TV stations and film and television production companies.

The TV station will adjust the program broadcast according to the ratings of each program. If the ratings are too poor, the possibility of being cut is not ruled out; if the ratings are high, the introduction of this type of program can be increased.

Not to mention film and television production companies.

Why the first person to eat crabs is always easy to get attention, because many people are waiting to follow the trend, and follow the trend to make money, and the risk is still small.

The ratings for the first broadcast of "Running Man" were not good, but the ratings for the rebroadcast were too cool.

There are many related topics on the Internet, and the controversy is not small. The most controversial is to invite the 18-year-old Chinese weightlifting team Olympic champion Long Qingquan to the variety show. Nima set a precedent.

It's not that there are no Olympic champions in the entertainment industry, but they are all after retirement. Active athletes are still the first time. The result has caused a lot of controversy. Is it a direction for variety shows?

There are also Internet hits for "Running Man".

The online copyright of "Running Man" was exclusively bought out by Storm Video. The number of hits surged over the course of one weekend and two days, making everyone bad.

Industry insiders seriously question the cuteness of clicks.

Advertisers who pre-posted advertisements called Storm Video to say that you should not go too far, and we will never be taken advantage of.

Storm Video’s CEO Zhou Jun is not sure if he wants to increase the price of pre-posted ads.

But the problem is that Mai Xiaoyu didn't find someone to click; Blueberry Satellite TV couldn't click for Storm Video; and other companies had no reason to click for Mengren's variety show.

As for the topic of hype, Blueberry TV is waiting for a response from the ratings statistics agency and has not done anything yet.

Neither did Mai Xiaoyu.

On the one hand, he is waiting for a reply to determine the authenticity of the rebroadcast ratings; on the other hand, he also wants to judge whether "Running Man" is a success or a failure from the spontaneous discussion of netizens.

Now no one dares to say that "Running Man" is open. The media most reported that the first broadcast of "Running Man" was not well received. Everyone is waiting for the ratings data after the second episode is broadcast.

Regardless of whether Mengren has clicked on the Internet, and whether Blueberry Satellite TV finds professional marketing companies to hype the topic, the ratings of the second episode are the most real.

At this time, only Mai Xiaoyu was the most calm.

Through the performance of "Running Man" in the strange dream and the effect of two days on the weekend, he is 80% sure to determine the real effect of "Running Man".

Therefore, when the parties are still on the sidelines, he has free time to respond to the most controversial topics in the media and the Internet at noon on Monday through the official WeChat account.

"Talking about the Olympic champions on variety shows."

Inviting Olympic champions on variety shows was his idea, and the program group relies on the network resources of Blueberry TV to operate from it.

The National Sports Bureau also has concerns about this, so the Blueberry Satellite TV also encountered a lot of resistance during its operation and hit a wall many times. After many setbacks, the 18-year-old new Olympic champion Long Qingquan of the China weightlifting team was finally invited.

"China's weightlifting team is a world-class team, known as the dream team. Among them, the women's weightlifting team has long been in the world's hegemony. At this year's Yanjing Olympics, China's weightlifting team won 8 gold medals, becoming the second only to the single Olympic Games. The gymnastics team in China (9 gold medals) is the second team in the number of gold medals."

"These Olympic athletes have made great efforts and sweat on the road to win glory for the country. They are the most respectable people. Among them, some have succeeded, some have failed, but even the successful, except for a very small number of people, Who knows most people?"

"It is only during the Olympics that their names will be mentioned and remembered, but after the Olympics, how many people will care about who they are, what they are doing, how well they are living... …"

Mengrenguan's Weibo update is a long Weibo.

Weibo first strongly praises those athletes who are truly devoted to sports competitions. Where they are righteous, they are stars and should be known and remembered by the public, and should not become unknown heroes.

Then I changed the conversation and analyzed the reasons for the booming domestic entertainment industry and the popularity of art exams year by year, pointing out that more and more young people want to join the entertainment industry because of the beauty and fame brought by the entertainment industry.

"China is a populous country, but there is a big difference between the number of people who are willing to participate in sports and the number of people who want to be in the entertainment industry every year. Why? Only outstanding athletes are starred to ensure that outstanding athletes receive spiritual encouragement while increasing their material income. In order to encourage more and more people to take the initiative to devote themselves to sports, making China a real sports power and a sports power!"

In order to prove his point of view, Mai Xiaoyu specially used the American NBA basketball and the Japanese NPB baseball as examples.

NBA stars become stars. The performance and achievements of the stars on the court are directly linked to their own income, such as personal value, advertising expenses, and endorsement fees.

Every star in the NBA is a star. Through their own efforts, they have gained popularity, fame, and huge wealth, and successfully realized their self-worth. This inspires more Americans to devote themselves to basketball since childhood, and ultimately creates the dominance of the American men's basketball team.

"Lord of the Rings Russell, basketball emperor Chamberlain, Bird Bird, Magic Johnson, flying Jordan... these American basketball stars are more or less familiar to the Chinese; but the five consecutive Chinese women's volleyball players in the 1980s, After the new millennium, the women's volleyball team ZTE won the World Cup and Olympic Games champions. How many Chinese can remember and call their names?"

NPB is the Japanese professional baseball organization, and baseball is Japan's national ball. The income of Japanese baseball players is higher than that of Japanese football players, which makes the Japanese baseball team the No. 1 team in Asia and the top team in the world.

"Any sports, if it can't provide enough spiritual and material protection for the athletes involved in it, it will easily lack a sufficient mass base. How can we talk about development and the future?"

"There is no distinction between culture and sports. Entertainment stars have enriched the spiritual life of the public with their film and television works, won the favor of fans and advertisers, and have obtained rich material returns; while athletes have defended me in the sports arena through their own efforts. Yang Huaxia’s dignity and honor, why can’t they be stars, cannot have fans, cannot be favored by advertisers, and cannot get rich material returns!"

This time the Mengren official Weibo update was not at midnight, but at 12 noon, but as before, once again dropped a huge rock in the public opinion, causing waves of waves!

After the microblog was updated, it was quickly reprinted and reported by various media, causing huge controversy in public opinion.

Experts and professors from all parties, public knowledge experts expressed their opinions, some supported and some opposed.

Some experts believe that the sports industry that Mengren proposes to entertain the sports industry, which uses material returns to measure the glory of the country, is secularization, moral decay, and three vulgarities!

A professor jumped out to refute: You should not secretly change the concept. What Mengren proposes is the concept of pan-entertainment in the sports industry, not entertainment. As long as the scale and scale are controlled, the time is arranged reasonably to ensure that training is not affected, the advantages of developing the sports industry outweigh the disadvantages!

There are well-known critics of cute people: not only are they involved in the Olympics, they are also trying to drag the entire sports world into the water. Holding high the banner of benefiting sports athletes is actually to cover up the sinister intentions of propagating "Running Man". If things go on like this, the sports industry will be polluted by copper odor, and eventually the country will lose its country.

There is a well-known irony: The United States has done this again a long time ago, and the commercial value of sports stars has been greatly developed, but the status of the United States as a sports power is still unshakable.

The people who eat melons also insist on their own words, and their saliva is torn and forced.

"The entertainment industry is messy enough. Do you want to pollute the pure sports world?"

"The sports world is pure? You must have never watched China Football."

"The world is going downhill and the desire for things is going wild."

"Actors make so much money in filming and advertising, why can't athletes pay so much money?"

"It's a good thing, it's not to hype "Running Man", and I won't watch that mentally handicapped program even if I kill him."

"Don't think of yourself so importantly. Without you, the earth will turn around, and "Running Man" will still be watched. At least Mengren is the first to raise the issue of athletes' income!"


Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays... time passed day by day, public opinion became more and more lively, and countless media actively participated in it.

"After retiring to sell gold medals, the former world champion swears: starvation will not let children practice sports! 》

"Weightlifting champion becomes a bathing woman worker, don't let the champion cry and sweat. 》

"Former famous gymnastics street performer, what should we do? 》

"The former women's national football team retired early and would rather set up a stall than play football again. 》


Not all gold medal athletes are so downhearted after retirement. Many have properly arranged their jobs. However, there are omissions in their work, and some people still have a miserable life.

How many people can imagine that some of the gold medalists who shed tears in the past years will end up in such a desperate situation after retiring?

Many of them have long been forgotten by the public.

It was not until the broadcast of "Running Man" that the cute officials slightly picked their heads and the media concentrated their efforts to make this situation appear to the public.

The former world champion would rather starve to death than let his children practice sports. How sad is this?

Shouldn't it cause the public and relevant departments to think?

Mengren’s official Weibo account is very lively, and the number of likes, comments, and reposts continues to rise.

For tens of thousands of netizens' messages, Moeren's official Weibo only picked one message to reply.

Netizen: "Will you invite football stars?"

Mengren official micro: "Excuseme, is China football a sport?"

In this reply, the number of likes exceeded 100,000 on the same day and nearly one million in three days, which was widely circulated on the Internet.

There were also netizens who took screenshots and sent them to the China Football Association. The response.

How can you respond?

In 2008, China Football Association fell extremely fast. The horror of the battle lines, the continuous violence on and off the court in the China Super League, China Football has become a mess, and no one is willing to take over.

Fans criticized China Football Association; some clubs were dissatisfied with the simple, rude, and non-transparent alternative to procedures and order, and withdrew from the China Super League. Even CCTV blocked the China Football Super League, not only stopping the remaining rounds of the league. Even if it will continue to stop broadcasting in 2009, there is no clear statement.

In the face of cute ridicule, what can the China Football Association say?

October 15th, Wednesday.

The cute official made a big move again.

Not to update Weibo, but to be liked by the sports sector.

It is not the China Weightlifting Association, but the China Volleyball Association. Like the Weibo of "Talking about Olympic Champions on Variety Show" on the Weibo of Meng Renguan!

The Volleyball Association is a semi-official organization. From a certain perspective, it may represent the official attitude!

Since 2000, the China Women's Volleyball Team has started the arduous road to ZTE, and after reaching the top in 2003 and 2004, it has begun to show fatigue year by year.

In addition to praising Mengren's official Weibo, the Volleyball Association also posted a special article about the difficulties faced by China Volleyball.

"Recently I saw a Weibo that mentioned the old glory of the women's volleyball team. I was deeply touched.

"Yes, the women’s volleyball team has the best performance in China’s three major games, but our treatment is not as good as football and basketball. With this opportunity, I also call on the volleyball market to be more open and let more and more people pay attention to volleyball. Volleyball. Participate in volleyball and accumulate more reserve talents for the country. Only in this way can the future of volleyball in our country be guaranteed..."

The text is accompanied by pictures and texts, as well as data support, revealing the sad status quo of China's volleyball sport.

"The salary of a volleyball player for a year is not as good as the salary of certain basketball players and football players for a game."

"Because there are few people paying attention and not many audiences, sponsors are scarce and the competition venues are too simple."

"The volleyball league is not taken The naming makers have become a big problem. In some seasons, teams need to solve the problem of competition equipment by themselves."

"The number of registered volleyball players is only about 2,000, and there is a serious shortage of volleyball talents. If things go on like this, don't talk about how to develop Chinese volleyball and recreate glory. Survival is not easy."

This article is meant to excuse the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team for winning the third place in this year's Olympics, but it is also a statement of a serious fact.

This article of the Volleyball Association has further escalated the situation, and has greatly increased its attention, which has attracted attention from all aspects.

Some domestic sports brands expressed their intention to name the volleyball league, and some netizens called on the program group to invite women's volleyball girls to "Running Men", and the netizen "Hua Hua Fun" responded most directly.

"The reason is very real. Volleyball players don't have a high income and they are eating youthful meals. Several parents are willing to send their children to professional teams. At most, they can be specialties, judge the level of athletes, and get points for college entrance examinations."

In the hustle and bustle, another Friday arrived.

At nine ten in the evening, the second episode of "Running Man" officially aired...

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