The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 813: See also the official media statement.

In the last month of 2008, Mai Xiaoyu was not in Yanjing for the entire month.

At the beginning of the month, I decided to shoot a big movie in Hangzhou and the program team; then I went to Sanya with the crew to shoot; after finishing, I went to heavy post-production work.

The post-production work of a big movie is not only large, but also difficult.

In terms of post-editing alone, it is not a simple task to cut out the most exciting and funny 100 minutes from thousands of hours of material shot by more than 120 cameras.

Mai Xiaoyu participated in the post-production process and put forward his own opinions and suggestions on editing, subtitles and special effects, and soundtrack.

His identity, showing this attitude, made the show crew look at each other with admiration.

Sister Yu couldn't help but find some free time to ask him: "Are you so desperate for every movie and TV series of your cute people?"

"No. It's just two years since the company was founded and now."

Sister Yu can understand the desperate efforts at the beginning of the company's establishment, that is necessary. When the company gets bigger, the business is on track, and there are professionals responsible for all aspects, the boss does not need to devote himself to such specific details.

But why this time?

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "Because I am the director of this movie."

Sister Yu: "..."

She didn't really understand this sentence. According to her own way of understanding, she nodded and said: "No wonder your company has developed rapidly over the years. I have good news for you. Would you like to hear it?"

"Sister Yu, don't you tease me, I said..."


A plastic applause flew over in front of Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu smirked; "You say, you say, hehe."

Sister Yu didn't want to say anything, she turned around and left, leaving a sentence before she left: "God rewards your hard work, your hard work has been rewarded, and you can wait to see tomorrow's news."

The next day.

Xinhua News Agency Sports Channel publishes sports commentary:.

The article referred to "a popular outdoor reality show variety show nowadays", and proposed the concept of "sports pan-entertainment", and commented on the behavior of inviting sports stars to participate in the show.

As an introduction, the commentator launched an exploration of the development of China Sports, and clearly put forward the concept of sports pan-entertainment.

The article first takes He Kexin as an example.

He Kexin, the princess of uneven bars, won the gymnastics World Cup Milan by an absolute advantage, which attracted high attention from the public and aroused the cheers of the Chinese people.

At the same time, in the 20th Marseille Cup Gymnastics Invitational held in Marseille, France, the girls of the China Women's Gymnastics Team performed well and won first place in five events. Among them, He Kexin's national teammate Jiang Yuyuan won three individual gold medals in individual all-around, uneven bars and floor exercises with outstanding performance.

However, the China Women's Gymnastics Team participating in the Marseille Cup Gymnastics Invitational, and Jiang Yuyuan himself, are far from satisfactory in the domestic media and the public.


The current review raised questions but did not answer.

But readers understand, because He Kexin was there once, and the audience remembered her, liked her, and was deeply impressed by her!

Then the commentary took the US men's basketball as an example.

Although in world-class basketball games, the US men’s basketball team may also lose out, no one can deny the strength of the US men’s basketball team. The successful global commercial operation of the NBA has brought huge profits to NBA stars. Leading to the decline of the strength of the American men's basketball team.

A high-level domestic league, a sport with a broad mass base, is the strong foundation for this sport in the country.

"With the professionalization and socialization of sports, the current hot outdoor reality show has made the pan-entertainment of sports a thought-provoking issue..."

"Throughout the world's sports powers, the entertainment of sports often allows viewers to gain a sense of identity, which in turn has a positive effect on the popularization and promotion of sports. In this process, the commercial value of sports stars will also be further developed. , Making sports stars become real stars..."

"China’s traditional advantage projects are mostly unpopular in the international sports arena, and among the many world champions and Olympic champions of China, there is also a lack of real international sports stars. Sports entertainment is a win-win exploration for China Sports and the champions... "

Although this article is only a sports commentary on the sports section of Xinhua News Agency, the name of Xinhua News Agency is too big.

Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, and CCTV are known as the three official media. Their statements often represent a direction and play a role as a weather vane to some extent.

After the current review was published, it was immediately reprinted and reported by all mainstream media in China, which also attracted the attention of all parties in the country.

Sports pan-entertainment...

This is an affirmation of inviting sports stars on the show!

It goes without saying that various TV stations and variety show production companies have changed their minds. In addition to speeding up the production of outdoor reality shows, it has become possible to invite domestic world champions and Olympic champions to appear on the show, and even to build shows around these champions, without any worries.

The changes brought about by a variety show made the industry stunned.

But what is even more shocking is Mengren... to be precise, it is Mengren’s boss Mai Xiaoyu!

This is not the first time, the CCTV of a few years ago is still vivid!

Once is a coincidence, the second time can it be a coincidence?

Moe people film and television.

In the office, Liu Xiaoli held it in her arms, looked at Xiaoxing Xiaoxing and Zhang Xiaoquan in front of him, and asked: "You two will tell me the truth, what have you been doing in the past three years?"

The two of Xi Zhang glanced at each other.

"Sister Liu, we didn't do anything."

"Just traveling around, we also met him by accident."

"Hmph, do you believe this by yourself!" Liu Xiaoli slapped the table and pushed the newspaper in front of the two. "How do you explain this?"


Dolphin TV.

Hu Ping called Wang Yunshi's office.

"Wang Ju, have you read the Xinhua News Agency's sports review today?"

"Oh, just finished reading, is there something?"

"I want to ask, how much do you know about the adorable comrade Mai Xiaoyu?"

"I don't know much. I only know that this comrade, in addition to his outstanding abilities, also has the mind to help the world. I suggest you understand that six or seven years ago, director Yan of the original film purchase department in Taili was investigated. "


Sky Group.

Chairman Ning Zhiyuan said calmly: "Shirong, don't be cute for the time being."

"I have been busy with the group work this year, and I don't have time to pay attention to them."

"That's good. I don't care what plan you, put it aside for now. I don't know the opponent's details, it's a taboo."


Taiwan Island.

Inside the garden of Chen's Villa.

Chen Xiangdong poured a cup of hot tea for the old man of the Chen family and asked, "Father, have you read the Xinhua News Agency's sports review?"

The old man nodded slowly.

Chen Xiangdong asked again: "Father, this current review...I don't understand it a bit. Could it be that Mai Xiaoyu's background is not as simple as we understand?"

"I can't see through. It may be that in the early stage of reform and opening up, his daring to think and to innovate, which happened to fit certain policies of the upper echelon; or it may be that he really has a relationship with him. Don't forget, he was detained from detention. It’s still a mystery where I went and did in the three years since I came out."


Who says no one knows?

Liu Junhao knew very well, but he still couldn't see through Mai Xiaoyu.

Junhao Group.

Liu Junhao and Xue Jie are drinking tea.

"Ajie, have you contacted Mr. Mai yet?"

"I haven't, but he has contacted Jiajia several times."

"Oh? What did he contact Jiajia for?"

"Ask her about her studies. Jiajia is going to take the college entrance examination this year and is preparing to apply for art colleges. He repeatedly emphasized that as long as Jiajia is admitted to art colleges, Jiajia will be the protagonist."

"Hi...what's Jiajia's reaction?"

"I am very happy. I work hard every day, and I have changed many bad habits. Mr. Mai is really particular about his life. I thought he just said casually at the beginning. I didn't expect... Brother Hao, what do you want to say?"

Liu Junhao took a sip of tea, put down his tea cup and asked in a deep voice, "You know, before the establishment of Mengren, he cheated all over the country for three years. Do you think he had contact with the grandchild of a provincial or ministerial leader? And that leader is just like the situation in your family. And now, that leader has risen..."

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