The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 823: The temptation and temptation of super big cakes


There is no such statement in the "Company Law", only the term limited liability company and joint stock limited company.

However, after some companies have grown larger, they have implemented a diversified business strategy and established corresponding subsidiaries in multiple fields. Therefore, because of this "blood relationship" between the parent and subsidiary companies will form an enterprise group, which is quite similar to the group army in the military.

There is also the reason for the group company that is often said in the industry.

Any company that wants to become stronger and bigger requires diversified operations and group development.

It is like the giants and giants in the entertainment circle, business segmentation, layout of upstream and downstream, forming a complete industrial chain, and building their own media empire.

Upstream screenwriting, copyright resources, film and television data resources, artist resources; intermediate production, distribution, screening, marketing; downstream post-production, special effects rendering, derivatives, film and television bases, theme parks, game development, etc.

Regardless of upstream and downstream or intermediate links, a single company simply cannot support it.

Either the business segmentation and the establishment of corresponding subsidiaries; or the acquisition of corresponding companies can effectively manage all the links in the entire industry chain, create the entire industry chain of the film and television industry, and embark on the path of groupization to become bigger Be stronger.

Everyone, regardless of whether they are listed or not, is committed to perfecting the entire industry chain and has never stopped expanding.

The reason why Mengren is stuck on the threshold between the middle and the cheap is because the main business intermediate links, the upstream and downstream expansion is insufficient.

It's not that it doesn't expand, but it doesn't pay enough attention.

For example, controlling MLGB record company, investing in Storm Technology, investing in wheat leaf special effects, investing in derivatives development company, investing in Hualong Pictures, investing in blue sky real estate, etc., can all be regarded as upstream and downstream expansion, but the intensity and attention are obviously not enough.

Of course, this is also related to the lack of funds for the cute people. In fact, in addition to the controlling shareholder, there are many large shareholders and some small shareholders in any big, big, or even middle-class.

It is precisely because of the existence of these shareholders that they provide venture capital, financing, and strategic cooperation, coupled with bank loans, that can make the giants have sufficient funds to expand the upstream and downstream industrial chain, and ultimately build the entire industrial chain of the industry.



Resource sharing!

Let's join forces!

This is the norm in the business world, and there are many benefits. Although there may be friction in the course of business operations due to a certain decision-making policy, the network of interests is woven in this way.

Back then, why the six companies dared to force the Tang Dynasty hotel because the Tang Dynasty’s interest network was not wide enough, deep enough, or strong enough; while the Sky Group, the six companies did not want to easily tear each other out for the sake of Mai Xiaoyu.

The veteran Giant Sky Group has been listed for many years and has raised funds from the secondary market many times. The entire industry chain has long been established and is constantly being improved. The network of interests created cannot be underestimated.

Hundred-legged insects, die but not stiff!

Against Qingtian, he faced more than one Ning family, as well as many forces that had interest ties with the Qingtian Group.

"Maizi, when it comes to this, I'm going to be straightforward." Ye Xin, the only female, sorted out her thoughts, and whispered, "The grievances between your cute people and Qingtian are not a secret. These years Although Qingtian always makes things difficult for you, he has never directly suppressed it. Do you know why?"

In the past, it was Ning Zhiyuan who was not sure whether Mai Xiaoyu knew the truth, and did not want to be too proactive, so he always let Ning Shibin target cute people; after Ning Shirong came back, he wanted to practice with cute people and let Mai Xiaoyu become himself Stepping stones.

As a result, a Hualong film industry was forced out, and when Ning Zhiyuan was sure that Mai Xiaoyu had understood the truth and that Ning Shirong had a heartbroken killer, the adorable man was already full of wings, and there were six shareholders of Hualong Pictures as the backer.

And Moeren demonstrates powerful wealth creation value. Destroying Moeren is tantamount to breaking one of the six shareholders' financial avenues. The consequences of this Ning family cannot but carefully weigh.

"I know, you are not as simple as it seems on the surface. You have your own relationship and there are people on it. But the people on it are not easy to move, so in the end you have to rely on yourself."

"We don't know how much hatred you and the Ning family have, and it is impossible to help you deal with Qingtian. That might cause turbulence in the country's financial market, which no one wants to see."

"But we can help you, help your Mengren film and television group to achieve a qualitative leap. Five, three years, with your mind and means, plus our funds and help, complete the listing within three years, The Moeren Group will become a non-negligible existence in the entertainment industry, even Qingtian will not dare to provoke you for no reason."

In a nutshell, Qijia will not help Mengren deal with Qingtian, but it can help Mengren quickly expand. In three years, even if it can't develop into a giant-class existence in the entertainment industry, it is still a leader among the giants, and Sky Sky Group dare not act rashly.

There is no savior in the world. They are willing to help Mai Xiaoyu. The friendship is only a small part, and the main thing is interest.

The development of Mengren has long attracted the attention of domestic and foreign capital.

There have always been capitalists, venture capital funds, and angel investors who are interested in the hen that lays the golden egg back to Moe, and want to buy the controlling Moe at a high price or to subscribe for shares to participate in the Moe Ren at a high price.

This is not a force, but a rule of the capital market.

At different stages of the development and expansion of private enterprises, they will always encounter the temptation of the capital side and their own pressure.

Some are in the early stages of entrepreneurship, showing good potential value. They are favored by large companies and acquire all or most of the shares at a high price. The founders became rich once.

This is called the entrepreneurial myth.

Some are encountering funding bottlenecks in the development process, and large companies or venture capital funds in the relevant industry chain invest in shares to create a win-win situation.

This is called commercial cooperation.

Not to mention China's top 500 companies, even the world's top 500 companies, most of the controlling shareholders are not absolutely controlling.

For example, in the world-civilized Coca-Cola Company, the largest shareholder is less than 10%.

Or Vanke, one of the leaders in China's real estate industry, the largest shareholder accounts for only 20 to 30% of the shares.

In recent years, Mengren has been extremely profitable and focused on intermediate links. He is not keen on the layout of the upstream and downstream industrial chain, and has always been very rich in funds. However, Mai Xiaoyu's thoughts are extremely serious, and he resolutely refuses to let people get involved in Mengren's film and television.

Everyone has no chance but since last year, the situation has changed.

Moeren Films and Televisions has thrown out hundreds of millions of dollars for projects such as film and television dramas and variety shows. Since the second half of last year, Moeren’s funding pressure has increased sharply.

Don't think that big companies are so powerful. If the capital chain breaks, Coca-Cola will also collapse!

In this situation, Mai Xiaoyu suddenly changed from normal, no longer hiding behind the scenes as low-key as before, turning to a high-profile show, which can not but make people think about it.

The seven shareholders of Hualong Pictures have cooperated with Mengren for many years, knowing Mai Xiaoyu's ability and the value of Mengren, and he thinks it is the first time he wants to get close to the water. It can not only increase investment in the entertainment industry, but also enrich the diversified development of its own group industry and achieve greater returns on profits.

This is not to carve up cute people, but to really hope to inject capital.

Liu Junhao was worried that Mai Xiaoyu would be stubborn, so he persuaded with all his heart: "Mr. Mai, he owns a 6-inch cake, and shares a 20-inch multi-layer cake with everyone. Which is more beneficial to you?"

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