The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 830: Disregard the Lunar New Year files! For the lord of the blood sea £ fragrance add more

Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, and Tong Liya are the first and second females designated by Mai Xiaoyu, while Wang Luodan, Zhao Liying, and Yang Ying are three of them, but Mai Xiaoyu allows them to watch the script for themselves, and discuss with their agents and directors.

Comparing the two... This is the difference between the natural and the wild!

Wang Luodan sat down beside Mai Xiaoyu with a grievance on his face: "Mr. Mai, I have been with you for many years. You can't treat me like this."

Mai Xiaoyu is a little bit arrogant: "Dandan, are you acting like a baby with a fever?"

"The crying child has milk to eat."

Mai Xiaoyu was speechless, and pulled the short hair on Wang Luodan's forehead: "I don't know if my brain is the same as Tangtang? Remember to cover it with bangs in the future, otherwise it's too ugly."

"You are changing the subject."

"Oh." Mai Xiaoyu sighed, "didn't you just finished the filming in the second half of last year?"

, Is the urban youth inspirational drama produced by Xinbao Film and Television, with a relatively strong cast.

Because Mai Xiaoyu insists on starring Sun Honglei, and Sun Honglei is one of the male artists cultivated by Xinbao Film and Television. Last year, Xinbao Film and Television also invited the cute Wang Luodan to star in the female number two, which is regarded as a courtesy.

The network of relationships in the entertainment industry is sometimes established in this way. For those with integrity, select suitable actors on the premise of ensuring that the quality of the drama is not affected; for those without integrity, regardless of whether the actor matches the character or not, it is just two words-hard stuff.

"But the company's drama, I only acted in harmony."

"But you are all acting up." Mai Xiaoyu paused, "Actually, I want you to challenge the big screen. After it is released, Xi will direct the next film. I plan to let you play the heroine."

At this time, Wang Luodan was satisfied, Zhao Liying and Yang Ying puffed out their buns at the same time.

Mai Xiaoyu continued: "Little Tudou, you need to settle now. Just take advantage of the unabated heat, and take advantage of the fact that you can pick up a few more plays from outside to make some money for the company. In addition, you have not acted in costume dramas. I hope you can participate in this costume drama, but I remind you that this way you will be very tired."

"I'm not afraid of being tired. Where can I get the reward for not paying?"

"It's good if you can think so. This year you will settle down for a year. If your performance satisfies me, you will have a chance next year."

Finally, Yang Ying.

Yang Yingnen made her debut. After the expiration of the contract, she passed the stage and transformed into the film and television circle. With her successful appearance in the TV circle, it was the variety show that made her famous.

Her success has given her a firm foothold in the variety show industry. In addition to hosting two variety shows produced by Fiber Optic Media, her modeling career has achieved new breakthroughs.

Because of her image and temperament, and years of modeling experience, she actually has quite a lot of announcements, but she still wants to enter the showbiz circle.

But her acting skills have always been shortcomings. Since the second season is in preparation and the fixed host is unchanged, her free time is limited. It is impossible for the company to concentrate on training like Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying before their debut.

So Mai Xiaoyu’s suggestion is: start with the main match or take it slowly. Of course, with the hot broadcast, her popularity and commercial value have risen, and when an outside crew invites her to star in, Mai Xiaoyu will not object.

A dead friend is not a poor person. Mai Xiaoyu likes to use other people's crews to hone his own actors' acting skills.


The Spring Festival in 2009 has just passed, and a few days later it will be the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. The Chinese film industry has also entered the Valentine's Day schedule and will soon be released in China.

Originally, this "vampire version" was planned to be released on Valentine's Day on February 14.

However, considering that all primary and secondary schools in China start school after the 15th of the first month, the issuer has decided that it will be released nationwide on Friday, February 6, which is the twelfth of the first month, one week earlier than Valentine's Day.

In this way, it can catch up with the end of the middle school winter vacation, and it will be three days on weekends.

This is clearly aimed at the junior and senior high school students who are beginning to love themselves. Don't underestimate the spending power of this group. Some junior and high school students are even quite precocious, especially young women, who are the main force of this movie.

This is not sexual rhetoric, but an analysis of feedback based on the situation after the release in the United States.

At this time, the North American box office has exceeded 1.6 billion U.S. dollars, and the industry generally predicts that the North American box office is expected to exceed 200 million before the release. At the same time, many countries around the world have also been released one after another. According to rough statistics, the current global box office should be between 2.5 billion and 300 million.

Taking into account that there are still some countries that have not yet been released, and the North American box office is expected, this film produced by Hualong Pictures with an investment of 40 million, the global box office is expected to reach 400 million.

The knife saw the big tree!

Box office miracle!

Such high box office return expectations have made many American film companies regret, even if the box office took off at the same time, it has been accompanied by bad reputation and various harsh criticisms from film critics and audiences.


What film companies and investors want is the box office, and the American industry has never expected this film to hit the Oscars or international film festivals.

money, money, money!

Regardless of word of mouth, for all film companies at home and abroad, making money is the last word!

According to statistics from professional organizations in the United States, this vampire movie, a mix and match of two young actors who are not well-known enough, has fascinated little girls under the age of 25.

According to statistics in North America, about 80% of the audiences who come to the theater to buy tickets and watch movies are female audiences, among which female audiences under the age of 25 account for about 60%.

This phenomenon is especially obvious in imdb's scoring.

Among them, the male audience scored an average of 39 points, and the female audience scored an average of 74 points; among the audience under the age of 18, boys scored 35 points and girls scored 87 points.

In fact, in the original novels, female readers account for a huge proportion.

Because this book is a "Qiong Yao novel" written for foreign little girls-boys or adults, who would believe that an ordinary girl is in love with a handsome vampire and a handsome werewolf at the same time?

Therefore, when the film is about to be released in China, even if there are many negative reports in the domestic media, it is said that "the box office of the fire, the story of the water", "controversial in the United States", "the movie itself is far less attractive than the box office." Wait, but on February 6th, in front of the theater where the film was shown, young girls and some girls' boyfriends could be seen everywhere.

Some girls do not seem to be very old, they should be middle school students.

There are two peaks in the domestic box office performance.

One is the first weekend three days before the fifteenth of the first month, and the other is around Valentine's Day on February 14.

Although the domestic reputation has also been polarized, it is better than that in the United States.

Well, this is not the point, and Mai Xiaoyu did not expect domestic audiences to be able to blow things up.

The point is that at the end of February, the box office of the three-week release exceeded 100 million, and the big movie that has just been released, with a total box office of 2.2 billion, is proud of the 2009 film festival!

One Lunar New Year file, two movies, more than three billion yuan...Mom sells batches!

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