The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 834: It’s been a long time since I dig pits, I wish you all a happy 51

The bright moon hangs high, and the moon stars are scarce. ?

The deep night, the caressing wind, filled with the breath of early spring.

In the apartment, Tang Yantuan sits on the head of the bed, bending her arms around her knees, resting her chin on her knees, staring blankly at the bedside table.

There is a tray on the bedside table. There are two cups in the tray, one is a cup and the other is also a cup.

It's just that one cup is empty, and the other cup is still full of milk, and the milk in it is already empty.


Mai Xiaoyu was driving home on the way.

The rice phone rang just now, and it was from Shi Hao.

Due to the time difference, there was only about 7 o'clock in the morning in Los Angeles, and Shi Hao called you so early. Obviously there was something important.

The fact is indeed the case.

After answering the phone, Shi Hao brought him good news-Ning Shirong finally couldn't help but was about to kill him.

To be honest, last year he created the illusion that Mengren’s funds are tight and the capital chain is very likely to be broken, and through Zhang Ruilin’s mouth, lured Ning Shirong into the set, creating sufficient time for Mengren to hoard ammunition.

And this year, after the Spring Festival, he was waiting for Ning Shirong's "wake up", waiting for Ning Shirong to kill himself, and waiting for this golden opportunity.

It's really a good opportunity!

The car stopped at the crossroads, and when he waited for the red light, he put on the Bluetooth headset and dialed the mobile phone of Mr. Yang of Xiangjiang.

The phone rang a lot before it was connected. Amidst the faint noise mixed with music, it could be judged that Young Master Yang was attending a business reception or party.

"Mr. Mai? Why do you think of calling me at this time?"

"I miss you."

"Hahaha, if you like this tune, come to Xiangjiang and I will make arrangements for you. You will be satisfied with everything that is available for you."

"I won't be blessed with this, I'm still insensitive. Is it convenient to talk?"

"You wait a moment."

The green light was on, Mai Xiaoyu moved the car, and Young Master Yang also came to a secluded place.

"What's the matter?"

"I want to go to Xiangjiang. See if there is any suitable excuse to invite me over."

"Formal invitation?"

"Yes, a formal invitation."

"This is easy. Two days later, it will be the Hong Kong Film Directors' Annual Party and Annual Awards Ceremony. Is this formal enough?"

"Can you make it?"

"Small case, I'll say hello to the president of this session later, and let the organizing committee give you an invitation letter tomorrow. If you are willing to come, some people will be happy, who doesn't know that your cute people are rich and rich now, haha !"

"Uh, I may not be able to attend."

"What's the meaning?"

"There is still something to trouble you, help me arrange a gunman..."

Mai Xiaoyu slowed down and described in detail the help he needed.

His request is very simple. For Young Master of the Emperor, it was a matter of raising his hand.

But after listening, Young Master Yang on the other end of the phone looked dumbfounded.

"What kind of routine is this, fresh!"

"The situation is not as good as the others, so I have to act first to be stronger."

"Qing Tianning family?" Young Master Yang responded quickly, "Yes, you don't have a backer. What happened? No one will avenge you. Don't expect the police. They are pressing at best. Throw a scapegoat and you can deal with it. But if you make someone good or bad, a big family will never let you go. You can't hold it together in black and white."

"That's the truth."

"So, it's not enough to have money these years. Whenever you can hand over all of it to the national treasury to enrich the country and contribute to the country. How are you thinking about the share swap plan I mentioned earlier?"

"If I tell you that there is a plan that is more profitable than a share swap, would you be interested?"

"Oh? You don’t want to swallow Qingtian, do you? Don’t blame me for not reminding you that Qingtian’s water is very deep, and the Qingtian you are now in contact with is just the tip of the iceberg. When it is necessary, you will find that your opponent is very Many, and each family has its own heritage."

"So they don't dare to directly attack Moeren, because we Moeren also represent the interests of many people, don't they?"

"Haha, this is true. The Hualong Pictures you are leading is a bad game. I want to play it. It's a pity that I don't have a chance and I am not allowed to do that. Think twice."

"Thank you for reminding me, I know in my heart that I will definitely have the opportunity to make a lot of money together in the future..."


The next morning, Moeren received an invitation letter from the Xiangjiang Film Director's Association.

What puzzled Mengren's senior management was that the target of the invitation was not Mengren's great director Xi Xiaoxing, nor was it the new director Zhang Xiaoquan who transformed the best figure of Golden Horse, but the boss Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't want to explain too much.

He first called the Xiangjiang Film Directors' Association and told them that he would attend as scheduled; then asked Yu Ping to book two air tickets to Xiangjiang the day after tomorrow; then he told Ke Haoyi to pack up and accompany him to Xiangjiang the day after tomorrow.

"Boss, why would the director of Xiangjiang Film suddenly invite you to their dinner and awards ceremony?" Xiaoxing Xi was very curious.

"You are still in the mood to care about my business? How are you preparing?"

"The version is all set, and the registration for the Cannes Film Festival is also approved. At that time, shall we bring the version or the English version to participate?"


"I have another question, why not sign up for the competition unit? I can find a professional recommendation."

"It's a science fiction movie. The Cannes Film Festival is about human nature, not good science fiction. This film I am going to participate in next year’s Oscars to compete for the best foreign language film, and it’s in operation. The key now is that after the domestic release this summer, How much box office can I get? The higher the box office, the more helpful it is to get the only spot in the mainland."

"I understand. I will contact the company more. I heard that the competition will be fierce this summer."

"One more thing, the two web drama directors I want, you hurry up and choose..."


In the past two days, Mai Xiaoyu arranged his work, and then flew to Xiangjiang with Ke Haoyi.

When the two arrived at Xiangjiang, there were still three days before the banquet and awards ceremony of the Xiangjiang Film Directors' Conference, and there was enough time to dig the hole.

After six o'clock in the afternoon, when he walked out of Xiangjiang International Airport, Mr. Yang sent someone to pick him up, booked the hotel for him, and specially arranged a wonderful reception banquet.

At the banquet, Yingying and Yanyan accompany each other.

There are young and young artists from Xiangjiang who have just made their debut, as well as celebrities who have made their debut in the past few years, and mature female stars who are very well maintained and charming. All of them were exposed in their clothes, and there were endless jokes during the dinner, and then the opportunity to toast and sing k was rubbing on Mai Xiaoyu's body.

Young Master Yang's meaning is already obvious. Pick any beauties with different tastes. If Mai Xiaoyu has his own, it will be no problem to take away a dozen beauties.

There is no need to shirk this kind of kindness, and Mai Xiaoyu is also very happy to play. At two o'clock in the morning, when Young Master arranged for someone to take him back to the hotel, he took two beauties with him.

Only when they were separated, Young Master Yang said intentionally or unintentionally: "The night view of Causeway Bay is very unique. Since it's here, don't forget to go tomorrow night."

When Mai Xiaoyu woke up the next day, it was already three shots of the sun.

Flew with two beauties for more than an hour before leaving the hotel. As for the two beauties, he is not responsible, they are used by Young Master Yang to entertain him, and the tangible and intangible rewards are also to go to Young Master Yang.

It's not just a matter of talking about the wealthy and drunk fans. For this class, beautiful women are often just a commodity, even the glamorous celebrities are no exception. This is the practice of various countries, as early as the age when Marilyn Monroe became popular.

After washing, and kissing the two beauties goodbye, Mai Xiaoyu called Ke Haoyi to go shopping with him.

The car and the driver were arranged by Young Master, waiting outside the hotel, and the hospitality was not thoughtless.

After shopping for an afternoon, I tasted the local delicacies of Xiangjiang, and bought some souvenirs to put in the car. After night fell, Mai Xiaoyu came to Causeway Bay.

Causeway Bay is located to the west of the central north shore of Hong Kong Island and is the main commercial and entertainment center of Hong Kong. There are many large department stores and large shopping malls in the area. It is known as the second most expensive area in the world to rent, second only to Fifth Avenue in New York, USA.

This is the famous shopping, entertainment, and food center of Hong Kong. It is a shopping hotspot for women, and it is also one of the places not to be missed by mainland tourists when visiting Hong Kong.

As night falls, the lights are on, and the neon lights of Causeway Bay lined with tall buildings are shining. Looking around, you can see people from the Mainland who come to Hong Kong for shopping, traveling with friends or families.

Bright and colorful neon lights, dazzling window displays, and fragrant street snacks, with the gentle evening breeze, make the night intoxicating.

The car had been parked in a parking space on the side of the road, the driver squatted on the side of the road eating egg waffles, and Mai Xiaoyu wandered around in Causeway Bay at night. Ke Haoyi followed him closely, fulfilling his duties as a bodyguard, and at the same time secretly curious, why does Mr. Mai always like to go down the alleys?

There was another dim alley in front of him. Mai Xiaoyu was about to turn in, but heard a familiar voice behind him: "Ms. Mai?"

When Mai Xiaoyu and Ke Haoyi turned around, they saw the little swindler selling fish and Miao Ruoyi holding hands and standing in front of a cosmetics store, carrying several large bags in their hands. It seemed that they had just come out of the cosmetics store.

"Mr. Mai, is it really you?"

Seeing Mai Xiaoyu clearly, the hands of Xiaoyu and Miao Ruoyi hurriedly let go.

Mai Xiaoyu tilted his head and looked at the two of them, Miao Ruoyi straddled a short half-step, widening the distance between selling small fish.

However, the two people's intimate relationship, let alone Mai Xiaoyu, Ke Haoyi can see it.

However, Mai Xiaoyu does not care about the relationship between the two. His focus is how these two people will appear here, and...

"Mr. Mai, Haozi."

Selling Xiaoyu came over and greeted enthusiastically, Miao Ruoyibu also tended to follow behind him, not daring to face Mai Xiaoyu's gaze, and shyly lowered his head.

Mai Xiaoyu doubted: "You two..."

Miao Ruoyi rushed to answer: "We have nothing to do with each other!"

"Did I ask this, aren't you here without silver three hundred taels?" Mai Xiaoyu smiled, "Congratulations to you two lovers who finally got married, let me know when you are going to do something, and I will give you a big gift. "

"Thank you, Mr. Mai." Selling Xiaoyu smirked, like a child of more than one hundred catties, while holding Miao Ruoyi's hand.

Miao Ruoyi couldn't get rid of it, so she just followed him.

Mai Xiaoyu continued to ask: "Why are you two in Xiangjiang?"

After the ten-place membership was formed, Mengren rented a new membership management department, with a department manager selling small fish and a deputy manager Miao Ruoyi. The salary is 20,000 and 10,000 respectively. The main work is to keep in close contact with the members of the ten places through the network, and at the same time convey the company's project employment.

This job does not require two people to sit in class, and Mai Xiaoyu even hopes that they can roam among members in ten places. Maintain the trust relationship between the company and its members, and at the same time check for deficiencies, and look for the lambs that "leak through the net".

"Hehe, this, we were in Shenzhen City before, organizing member activities. Isn't this about 3.8 Women's Day, just stop by Xiangjiang for shopping."

"Well, then you continue, I will go shopping elsewhere."

Mai Xiaoyu nodded, turned and left.

The little fisher caught Miao Ruoyi's hand and chased him up: "Mr. Mai, Ms. Mai, let's go together, wait for me to buy you something to drink."

"Need not."

"What you want. Are you still in Xiangjiang tomorrow? Let's have a meal together at noon. I will treat you..." Mai Xiaoyu was chasing Mai Xiaoyu's and kept talking.

Mai Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and after a while he pulled the sleeves of Xiaoyu: "Go to the alley and say."

This alley is very narrow, it is the back alley of the bar, the lights are dim, the roadside is still piled up with debris and garbage, and the air is still filled with a faint smell.

The little liar was originally a smart owner of selling small fish, but now he is dazzled by love, and he hasn't realized what Mai Xiaoyu meant. Walking into the alley, he continued: "Mr. Mai, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to re-behave; if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to succeed in my career; if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met Ruoyi..."

"you shut up."

"One sentence, let me say another sentence. Mr. Mai, you must give me a chance, let me thank you well, thank you for rebirth..."

While talking here, a loud shout came from the alley:

"Mai Xiaoyu!"

Halfway through the conversation, the seller of small fish, subconsciously turned his head and replied: "Who called me?"

What greeted him was a muzzle, a black hole.

At the entrance of the alley, there stood a man in a windbreaker, with a hat and a mask, holding a gun in his hand, and his muzzle was facing a small fish.

The little liar was shocked.

Miao Ruoyi also shivered.

Ke Haoyi reacted quickly and wanted to stand in front of Mai Xiaoyu.

However, Mai Xiaoyu reacted faster and stepped forward and said loudly: "I am Mai Xiaoyu!"

Suddenly two Mai Xiaoyu appeared, and the man in the trench coat seemed a little confused.

The muzzle aimed at the small fish, then turned to Mai Xiaoyu, and then turned to the small fish. After a few shots on the two of them, they suddenly pulled the trigger.


A crisp shot broke the bustle and bustle of Causeway Bay.

While the passers-by were startled, the man in the windbreaker quickly disappeared into the night, leaving only the four people in the alley and a bullet.

Soon, the sirens sounded...8

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