It was another day that night fell.

In the hotel.

Ke Haoyi packed his luggage in the room.

Mai Xiaoyu, who was discharged from the hospital yesterday, sat on the sofa with his eyes closed in thought, and his right index finger drew a circle on the armrest of the sofa.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang.

Ke Haoyi was very alert, so he pulled out the crosshead screwdriver pinned behind his waist.

This is learned from Mai Xiaoyu.

In a society under the rule of law, they carry controlled knives with them, and the police are easily invited to "drink tea" when they find out.

The cross-head screwdriver is different, that is, the repair tool is not a control tool, but after sharpening, the lethality is not worse than that of the control tool. It is a hundred times stronger than the legendary folding stool, which "can be hidden in residential houses, can be obtained at hand, and you can also sit on it to hide murderous intent, even if you are caught by the police, it is worthy of being the first of the seven weapons."

He walked to the door and asked, "Who?"

"it's me."

Young Master Yang's voice came from outside the door.

"Open the door."

Mai Xiaoyu opened his eyes and stood up.

Ke Haoyi opened the door and let Young Master Yang and his bodyguard come in.

Young Master Yang noticed the crosshead screwdriver in his hand and became interested.

At the signal of Mai Xiaoyu, Ke Haoyi handed the screwdriver to Young Master Yang.

Young Master Yang played with him for a while, rubbed his thumb on the tip of the screwdriver twice, and then handed it to his bodyguard: "How do you like it?"

The bodyguard tried the hardness and sharpness of the screwdriver, swung it a few more times, and nodded: "It's a very good weapon, a bit of a triangular knife. Most people will not be guarded, and the police will not pay attention. It is also difficult to suture wounds after injury. ."

"There are many advantages."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said, "I'll give you it off."

"Ha, it's just a screwdriver, I need you to send it?" Young Master Yang smiled and shook his head, returning the screwdriver to Ke Haoyi, and then instructed the bodyguard, "You can also match it later."

Just because Mai Xiaoyu let Young Master Yang see his useful weapons, a year later, there was a wave of vigorous screwdriver craze in Xiangjiang.

In conflicts between rivers and lakes and gang fights, when the gun can no longer be used, the screwdriver shines with dazzling light and plays a huge role in the large-scale knives flying, the steel pipe sweeping, and the face flipping.

The screwdriver party was formed, and the Xiangjiang tattoo industry suddenly developed, because after the gangsters got the screwdriver, the stitched scars are ugly, and they can only be covered by tattoos.

The Hong Kong police also included screwdrivers as dangerous equipment. When patrolling the streets, whenever you see someone carrying a crosshead screwdriver, you must come forward and interrogate them.

Pulling a bit far, the book returns to the main story.

The hotel Yang Gongzi booked for Mai Xiaoyu was a luxurious suite.

The two bodyguards waited outside, they walked inside, closed the door, and Young Master threw a cigar to Mai Xiaoyu.

"Are you going to the dinner and awards ceremony of the director's meeting tomorrow?"

"How can I go about such a big thing?"

"Ha, yeah, it's a big thing." Young Master Yang lit the cigar and took a sip. "The director will greet me over there. I believe they can understand. I will also arrange to return to Southeast Asia. I will never carry it again in my life. Half a step into the country. I just want to know if your plan has failed."

"Half it."

Mai Xiaoyu asked Young Master Yang to find the gunman, and the target was also himself.

After arriving at Xiangjiang, Young Master suggested that he was in Causeway Bay, so he would go shopping in Causeway Bay at night, picking small alley drills, and giving gunmen a chance to start.

It is for this reason that the gunner's accuracy is so bad. In the narrow alley, there were four people on the opposite side, not far away, and no one was hurt by one shot.

This is discrediting professional gunmen!

The Xiangjiang police also had doubts about this, but they tended to have the same pronunciation of "Mai Xiaoyu" and "Selling Small Fish", and the light was too dark and the gunner couldn't express the target's appearance, and the hand trembling for a while showed a serious deviation.

"Half succeeded?" Young Master Yang became curious.


"In what way did it fail?"

"I originally wanted to use someone to hire a murderer. I was famous for being shot in Xiangjiang."

"You have to do this if you want to be famous... Do you want to blame the Ning family?"

The giants have no brains.

Even if it is a dude, he still has the exquisite mindset that he should have, and Young Master Yang is clearly the second generation of the rich elite and is smarter.

Mai Xiaoyu's pit this time had two purposes.

One is famous, the other is to blame the Ning family.

In order to be famous, hire someone to shoot yourself, brain-dead?

Hehe, Mai Xiaoyu's pit is not so superficial.

The ten-place membership structure, two thousand lambs recruited peace, he now has no worries, he can appear in the public.

The news that "the cute boss was shot dead in Xiangjiang", whether it is the Hong Kong media or the mainland media, will definitely be very interested in this news.

When he was interviewed by reporters in Xiangjiang, Qingtian and Ning’s family were still in Yanjing, and he could only watch the Emperor cooperate with him to make things bigger. When the report goes back to China, it will definitely arouse heated discussion, and after he returns to the mainland, he will take advantage of the opportunity to accept media interviews, and the fire will burn even more!

Compassion is human instinct, a bad guy full of evil, and there are others who sympathize, let alone his cute boss "never did" bad things.

With this, and with the help of the identity of the cute boss, he is sure to make a name in a short period of time to meet his needs to achieve small goals in the future.

However, the unintentional appearance of selling small fish disrupted his plan.

The police determined that the gunman was selling small fish, he couldn't take it all on himself, right?

That would easily arouse the police's suspicion.

Selling small fish is also from the extreme poor gunmanship, and after seeing Mai Xiaoyu, the latter inferred the truth from the reaction of the latter. Then he was in the ward and said that he had delayed Mai Xiaoyu's affairs.

The goal of becoming famous was unsuccessful.

Young Master Yang was puzzled: "It’s not easy for you to become famous? I’ll help you arrange a few actresses with the most scandals in Hong Kong, and then ask the reporter to post photos of you and them going to the hotel to open a room. I promise you one night. Fame What I want is positive fame."

"Hypocrisy, but I like it, haha." Young Master Yang laughed a few times and asked again: "But it's useless for you to blame the Ning family like this. I reminded you that Qingtian has been established for many years and has a deep-rooted network of intricate relationships. You It doesn't matter if you fight against the Ning family, but if you want to threaten Qingtian's interests, many people will jump out to take care of you."

"I'm not that stupid. My enemies are only the Ning family father and son. I won't be so stupid to provoke so many opponents."

"Then what is your purpose for doing this? Even if there is no accident this time, I don't understand what impact it can have on the Ning family."

"Excuse me for selling it, you will know in the future. But when there is a cake to eat, I will never forget you."

"OK, I hope you can create miracles and let people see my investment vision."

Young Master Yang is very free and easy.

In the struggle between Mai Xiaoyu and the Ning family, Mai Xiaoyu was far inferior to the Ning family in all aspects from the surface strength, but he still put Bao on Mai Xiaoyu.

This is a manifestation of the gambler's psychology. Based on his optimistic view of Mai Xiaoyu, he chose to bet on Mai Xiaoyu.

Anyway, he invested very little, and there was nothing to lose if he failed, but if he succeeds, the rate of return will be astonishingly high.

Anyone who can become a leader in the business world will have this mentality more or less in his bones.

"All right, you will leave tomorrow. I will make arrangements tonight. It just so happens that some of the beautiful members here come to Xiangjiang to participate in the event. You can enjoy the youthful storm."

"Good intentions, forget it tonight."

"Why, not giving face?"

"No. I'm not talking about it, this time it's half of the time. I have to recharge my energy so that I can return to Beijing to take revenge..."

PS: Recommend friends to poor four and a half second yuan and half science fiction new books, interested students can go and read,

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