The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 860: Talking about acting with a professional liar?

The news that the cute boss Mai Xiaoyu joined "Scary Step by Step" and co-starring with Liu Shishi's partner was released by the "Step by Step" preparatory team for the first time.

As soon as the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar.

Mai Xiaoyu walked from behind the scenes to the front, fully satisfying the gossip and curiosity of the people who eat melons. During this period of time, many netizens are discussing speculation that Mai Xiaoyu is tall, short, fat and thin, appearance and value, family background, and relationship with female celebrities, etc. Now it is known that Mai Xiaoyu will appear in front of the starring "Step by Step". .

The industry generally doubts this.

Yes, Mai Xiaoyu is young and promising, and is a leader among the younger generation.

Mengren has developed from a small bamboo raft to a half-step, and its artists are either on the right or on the right road. The film and television dramas produced are not unfavorable, and they also have a place in the world.

These are inseparable from the leadership of Mai Xiaoyu, but those achievements, Mai Xiaoyu is a boss, a successful entrepreneur, and he is now going to film... In the fashion trend of being his own boss, his approach is a step backwards.

Liu Junhao, Zhu Zeyuan, Ye Xin, Li Qiang, Luo Xing, Wang Tian, ​​Chen Xiangxi, Yang Gongzi, Ye Chu, Xue Jie, Zhou Jun and others called Mai Xiaoyu one after another to ask the media whether the report was true or false. Knowing that he was really going to be an actor in "Step by Step", all felt baffled.

"Maizi, what do you think?"

"Mr. Mai, are you serious?"

"You have the skill in filming, so you might as well think about a few more projects so that everyone can make a fortune together."

"A good boss is not appropriate, and he has to be an actor. What is your excitement?"


Artists such as Huang Lei, Su Youpeng, Liu Dehua, Cheng Long, Hai Qing, and Lin Chiling also called one after another. After confirming that the rumors were true, their reactions were different from those of Liu Junhao and others.

"Maizi, acting is not a trifle, you have to be cautious."

"Acting is not easy. You are still shooting Gongdou dramas, not idol dramas. The requirements for acting skills are relatively high."

"Don't be dazzled by the hypothesis of public opinion. Now your popularity is inexplicably high. Your starring is beneficial to the promotion of the TV series, but the requirements for your acting skills are relatively improved. If you don't perform well, you will be scolded. ."

"If you really want to make a movie, you should prepare yourself for being scolded. Since you asked me to shoot "Pink Girl", people have been scolding me for not acting well for so many years."


Acting is a serious topic.

Even in today's film and television dramas, entertainment is eroding the artistry a little bit, and acting is a barrier that all actors can never get around.

These people and Mai Xiaoyu are friends, true friends, so they remind him of the importance of acting.

But his enemies inside and outside the circle, as well as some netizens, speak less pleasantly.

"TV drama is a sacred art. There is no solid performance skills. It is a profanity of art to act as a leading role in the nature of holding a play ticket."

"I am now more and more looking forward to what "Scary" can bring to me."

"If you don't have any acting skills, you can even dare to play the leading role. It's very swollen."

"No wonder the quality of TV series is getting worse and worse now."

"Who makes the boss rich?"

"The current film and television drama is destroyed by these people."

"Isn't he deliberately starring in "Step by Step" in order to dive into my little lion?"

"Is it silly upstairs? He is your little lion boss. If you want to dive, you still need the help of filming?"

"Maybe it has already been sneaked..."


Qing Tian, ​​who was in an internal fight, also learned of this, but Ning Shirong did not participate in the ranks of criticizing Mai Xiaoyu, although Pei Pengbing strongly suggested.


These are the original words of Ning Shirong.

Rather than criticizing Mai Xiaoyu’s boss for going to the sea to become an actor, it is better to wait until "Step by Step" is broadcasted with bad reviews, and then the effect is good.

What's more, he is far away in the United States, discussing the acquisition of theaters, and Ningzhi contacted many people and tried his best to obstruct him, trying to negate this resolution on the board of directors.

Infighting is tight, how can he be distracted by such meaningless trivial matters?

In his opinion, Mai Xiaoyu is quite a celebrity. It is a good thing for him, which shows that Mai Xiaoyu still hasn't gotten rid of the poverty-stricken heart. Only the poor do you want to be a star. In the eyes of the children of the real rich family, the celebrities are actors and playthings.

They can shoot two or three film and television dramas in their hearts, but few people put their focus on life and work on this.

Mai Xiaoyu... is still limited by his background, his level is too low!


In this way, "Startling Every Step", which is still in preparation, quickly became the focus of public opinion, and it certainly has an effect on the propaganda of the TV series itself, but it is hard to say whether it is good or bad.

Many people seriously questioned Mai Xiaoyu's acting skills.

Li Hui is confident about this, and his studio also expressed his attitude on Weibo: "Director Li Hui is a very demanding director. He not only has high requirements for himself, but also has high requirements for actors. Invite Teacher Mai Xiaoyu The leading role in "Step by Step" was a matter of unanimous decision by the director team after the proposal of Director Li Hui."

"Regarding Ms. Mai Xiaoyu's acting skills, the director team is very confident. Inviting him to star in this role is precisely because of his superb acting skills. There are no inside stories rumored on the Internet."

"Ms. Mai Xiaoyu has always had little interest in filming. Director Li Hui visited the thatched cottage three times before he invited Ms. Mai Xiaoyu and agreed to join. Screenwriter A Zheng also held a positive attitude towards this."

"What is the acting skills of Mr. Mai Xiaoyu, the crew will no longer answer this question. When "Scary Step by Step" airs, the truth is self-evident. Li Hui's second Gongdou drama "Startled Step by Step", Please continue to pay attention to what is different from the copycat play "The Palace Lock Heart Jade" and what surprises it will bring to you."

After the Weibo update, the artists under Moeren also updated Weibo one after another, praising Mai Xiaoyu's acting skills.

Liu Tao: "When I saw Mr. Mai's first side, I was deeply moved by his acting skills. @麦小余"

Chen Qiaoen: "My acting skills come from Mr. Mai's words and deeds. Unfortunately, the time is too short, otherwise my acting skills will not have much to improve. @麦小余"

Tang Yan: "Mai's acting skills... as long as he shows half of his skills, it is absolutely amazing. @麦小余"

Yang Mi: "If you don't know Mr. Mai, don't question his acting skills. Can I tell you, have I ever cried because of his acting skills? @麦小余"

Zhao Liying: "What looks like in the final outfit of Mai, the acting is invincible, I will never forget the scene where he gave me acting lessons in my life. @麦小余"


Huang Bo: "I have a profound experience of Mr. Mai's acting skills. We have all been confused by his superb acting skills, haven't we? @邓朝@胡戨@霍健华工作室@冯绍锋@王宝强."

Deng Chao: "Don't mention that again, the shadow in my heart has not passed yet. @黄勃"

Feng Shaofeng: "Mr. Mai's requirements for actors' acting skills are the strictest I have ever seen."

Hu Xun: "Mr. Mai not only attaches great importance to acting skills, but also always supports actors' improvement and pursuit of acting skills. I believe that people who place such importance on acting skills will not have full confidence and will not take TV series casually."

Chen Chichi: "I can only say that Mr. Mai's acting skills are to do things, do big things."


In addition to Mengren's artists, big and small entertainment stars such as Lin Chiling, Liu Yan, Jiang Xin, Gou Yunhao, Luo Xue, etc., have also supported Mai Xiaoyu's acting skills in their Weibo.

Faced with many supporters, Mai Xiaoyu was actually quite speechless.

Fortunately, the male artist of the company said that it was out of understanding, out of the feelings in the process of contacting him, and felt his relaxed gag, laugh and yell, and the importance he attaches to the training of newcomers' acting skills.

However, the female artists, as well as Lin Chiling and others, mainly experienced his exquisite deception and acting skills when they were "circled lambs" by him, and left a deep impression on them.

For them, their experience of being circled is the best proof of Mai Xiaoyu's acting skills.

As Zhao Liying said on Weibo, pretending to look like something, pretending to be too alike!

Pretended to be the boss, pretended to be well-informed people in the circle, pretended to be a successful entrepreneur, pretended to be a rogue, pretended to be a big dreamer...

Especially the words of Liu Tao, Chen Qiaoen, Tang Yan, Yang Mi, and Zhao Liying are all implicit!

Moreover, these days, he has received calls from Tang Yan, Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, Wang Luodan, Xi Qian, Shu Chang, etc., half jokingly and half earnestly saying that he is partial to Liu Shishi.

Among them, Yang Mi's "opinion" is the largest.

"Gong" and "Bubu" through tearing and forcing hype, tit-for-tat in front of the public, as a result, Mai Xiaoyu ran to film "Bubu", obviously supporting Liu Shishi.

"You must compensate me."

"Why don't I say hello to Director Sun, replace Shaofeng, and replace me as Ba Ge, and you as a couple, how about?"

"Hey, you are too old..."

Since the news that Mai Xiaoyu starred in "Step by Step" was announced, Mai Xiaoyu's phone has not been interrupted.

No, just after talking on the phone with Liu Tao in the evening, Chen Qiao'en's call came in again.

"Liar, you actually want to make a movie too. This is because you want to go to heaven."

"I want to **** you..."

"What did you say, I didn't hear clearly."

"I said, I want to try my level."

"Still try? It's almost black. How long have I been by your side? You, a big liar, can't be more suitable as an actor."

"Familiarity, you are slandering me, be careful I sue you for slander."

"Hey, who is afraid of who. Seriously, I don't worry about your acting skills. As long as you can adapt to the lens, don't stage fright, don't faint the lens, and cultivate the lens sense..."

"I lied to so many people, knowing that you are Miss Chen's family, still treat you as a lamb pen, I will be stage fright?"

"Who do you say is a lamb..."

These are all pretty good, and the one who can't stand Mai Xiaoyu the most is Xiaoxing Xiao.

The "Step by Step" crew is still in preparation. Mai Xiaoyu does not even need to participate in the audition for the time being. He is preparing to participate in the Cannes Film Festival with the main creators of "Inception".

As a result, after seeing Xiaoxing Xi, Xiaoxing's exaggerated tone and expression, Mai Xiaoyu almost couldn't help but want to do it.

"Boss, how can you give your first time to Lao Li, didn't you say yes, your first time belongs to me?"

"Do you want to die?"

"Come on, let me die, the first time I lost you, what is the difference between being alive and being dead?"

Mai Xiaoyu has an urge to do something.

Don't talk about him, even Zhang Xiaoquan, who rushed back to see him off, couldn't listen anymore.

"You are a disgusting person!" Zhang Xiaoquan covered Xiaoxing Xiaoxing's mouth, not letting him talk, and then asked Mai Xiaoyu, "Yu'er, what do you think, why do you suddenly want to be an actor? "

"I need popularity, a lot of popularity."

"Good job, why do you suddenly want to be a star?"

"I don't want to be a star, but I need popularity. I need more people to know me and pay attention to me."

"Is there a difference?" Xiaoxing Xi took off Zhang Xiaoquan's hand, "Isn't that still a celebrity fan?"

"Fish, do you have any new ideas?"

Mai Xiaoyu paused and said, "Isn't Lao Xi suggesting that our three brothers will cooperate in a movie in the future. Lao Xi director, you are the photographer, and I am the star. Both of you are fine, but I don't have any reputation yet? "

"Boss, you are unprofessional. I tell you that movies are different from TV shows. The core of a movie is the director. As long as the director is awesome, the actors and actresses are all clouds."


Mai Xiaoyu and Zhang Xiaoquan cursed in unison.


In May, as the 62nd Cannes Film Festival is getting closer and closer, Mai Xiaoyu and Xiaoxing Xi are preparing for each.

Xiaoxing Su is responsible for organizing the main creators of "Inception" and organizing a group to go to the Cannes Film Festival to brush their faces; Mai Xiaoyu will make the final instructions for several projects of the company.

One is "The Voice of China".

He talked to Liang Pei twice to improve the project report. Including the format of the program, the price of the title, the price standards of various grades of advertising sponsorship, the selection of the four instructors, the selection of live bands, the publicity of the audition, the collection of demo samples, the judging rules and so on.

This matter is not particularly urgent, the most anxious is the crew of "Mao Li".

He specially called on the directors Lin Yiping and Wang Yuqi to repeatedly emphasize the importance he attaches to this drama, telling them after returning from Cannes, no later than the end of June, this web drama must To boot.

Therefore, the two directors Lin Yiping and Wang Yuqi must speed up, complete the preparatory work of the crew with quality and quantity, and wait for Mai Xiaoyu to return from Cannes.

On May 10, 2009, Mai Xiaoyu took Ke Haoyi and some of the main creators of Inception, including Xiaoxing Xiaoxing, Huang Bo, and Li Bingbing, flew to Cannes.

This is the third time he has traveled to Cannes since he founded Moe Ren Film and Television.

But when he got off the plane, he was separated from the "Inception" drama group.

Without him, the star's Cannes fashion show starts from the airport!

"Inception" can be regarded as China's first real science fiction film. It is the comeback of the big domestic director Xi Xiaoxing. The starring Huang Bo and Li Bingbing are also first-line movie celebrities in China, and they are highly concerned by many domestic media reporters. .

These domestic reporters came to Cannes for the stars who participated in the Cannes Film Festival. Among them, the domestic stars were mainly domestic stars who started their posture at the airport as early as possible.

Huang Bo, with his "Spacewalk" and "Jiangnan Style", and Deng Chao often brushed his face on foreign media footage and TV screens. He is also quite famous abroad, so he has also become part of the foreign countries waiting outside the airport. The goal of media reporters.

Of course, foreign media have never lacked "China Black", their goal is "Inception".

This movie is China’s first real science fiction movie?

Hehe, China has science fiction movies too?

That kind of "sci-fi movie"?

Don't say anything about "This Man Comes From Earth", it is soft science fiction, and it does not represent the true level of Chinese science fiction movies, because the actors in the play are all Americans.

Therefore, as soon as the creators of "Inception" got off the plane, Xiaoxing Xi was asked unfriendly questions from some European media...

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