The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 862: 3 Cannes as the elders????? Ten thousand rewards plus more

"Are you sure you are really from Huaxia?"

Huang Bo asked Xu Hui kindly, but the latter was speechless. When the Huaxia reporters next to him saw this, they all laughed.


Huang Bo's EQ didn't say.

Not only are acting skills good, but emotional intelligence is also high!

The most annoying is Xu Hui, who has no integrity, and can't stand it anymore.

What's more, you are now fighting each other with foreign media. As a reporter from China, you even jumped out to make trouble. Can you not attract people's hatred?

This is all right. While other Huaxia reporters praised Huang Bo's answer, they also collected valuable news materials, so they can deal with it!

Li Bing and his personal assistant heard the answers from Xiaoxing and Huang Bo to Chinese and foreign reporters. The assistant sighed softly in her ear: "The cute and sharp style is in everyone's bones."

Thinking of the situation of chatting with his sister Li Xue in private, Li Bing whispered: "Don't you think this is good, at least I dare to bully easily if I haven't slept."

After speaking, she looked out of the crowd again and stood with a middle-aged black man talking with Mai Xiaoyu.

The two looked at each other, she smiled back, and Mai Xiaoyu took the middle-aged black man around and left.

Li Bing: "..."

The middle-aged black man is the bar owner Mbiwa. His bar has now become an extension of Cannes' cultural attractions and is known as the No. 1 bar in Cannes. Every year at the Cannes Film Festival, there are the most people who want to show movies in his bar, and of course the cost is also the highest.

Mbiwa is a sincere man, knowing who is responsible for the earth-shaking changes in his bar. Therefore, before the Cannes Film Festival every year, I call Mai Xiaoyu and ask him if he is coming.

Knowing that he will be coming this year, Mbiwa deliberately drove to pick him up, and the accommodation was also arranged.

Mai Xiaoyu does not live in the same hotel as the crew. He still lives in the last apartment, which Mbiwa arranged for him. It is very close to Lumiere Palace.

"Hey Mai, your compatriot is very powerful, and he has taught the shameless and ugly British. I am enjoying it, so why are you leaving in a hurry?"

The relationship between the French and the British is not good, it can be said that they can't understand each other. Even though the two countries, as large European countries, are separated by the sea and are increasingly connected to each other, the psychological and emotional distance, and even the estrangement, between the people of the two countries is still "obvious."

According to a survey conducted by a certain European authority, over 60% of young French people believe that Britain across the Strait is an "absolutely boring" place.

Take the most common "eating" as an example. The French ridiculed the British all over the world. What British cuisine "tastes the same as chewing wax", "Breakfast and lunch are always the same as bread and sandwiches", "Dinner is always boiled meat and slushy vegetables", compared with the "food paradise" and "cooking country" France , The difference is too far.

The British also hate the French.

According to the survey conducted by this institution, nearly half of the British believe that the most inexplicable thing is that the French are "arrogant"; and over 60% of the British believe that the "personality" that the French generally refuses to admit is regarded as a kind of "personality". "national humiliation".

Even though the two countries formed an alliance during World War II, many British people still ridicule the rapid conquest of France by Germany. It was also concluded that the French "playboys" on the battlefield are tantamount to "catching the ducks to the shelves."

The ridicule between the two countries has historical origins.

Geographically, Britain and France, both on the edge of Europe, have been warring non-stop throughout history, and they still talk about their own victories in the war.

For this reason, the people of the two countries have not less talked.

The British say they have world-class writers such as Shakespeare and Dickens; the French ask: Can you get a super painter or a super musician?

The French used the metric system and claimed that the narrowest part of the English Channel was only 33 kilometers; but the British insisted that it was 21 miles.


There are many similar things, so Mbiwa, a Frenchman, was so happy to see Xiaoxing angry with a British reporter.

Mai Xiaoyu was also watching the excitement originally, and praised Xiaoxing's combat effectiveness, which was shown by this funny comic.

But Li Bing looked at him and smiled back, so he had to leave early.

After leaving the airport, Ke Haoyi put the salute in the trunk of the car. Mbiwa took the two to Cannes. On the way, he asked: "Mai, what kind of movies have you brought this year?"

"A science fiction film."

"Oh, I almost forgot. You are with the Chinese guy who taught the British guy. Tell me, what date is your movie going to be shown in my bar?"

"This time we are not a black house."

"Black households?"

Mbiwa obviously couldn't understand the meaning of the term "black household" in the Chinese population. Mai Xiaoyu added: "This movie, I will be showing it in the Lumiere Palace."

"Oh, congratulations, Mai, you finally made it!"

Mbiwa slapped the steering wheel and the car whistled, happy for Mai Xiaoyu.

At the Cannes Film Festival, whether it is a film competing in the main competition unit or a participating film, it will basically be screened in the iconic Lumiere Palace.

The previous two peaces failed to pass the trial in China, so Mai Xiaoyu had to "smuggle" Cannes in a "black house" way to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to the directors of the two films, Xiaoxing and Zhang Xiaoquan.

So, by chance, Mbiwa's bar was on fire.

But this time it was different.

Mai Xiaoyu has entrusted the other seven Oscars to operate the only indicator of the best foreign language film in the country. How can he fall on the hurdle of the film "passport"?

Therefore, this time it was dignified to participate in and through the private operation of Hualong Pictures and the title of Mengren's production, they got the opportunity to screen in the Lumiere Palace.

Filmmakers all over the world are eager to participate in the Cannes Film Festival, unless it is a convulsion, few people will miss the good opportunity of the Cannes Film Festival. Even if it cannot be selected for the competition, but only if it can participate in the exhibition, there is hope to sell overseas.

There are two thousand films in the exhibition every year, but the projection hall of the Lumiere Palace is limited, and the number of filming sessions is limited. Only some movies can be premiered in the projection hall.

According to the statistics of the organizing committee, during the Cannes Film Festival every year, there will be more than 1,500 film screenings, and the number of films shown is only more than 400, and this year is one of them.

Unlike the more than a thousand films left, they can only be crowded in the basement of the Lumiere Palace, one by one in small booths, trying to show their films through posters to attract the attention of distributors.

As a native of Cannes, Mbiwa is very aware of the competition among films participating in the previous Cannes Film Festival, so congratulations to Mai Xiaoyu.

"When I get the ticket in a few days, I will give you a few, and invite your whole family to watch it together."

"You are too generous, Mai. But what about your science fiction movie? It won't really be a martial arts movie flying around like the **** British guy said? To be honest, you guys Even my son is almost tired of watching national martial arts movies."

"This joke is not funny." Mai Xiaoyu shook his head, "Did you disappoint you in the two movies I showed in your bar?"

"Oh, when I think about it, the global box office seems to be very high. Will this one be the same as that one?"

Mai Xiaoyu put down the car window, with his arm outside the car, feeling the galloping wind, and smiled: "I don't know, but it will become clear after the screening..." rw

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