
Ten o'clock in the morning.

Hero Law Firm.

Mai Yingxiong is in his office, receiving old classmates whom he has not seen for many years.

"Lao Zhang, how many years have we not seen each other? Why hasn't there been any news in these years?"

"It's hard to say a word, it's hard to say a word."

"I remember the last time I saw you, it was from the last century. At that time our old classmates reunion, you also came, and then there was no more news from you."

"Do you remember that party."

"Why don't you remember. On the day of the party, my ineffective son was still outside in a fight with someone. He got a call from the police station on Xingtou and asked me to lead someone."

"Hahaha, I have the impression of this. At that time, your angry face changed. When you said to go back and clean up your son, we still persuaded you to calm down. After more than ten years, your son is promising. If not this time It’s a big mess. I don’t know that the famous Moengren film and television company is your son’s company."

Mai Yingxiong handed over a cigarette: "Old classmate, you came to me this time, wouldn't it be for my son?"

"That's not it." Lao Zhang lit the cigarette, took a sip, and laughed at himself, "If it weren't for your son, how would I have the opportunity to visit Yanjing at public expense? I have not told you that I am now at the Songfeng Judicial Bureau. Work."

"Listen to you, your city sent you to be a lobbyist?"

"Yeah. I don't know how the city found out that I and you are old classmates, so they gave me a death order and asked me to intercede with you, so that your son can calm down."

"I said why you suddenly came to see me. In your city, what benefit did you promise you?"

"If this matter is handled properly, the organization will solve my problem of being promoted to a college degree, and promised that when I reach age, I will retire with deputy director level treatment."

Mai Yingxiong's eyes widened: "Are you getting the treatment now?"

"Wrong, it is the deputy department, the oldest and oldest deputy department of the Judicial Bureau. You said, how can I still have the face to contact you, ah? Haha, hahaha!"

With tears in the laughter, Mai Yingxiong heard the grievances and depression in the hearts of his old classmates.

He patted his old classmate on the shoulder, and sighed: "I said long ago that there are many rules and restrictions in the system. With your personality, it is not suitable for the mixed system at all, and you can't give up your speculative advantage... Well, don't say it. This is it, what do you think?"

"I don't have any ideas. I just want to take this opportunity to come to Beijing to meet my old classmates. I want to ask you for something else."

"what's up?"

"My son also studied law. Now he works as a lawyer in a law firm in our city, specializing in finance. As you know, financial lawyers have no future in second-tier cities. If you want to succeed in your career, you can only work in big cities with high economies. OK. So..."

"You don't need to say." Before Zhang was finished, Mai Yingxiong nodded, "Arrange your son to come as soon as possible, and I will talk to him. If he can adapt to Yanjing's pressure and fast-paced life , Come to our law firm. If he has half of your ability back then, becomes a partner of our lawyer, or goes out to open a law firm alone, I will fully support him."

"Thank you, old classmate." Lao Zhang said with emotion, holding Mai Yingxiong's hand.

"Don't worry about thanking me, I ask you, what will your city do with your job?"

"I've been doing the sub-division for so many years, how many years are left? There are some people in the city who are really too lawless, so they should be brought to justice!"

"Do you say that doesn’t mean you'll be self-defeating from the organization? Zhengke still has to fight for it. You can't lose the resignation of the deputy office when you retire. You can understand by reading today’s news. I’ll talk to my son again when I look back. He thinks of a way to try to get you both fish and bear's paw."

Lao Zhang didn't care about the latter sentence, his attention was already focused on today's newspaper.

"To retaliate against real-name informants, assault reporters and smash equipment-who gave Songfeng such great rights!"-"China Youth Daily"!

"Huaqing Daily" is a comprehensive national daily newspaper with major readership and great influence. Even with the rapid development of science and technology today, online media has gradually replaced paper media and become the main force of the media, and the China Youth Daily has a certain degree of influence.

Moreover, the "China Youth Daily" also has an official website, which also provides online reading functions.

Not only "Huaqing Daily", many national and local newspapers in China, as well as many large-scale domestic web portals and local websites, all publish at the same time, and the spearhead is directed at Songfeng.

In Songfeng City, the media reporters encountered violent beatings and serious problems with the local government's local protection thinking when they were interviewing Songfeng TV Station's real-name report.

Yes, there are no relevant pictures and videos, but there are impassioned texts, indignant reprimands, verbal criticisms of cross-brows, penal writings of the same word, and the power of "all the mouths of gold".

"Songfeng, a journalist from many media, was beaten. This is the so-called'cleaner's self-cleansing'?"

"Local protection is serious, and journalists have nowhere to appeal!"

"Stopping people and smashing equipment, Songfeng TV station security is really awesome!"

"The Songfeng police will do magic, and the video and photos will turn light!"

One media may have limited influence, but when multiple media join forces, the rhythm is brought up.

Many well-known experts, many legal experts, well-known non-famous lawyers, countless reporters, and most of the media have used their own channels and methods to support reporters, accusing Songfeng of trampling on the reporter’s interview rights, reporting rights, personal rights and public opinion Supervision power and so on.

Songfeng was caught in a whirlpool of public opinion and became the focus of the public because of suspected retaliation against real-name whistleblowers. The simultaneous efforts of these media made the city of “Songfeng” become more “hot” and completely pushed to the opposite of the people.

It's not that Songfeng didn't find someone to use the relationship and tried to suppress the matter. It is a pity that they are officials, not capitalists.

If you are a top domestic capital crocodile, you may also greet the various media, put pressure on them, etc., through various relationships, and suppress the news in a variety of ways. If it doesn't help, it can calm the situation quickly, and it won't be brought into a wave of rhythm.

Besides, Songfeng is only a second-tier city, how much face can it have?

Songfeng City has not thought of a solution.

On the one hand, it should respond to the accountability of the province, on the other hand, prepare quickly for Songfeng TV station to prepare materials to provide counter-attack ammunition for Songfeng local media and some domestic media.

However, those media reporters who were beaten did not intend to die after reporting the matter in the media. In the afternoon, they began to "fuck" Mai Xiaoyu again, and responded positively to the three consecutive explosions of Longxing Studio.

"It's about oneself but silent, what's the secret in this?"

"The network artillery turned off and succumbed to the pressure?"

"A cute person pretends to be deaf and dumb, when did the public know?"

"The hearsay-Mai Xiaoyu has been arrested and is not in Yanjing."


In the evening, more exciting news came out.

Some local media in Yanjing dug up a video of Mai Xiaoyu who was suspected of being arrested by Songfeng police in the underground parking lot of a hotel in Yanjing on the evening of June 6.

The video is incomplete.

The released video only showed that there were four people squatting in the parking lot at the time, taking advantage of the moment when Mai Xiaoyu and the driver were about to get in the car, they suddenly rushed out to control the two, and then they were knocked to the ground by the two.

This is enough!

Although the light in the hotel’s underground parking lot is unclear, the surveillance camera is not high in pixels, the video looks blurry, and the face cannot be seen clearly, but the license plate number can be seen clearly!

After some media and people in the circle who did not want to be identified, it was Mai Xiaoyu's car, and Mai Xiaoyu had one and only one car.

"Yes, Mr. Mai's only car is the Mercedes-Benz, which is also sold by our 4s shop!"

This is the soft wide of a Mercedes-Benz 4s store in Yanjing.

Compared with the soft market of Mercedes-Benz 4s stores, there are more marketing advertisements for martial arts schools, Sanda training classes, fight clubs, and personal trainers.

"With one enemy and two, Sanda is so magical! What are you waiting for, **** martial arts school is trustworthy!"

"It is better to ask for yourself, **** club-a high-end professional combat training base!"

"Have self-protection ability, start from the child-xxxx Sanda summer training class is enrolling hotly!"

"Do you want to protect yourself? Do you want heroes to save the United States? Then come to xxx, Tianjin's top private Sanda coach!"


Because of a video, it almost didn't make a viral marketing campaign.

Songfeng's counterattack... first consider how to protect yourself.

Two days later, Mai Xiaoyu, who judged that the time was ripe, updated the Mengren official Weibo in the early morning.

"After the wind and rain, you will see the sun, and the people in the sun are not afraid of it!"

It is not a long Weibo, so it is limited by the number of Weibo words and not much content.

He only admitted on Weibo that he reported to Songfeng TV Station under his real name and was willing to pay legal responsibility for the content of his report. At the same time, it is emphasized that if the relevant departments conduct related investigations on Songfeng TV station on the content of their reports, they are willing to actively cooperate with the actions of the relevant departments.

After Long Xing broke the news, Mai Xiaoyu dusheng publicly admitted that he was a sunrise crowd and his activities expanded to Songfeng.

Even if Weibo is updated in the early hours of the morning, it has attracted the attention of a large number of media and countless night owls.

The paper media is busy adjusting the layout of tomorrow; the online media first transfers to Mengren's official Weibo, and then writes deeper news, waiting for the report tomorrow morning; the night owls on the Internet are turning and leaving messages.

Because of Mai Xiaoyu's selective reply this time, the number of replies to this Weibo increased sharply.

Netizen: "Why did you report Songfeng TV? Is it related to their invitation to Ma Rong to appear on the show?"

Mengren Guanwei: "Because they broke the law, and I am a sunrise crowd with supernatural powers."

Netizen: "Have you been retaliated against after you reported it?"

Mengren official Weibo: "I can't be sure for the time being. I'm trying to understand the truth. If you have conclusive inside information, send me a private message and I will hold you as a star."

Netizen: "It is said on the Internet that only if your identity information is leaked will you be retaliated against, right?"

Mengren official micro: "From my reporting experience, the country has a complete reporting system. There is no conclusive evidence to prove that my identity information leaked after reporting to Songfeng TV. I don't want to talk nonsense. I was asked by the police uncle Go back to drink tea."

Netizen: "Is the video of the parking lot circulating on the Internet real?"

Mengren’s official Weibo: “The video is not falsified. It is one enemy and two queens. I’m great. It’s a pity that I didn’t shoot my face clearly, which made me lose the opportunity to have a female fan.”

Netizen: "Are those four police officers who can't understand Songfeng?"

Mengren's official Weibo: "They are indeed from Songfeng City Bureau, but they are talking about summoning, not arresting. Who can help me popularize science, the difference between summoning and arresting."

Netizen: "You are a big idiot, bullying men and women in the entertainment industry is not a good thing!"

Mengren Guanwei: "First, I admit that you are a thing. Second, are you planning to let me spend money to hire a navy army to rip you off? I don't care about money, but do you care about face?"

Netizen: "What is your company's criteria for signing artists?"

Meng Ren Guan Wei: "Eye Margin, commonly known as Wang Ba Kan Mung Bean."

Netizen: "My own conditions are also very good, and I really want to be a star. Will your company sign me? As long as your company signs me, I will be popular."

Mengren Guanwei: "With such good terms as you, any company can be red after signing it. Why hang on our crooked neck tree?"

Netizen: "Mr. Mai, do you have a personal Weibo? Your answer is too funny, so funny."

Meng Ren Guan Wei: "No, because I am a low-key person."

Netizen: "After reading your answers to other netizens' questions, I feel that you are very down-to-earth, not like the boss at all."

Moeren's official Weibo: "My soulmate! Haven't you noticed that my presence in Moeren is particularly low?"

Yang Mi: "I saw these just after the play. Boss, don't you feel bad about this?"

Feng Shaofeng: "Boss, are you still the day you are now?"

Tong Liya: "Boss, you won't be hacked, right?"

Meng Ren Guan Wei: "Oh my God, I don't sleep at the end of the movie so late, I deserve to be ugly tomorrow, middle-aged premature aging."

Huang Bo: "So, this is the first reason you kicked me out of the company? I feel uncomfortable and want to Mengren's official Weibo: "You see, this is my position in the company. But what about the boss"


Crooked buildings, a common phenomenon on the Internet.

What's more, Mai Xiaoyu deliberately guides him, picking out some questions that are irrelevant to the situation and answering questions.

But when he faced any question, even if it was abusive, his answer was humorous. Regardless of whether facing netizens or company artists, there is no prestige, but many netizens feel cordial and have a good impression.

This night, the fans of Moeren's official WeChat account surged.

This evening, Mai Xiaoyu became known to the public as "Mai Xiaoyu" instead of the previous "cute boss" and "Mai Xiaoyu".

This night, Mai Xiaoyu slept very late.

This night, some people couldn't sleep at night because of the Mengren official Weibo update.

Early the next morning, the people who ate melon found that they had been screened again.

On the Internet, Mai Xiaoyu admitted that there are too many real-name reports related to the news, and the entertainment circle that has not participated in the event exhibition. Many bigwigs, companies, stars, and directors in the circle have been on Weibo one after another.

Like Mengren's official WeChat account.

a Mengren Guanwei supports his approach.

A number of media even opened a departmental report column, deciding to report the whole process of Mai Xiaoyu's real-name report on Songfeng TV, the reason why Songfeng police "subpoenaed" Mai Xiaoyu, and the official results of the report.

Songfeng TV station panicked.

However, it was not just Songfeng TV station that panicked. The entire Songfeng City officialdom felt a sense of oppression that the mountains and rain were coming.

Mai Xiaoyu joined the crew of "Mao Li", ready to open his debut female director.

With the end of the college entrance examination, Xue Jiajia joined the team, and the crew of the web drama "Mao Li" held a low-key start-up ceremony, preparing to start the next day.

Just the day before the opening ceremony, Mai Xiaoyu received the long-awaited call...

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