The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 937: I'm the hero, you are the heroine

As a traditional Chinese festival since ancient times, the Spring Festival attracts most Chinese people’s homesickness like a huge magnet. Every year, on the territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, a "Great Migration" that lasts for more than a month is carried out, commonly known as the Spring Festival.

This massive wave of Spring Festival travel is an annual human spectacle created for the entire world by the descendants of China who are eager to reunite.

On the three lines of sea, land and air, millions and tens of thousands of people are rushing. Their bodies are riding faster and faster vehicles, galloping on the main lines that stretch like blood vessels in the country.

Their hearts ran even faster, their souls almost jumped out of the window, following the scenery outside the window, the clouds in the sky and the waves on the sea, rushing to their homes and the family they care about at the speed of light.

Spring Festival-tide!

Trains, airplanes, long-distance buses, self-driving... and boats, all kinds of transportation are dispatched, and the crowded scene is magnificent.

Even if the audience has not personally experienced it, they have heard of or experienced the horror of the Spring Festival transport on TV or on the Internet.

The movie "People on the Road" is based on the Spring Festival travel season. It tells the temporary duo of the boss "Li Chenggong" played by Deng Chao and the milker "Niu Geng" played by Wang Baoqiang, who moved from Yanjing during the Spring Festival. Various stories experienced on the way to Tanzhou.

The boss "Li Chenggong" played by Deng Chao succeeded in starting a business in Beijing. He wanted to go back to his hometown Tanzhou and divorce his wife.

The milker "Niu Geng", played by Wang Baoqiang, decided to go to Tanzhou for debt in order to get a year's wages and go home for the New Year.

Two people who have no similarities and live in different circles first met at the airport.

Wang Baoqiang, a local turtle, did not understand the rules of the plane, and drank a large bottle of milk in one breath. Deng Chao was dumbfounded and the audience laughed.

On the plane, Wang Baoqiang reproduced all kinds of turtles, opened the windows, stopped the plane, and turned around. Deng Chao was helpless and speechless, and the audience was also happy and excited.

What made the Deng Dynasty collapse the most was that Wang Baoqiang became a confession. Because of the weather, the plane turned around and returned to Yanjing.

Due to the weather, the flight to Tanzhou was temporarily canceled, and Deng Chao had to take the train home. As a result, his men were at a disadvantage and bought a green leather car.

Train station waiting room.

Deng Chao was on the phone, and Ren Tianye, dressed as a strong man in the northwest, appeared as a guest, stood abruptly in front of Deng Chao, grinned, and then sat beside him.

Deng Chao jumped slightly.

At this time, the lively and beautiful Yang Ying came out with a sweet smile, in sharp contrast with the expressionless Ren Tianye, sandwiching Deng Chao from left to right, and selling his mobile phone to him.

"Yang Ying is so beautiful."

"She laughs so beautifully."

There was a small voice in the theater, twos and threes, only a small number of young people who watched the movie alone or with classmates and friends talked about it. Those young people who watched the movie with their girlfriends did not say anything.

On the contrary, some girls pulled their boyfriends and whispered: "After the Chinese New Year, I will have a plastic surgery, and I will have smiling lips like Yang Ying's."

Deng Chao got up and left, rejecting Yang Ying and Ren Tianye's peddling.

When the train began to check tickets and tried his best to squeeze onto the train, he met Wang Baoqiang again, and his sad journey began.

"I will bear with the plane not being able to make first class."

"You let me ride in a green leather car and I can't bear it."

"You can still buy a copy of the hard seat ticket... OK, you won't use it for work after the Spring Festival, goodbye!"

Zheng Kai's guest artist "Da Wei" appeared at this time.

Young and handsome, with a bit of melancholy, he can be called a male god. The three innocent and lively female college students on the opposite side were skillful in asking for phone calls and asking for biscuits, but they were lightly rejected by him. On the contrary, they attracted three female college students even more.

Zheng Kai, born in 1986, was also a small fresh meat at this time, otherwise he would not have received so many advertisements during his college years, and he was hailed as the little prince of Dongxi's new generation of advertisements.

However, when the audience sees him on the big silver screen, there will always be people who can't help but think of his "fart" that poisoned Chen Chichi in the big movie "Running Man" last year, and they can't help but laugh.

This is the Spring Festival. There are so many people in the carriage. If there is another fart, it will be sour and refreshing.

After a overnight train, Wang Baoqiang suddenly stopped the next morning. The road in front of him collapsed and it was impossible to pass. The passengers had to get off the train and think of a solution.

At this point, Deng Chao determined Wang Baoqiang's crow mouth and deliberately avoided him.

But when changing to a long-distance bus, the two rode in the same car again, and again encountered an accident—the road ahead was blocked.

Seeing the long-distance bus driver Wang Zulan smoking a cigarette and studying with Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang on how to avoid the road ahead, the viewers always involuntarily come up with certain images from "Running Man" in their minds.

In "Running Man", the two kings are similar in height, and the two kings often alliance to form a weak combination, and it is hard to escape the fate of torn up the famous brand.

The scene where Chen He appeared as a guest is the most shocking.

That was when Deng Chao got off his purse and opened a room with Wang Baoqiang in a small Baoqiang went to sleep, grinds his teeth, snoring, talks in sleep, farts, smelly feet, etc. The problem made Deng Chao miserable. What's worse is that the next door is too noisy. He reminded him that he went into the wrong room and slept in a young girl's room when he came back.

When he found out that he had gone to the wrong room and wanted to leave quietly, the girl's boyfriend found him.

The girl is played by Luo Xue, a member of the mountain city, and Chen He guest-starred as her tall boyfriend.

Chen He was originally taller. In order to increase his momentum and weight, the crew deliberately dressed Chen He as a strong fat man. When Deng Chao faced him, he was still bending his legs. The gap between the two relatives came out...

The Spring Festival travel background, from Yanjing to Tanzhou, by plane, train, car, hotel... Encountered all kinds of people, bumped into a series of embarrassing incidents, Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang's chemical reaction, coupled with running men's team The cameo is full of jokes.

For more than ninety minutes of the movie, there was constant laughter in the theater.

The New Year is almost here, and the audience will not just look relaxed and happy when watching movies, and relax the mood of a busy year. As long as the movie is not too deliberate, too artificial, and the logical IQ acting is completely offline.

"People on the Road" obviously can meet the requirements of many audiences.

After the scene, Mai Xiaoyu drove and took Shu Chang home.

"Brother, the movie is so interesting. Brother Chao and Baoqiang are too funny. I want to make a movie too."

"You want everything!" Mai Xiaoyu turned the steering wheel and turned into the underground garage entrance of the community, "Do you want to play a TV series with me?"

"How about we play a movie together?"

"Okay, next year should be almost the same. Let's make a movie together. I am the male lead and you are the female lead."

Shu Chang thought of something and his eyes lit up: "Brother, did you have this idea for a long time, so ask me to watch a movie tonight?"

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