The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 947: Restricted broadcast order!

Mai Xiaoyu was prepared for the volatility of the stock market. ⌒Miscellaneous §Zhi§Cong⌒The team that traded for him, Shi Hao introduced in the past, the stock market entered the mad bull market in the past few years, and helped him turn 200 million into 400 million professional team.

When Mai Xiaoyu resolutely opened an account with his real name, they anticipated that Sky Sky would suppress the stock price, so they had already taken countermeasures.

Professional things are left to professional people.

Mai Xiaoyu ignores stock market fluctuations, he has his own business to be busy, especially preparing for "Why".

In addition to repeatedly reading "Why" movies and TV series in my mind, two of the big-name male stars have shaped the character "He Yichen", carefully analyzing the character's personality, and thinking about how to play this role well.

He wants fame. He wants the movie "Nine Doors" he will star in in the future to attract as many audiences as possible to the theater.

If it’s not enough to starred in the "Scary Step by Step" starring Liu Shishi, then he will starred in the "Why Shengxiao Mo" with Tang Yan. If it is not enough, he can also starring with Chen Qiaoen...

Of the three classic TV series, there is always one that will make him popular!

At the beginning of April, when the art test of domestic art academies was released, Mai Xiaoyu received a call from Dilireba.

"Hello, Mr. Mai, I'm Dilireba. We saw it in Hengdian, the time when I ate dates. In the bookstore, I also misunderstood that you wanted to talk to me, so I deliberately ate my dates..."

"You just say you are Fat Di, I don't have the impression anymore, just have to explain so much?"

"I am not fat."

"By the way, we still owe each other a bet, what's the matter, do you want to know who sleeps first?"

Dilireba: "..."

"Okay, stop teasing you, let's talk, what's the matter?"

"Didn't you say that after I was admitted to the art academy, I called to tell you?"

"The college entrance examination hasn't arrived yet."

"But the art test was released. I passed the Dongxi opera test."

"So don't you have to wait for the results of the cultural class?"

"I have no problem in cultural classes, and I am a minority, and I have extra points, and I can easily pass the exam in Xijiang."

That is, the resources of Huaxia Education are seriously unbalanced. Not to mention how many high-quality educational resources are concentrated in big cities, only that because of population distribution problems, there is a serious imbalance in the scores of the high entrance examination.

Those in the centrally populated provinces have heinously high scores. Parents who are related and qualified have arranged for their children to go to Western Xinjiang, Tibet and other provinces with lower scores to take the college entrance examination.

Moreover, the serious differences in the allocation of enrollment quotas between major universities and provinces have led to candidates from many populous provinces in the central region. Even if they are significantly higher than those of Yanjing, they may not be admitted to top universities such as Yantai and Tsinghua University. Yanjing candidates with low scores can be admitted easily.

This situation has not been reported in public opinion, and candidates in the most populous provinces have also complained.

Let the eggs be divided, there is never absolute fairness in today's society, and relative fairness also...hehe, it will occasionally exist.

Dilireba has passed the Eastern Opera Art Test. The scores for cultural courses in art colleges have always been low. She is also a candidate for Western Xinjiang, and the admission score will be lower. Admission to the Eastern Opera is basically a no-brainer.

"Well, I congratulate you in advance for entering the Eastern Opera."

"Anything else?"

"Yes, that time in the Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, I really only saw the long trousers you were wearing. I didn't see anything else."

"Mr. Mai, you are a cute boss. I'm just an ordinary preparatory student. Your company's "Inception" won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film Award. Your company invested in "Alice" at the box office. Your company is so big. , You have eaten my dates, you said I have star luck, you..."


Mai Xiaoyu can be regarded as a master of Dilireba's fascinating thoughts: "Let's talk, what are you looking for me?"

"You said, I will let you know when I enter the university."

"Okay, I know you were admitted to the Eastern Opera, is there anything else?"

"Don't you sign me?"

"What good is it for me to sign you?"

Dilireba: "..."

I have to admit, Mai Xiaoyu said it was reasonable.

The entertainment industry is a field of interest. Dilireba hopes to sign a cute person, but what benefits can she bring to a cute person?

After a moment of silence, Dilireba was unhappy and said: "I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Don't rush to hang up, you said a lot, I haven't had time to speak yet."

"What do you want to say? Say it first. I won't agree to your unspoken rules."

"You think I don't want to, Fatty!"

"I am not fat."

"I like to call you Fatty. If you are serious, you must first pay a membership fee of 10,000 yuan."

"Sign me?"

"It's a membership fee. Every artist in Moeren comes from a member."

"Then I paid the money, what should I do if you don't sign?"

"If I don't sign you, there is only one reason, your acting skills are not enough."

"I applied for the undergraduate class of the Department of Oriental Opera Performance."

"So after you go to college, you have to study hard to act. If you become a member, the company will find you with a suitable role. If you pass the acting skills, I will sign you. Don't forget what I said, I see stars in you transport."

Did he lie to me?

Dilireba thought for a long time, and decided to take a gamble: "Okay, I promise you. But you are not afraid that I will perform well and be looked at by other companies. Should I sign the contract first?"

"Other companies? Do you think there are a few companies in China that can value newcomers like Mengren? How many companies can quickly formulate correct development plans for newcomers and make them popular quickly?"

The advantages of academic backgrounds are not just to talk about it. Students who accept systematic performance learning will often make many detours less than actors from non-disciplinary backgrounds.

Mai Xiaoyu is not in a hurry to sign Dilireba, hoping that she can learn to perform with peace of mind; he does not worry that Dilireba will be poached by other companies, because of his relationship with Dilireba...well, mainly cute People pay more attention to newcomers than big and cheap, and the ability to praise newcomers is far stronger than that of middle and low, and in the past two years, cute people are in the best place.

Soothing Fatty, Mai Xiaoyu continues his previous life.

Tang Yan was busy rushing to make announcements, while not forgetting to be familiar with the script and characters of "Why" in preparation for the start of July.

"Alice" starring Cici continues to be shown in China. Since it was released in China, it has ranked first in the box office for three consecutive weeks. The cumulative box office has approached 300 million. The application for key extension is successful. The domestic box office is expected to hit 400 million before the picture is released.

It's just that compared with the one and a half month extension of the "Avatar" key, the domestic box office broke one billion, the difference is not a little bit.

In the days that followed, Meng Ren lived very peacefully, without external harassment, without internal fighting, sitting and watching all kinds of gossip and tearing in the circle every day.

However, on May 1st, a major event that affected the entire entertainment industry occurred.

Restricted broadcast order!

In order to regulate the broadcasting system of TV series on TV, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television formally implemented a broadcasting restriction order. Not only has there been a specific number of episodes for the TV series broadcast by the "Golden TV", but also the TV series broadcast in the evening and daytime, as well as the proportion of TV series broadcast by each TV every day.

Mai Xiaoyu, Dolphin TV and Dolphin TV took the lead in launching the three-episode serial broadcast of the prime time, which caused a sensation among television stations and producers, and was explicitly banned by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

First, satellite TV can only broadcast two episodes of TV series during prime time at night-from 19:00 to 21:30.

Don't think that two and a half hours are ample. If you have the guts to try "News Network"? See who else can use the three-episode broadcast to grab ratings with CCTV!

Second, in the evening hours of satellite TV, from 18:00 to 1 am the next day, no more than 3 episodes of the same drama can be broadcast.

This can be regarded as leaving a gap for various satellite TVs. If you insist on broadcasting three episodes every night, you can broadcast one episode after 9:30 in the evening, but in that case, the subsequent programs will definitely be affected.

Third, satellite TV cannot broadcast more than 6 episodes of the same drama during the daytime.

It is no longer possible for viewers to see the "feat" of the eight-episode broadcast of Dolphin and many other satellite TVs in the daytime theater on weekends.

Fourth, the daily broadcast volume of TV series shall not exceed 45% of the total TV program volume.

This move has the greatest impact on the producers, which determines that each satellite TV must reduce the daily broadcast volume of TV series and increase the broadcast volume of other programs, resulting in more TV series being unable to be listed on Star Satellite TV.

Fifth, the duration of each episode of a TV series shall not exceed 46 minutes and shall not be less than 30 minutes.

This is to prevent various TV stations from cutting several episodes into one episode, or splitting one episode into two episodes from "abnormal" broadcasts.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is the "daddy" of the entertainment industry.

As soon as the broadcast restriction order came out, the impact was huge.

TV series producers bear the brunt and are the biggest victims.

The evening prime time went back to its original form from three episodes, and the total number of TV series broadcast throughout the day should not exceed 45% of the total number of programs. These two lines directly compressed the road and space for TV series to be broadcast on stars.

Originally, the TV drama market was fiercely competitive due to oversupply. In order to be able to broadcast on CCTV and Shanghai Satellite TV, many producers have racked their brains and provided various opportunities for the power and rent-seeking of TV stations.

It is even worse now. As soon as the broadcast restriction order was issued, the two-way six-lane lanes of Shanghai Satellite TV were "cut" into two-way four-lane lanes, and the competition between producers became more intense.

TV dramas' enthusiasm for first- and second-line satellite TV is not only that the latter has money and can pay high prices to buy dramas, but also because some TV cafes and film companies often specify certain special terms in their contracts when they sign contracts.

For example, the company must guarantee to film several TV series for celebrities within one year, how many of them must be invested in what scale, and how many of them must be guaranteed to be broadcast on stars.

Actors want to maintain their popularity, not just relying on lace news, but also relying on the work to speak, through the TV series starring in themselves, deepen the audience's impression of themselves.

Therefore, these terms are normal and are a kind of protection for actors' own rights and interests. Film cafes will make clear provisions in the contract for the films they star in each year and the scale of film investment.

The broadcast restriction order is aimed at the TV drama market and has a considerable impact on TV stations.

TV dramas are the biggest ratings guarantee for each satellite TV, and they are also the bulk of advertising revenue.

After Dolphin TV started its establishment, it has become the leader of Mango Satellite TV. Isn't it adhering to the foundation of TV series establishment, relying on a large number of excellent TV series to be broadcast every day, and cutting a big piece from the big cake of audience share?

The larger the viewership share, the higher the viewership rate, the more attractive advertisers are, and the higher the price of advertising per second; the more TV stations earn, the more money they can buy or build better TV series, thus forming a virtuous circle.

This is how the leading position of Mango Satellite TV was established, and the grades of dozens of domestic satellite TVs have also been expanded in this way.

Fortunately, before the official implementation of the broadcast restriction order, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television had long been windy, and the satellite TV stations had also made preparations a few months ago.

The amount of TV series broadcast every day must not exceed 45% of the total amount of TV programs, and the remaining 55% of the programs, what should be used to fill it?

There can be news programs, documentary programs, science and education programs, children's programs, etc., but these types of programs certainly cannot afford the ratings required by TV stations, so first and second line satellite TV sets their sights on variety shows.

As for the third and fourth line satellite TV...It doesn't matter, anyway, there is no money. In many cases, the TV series of the prime time at night are rebroadcasts of the hits a few years ago.

Over the years, variety shows have been recognized by more and more viewers, and the ratings are not bad, and too many phenomenal variety shows have been born.

Moreover, variety shows are a big category, including pure interviews, interview games, talk shows, athletics, music auditions, blind dates and marriages, outdoor reality shows, etc., there are so many!

Taking Blueberry Guard as an example, "Running Man" is the same as "If You Are the One", which is rebroadcast immediately after live broadcast every night, which occupies 1/6 of the entire day's broadcast time. Coupled with the rebroadcast during the day, the ratings are pretty good, not only saving money for the station, but also meeting the requirements of the restriction order.

As a result, after the announcement of the restrictions on broadcasting, variety show production companies ushered in a new opportunity to take off. As a result, Mai Xiaoyu once doubted whether there was any shadow of optical media behind the broadcast restriction order

The production of variety shows has always been one of the main businesses of Optical Media, and optical fiber has made a lot of money this time.

First- and second-line satellite TVs have increased the introduction of high-quality variety shows, and the prices of variety shows have soared. Many first- and second-line satellite TVs have begun to make their own or cooperate with variety show production companies to create their own variety show brand programs.

Sister Yu, deputy director of the Blueberry TV Program Center, is in a good mood recently.

Last year, because of Mai Xiaoyu’s blast on Songfeng TV station, the TV station circle was not waiting to see him. She was under heavy pressure and decided to buy the broadcasting rights of "Good Voice". At that time, there were middle-level cadres in the station who said strange things.

However, Mengren’s achievements have been so shining in the past year, and Mai Xiaoyu has not continued to "destroy" the TV station circle. Benefits At present, when "Latent" was widely acclaimed, various TV stations began to understand Mai Xiaoyu's grievances and grievances.

Strange words?

Did you know that if "Good Voice" is now on sale, the price of the broadcasting rights will rise by at least 15%?

Entering June, the preparatory work of "The Voice of China" has begun to be recorded. It will premiere on Blueberry TV at 21:10 on Friday, July 9th, and the publicity has already spread.

However, before the broadcast of "Good Voice", Lin Xinru, Huo Jianhua and others will starred in the palace battle drama "The Princess of the World", which will be exclusively broadcast on Mango Satellite TV during prime time at night starting from June 10th.

Due to broadcast restrictions, the show can only be broadcast two episodes per night. The 44 episodes of the satellite TV version will only end in early July. The starring Liu Shishi and Mai Xiaoyu will be broadcast on the stars in early July.

Although the first broadcasts of the two dramas will not overlap, they are both cute dramas and Gongdou dramas. The two dramas are bound to be compared.

There is also the very popular "Gong Lock Heart Jade" at the beginning of this year...

"Mai Xiaoyu is under great pressure!"

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