The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 959: Power group or idol group?

Back at the newspaper, Liu Feng still wanted to take a breath, so a colleague reminded him that the editor-in-chief should look for him. ∽Miscellaneous﹥Zhi﹥worm∽

This is specially explained by the editor-in-chief, asking him to see himself as soon as he comes back.

When he came to the editor-in-chief room, the editor-in-chief came up and asked: "Is the manuscript of the last interview with Mai Xiaoyu still available?"

"Still in my hands."

"Just be here, give it to me as soon as possible. I will let people hurry to review the proofreading and try to publish it tonight."

"Gusu Evening News" is published every evening.

Tonight’s newspaper should have been printed long ago. It was the editor-in-chief who temporarily reported to the emergency stop and left enough space to wait for Liu Feng’s manuscript.

Time was urgent, so he didn't have time to say more, and only told Liu Feng that this time he would sign his name and bring Liu Feng with him.

Liu Feng is not in a hurry: "I have posted it on the Internet."

"What did you say?"

"I posted it on my Weibo."

"Delete, the newspaper must be original."

Originality and reprinting are two concepts. For a rigorous unit such as a newspaper, the difference is even greater.

The rise of online media, and its timeliness, has brought a huge impact on paper media.

In addition to the large domestic paper media and conscientious paper media, a small number of paper media almost no longer send reporters out to investigate and interview in order to reduce expenses and save costs.

This practice has exacerbated the decline of paper media.

Liu Feng also knew the importance of originality, so he refused to delete Weibo.

He is a summer intern, and he is not even an intern reporter, so he can't publish interview reports alone. If it was first published in the name of "Gusu Evening News", it would become an original report by the editor-in-chief, and his signature can only be ranked behind the editor-in-chief.

But if you don't delete Weibo, he is the original. "Gusu Evening News" can only reprint his Weibo articles. There is a huge gap here.

"My Weibo has been reposted."

This excuse is pale, and the editor-in-chief can easily see through it.

"Koyanagi, I am very optimistic about you. You come to the agency for summer internship, and your internship appraisal reviews will be written by me personally. And you should graduate next year. The agency values ​​you as an open-minded and motivated young man. This When things are done, I will recommend you to the community."

Internship appraisal comments written by the master, counterpart work after graduation...

This temptation is not small, but before coming back, Liu Feng has already checked on the Internet and knows the reason why the editor-in-chief's attitude is drifting at a speed of 180 degrees.

A 10-day survey conducted by relevant departments in many cities with high ratings in China ended yesterday. The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television officially announced that the ratings of "Bubu" have not been faked, and no one has bought sample users and polluted the data.

In other words, the ratings of "Shocking Heart" are real.

Mai Xiaoyu told Liu Feng that if he wanted to be a reporter, he had to be thick-skinned.

This is not irony, but the truth.

Because the media has a feature, it is never ambiguous to correct mistakes.

The previous report was wrong?

It doesn't matter, we will change it right away.

Can still attract another eyeball!

The investigation into the abnormal ratings of "Bubu" has ended, and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has concluded the matter. Of course, the media has to change its tone, from the previous questioning to the present affirmation.

Originally, the media only questioned before and did not say for sure that the ratings of "Bubu" were fraudulent. Now change from questioning to admiration, nothing wrong!

However, the media has raised a new question—why is the ratings curve of "Bubu" extremely abnormal, and the ratings of the first broadcast are even more ridiculously high, which can't help but make people question it?

Some professionals have already begun to analyze this issue, but it was Liu Feng who first put forward the correct view and demonstrated in detail, his manuscript that was killed.

This is an opportunity, grasped, coupled with a little luck, it is very likely to become a gorgeous stroke in Liu Feng's professional resume.

Employment opportunities in paper media...not to mention whether there will be variables, even if not, he would not enter the paper media industry-but some successful people have specifically advised him not to choose paper media.

Mai Xiaoyu's vision, when will I miss it!

Liu Feng rejected the bait thrown by the editor-in-chief, and then sent his Weibo link to the graduated senior.

The senior was two terms higher than him. He used to have a good relationship with him when he was at the reporter station of Suzhou University. He has been in contact after graduation. Now he works on a portal website.

After seeing his article on Weibo, the senior immediately called him and made it clear that he intended to reprint his article.

"My opinion on the abnormal ratings of "Step by Step"."

This is the title of the article on Liu Feng's Weibo.

In the article, he first pointed out that the ratings of "Step by Step" were unusually high just two or three days after it was broadcast. It is probably not because of fraudulent ratings, but because of the halo effect of Mai Xiaoyu.

There are many film and television companies in the entertainment industry, but Mai Xiaoyu is the most maverick.

In reality, he is the lowest-profile, and he is the highest-profile on the Internet.

In order to protect Huo Jianhua, he tore up half of the entertainment circle, many artists publicly apologized, and a small number of artists who did not admit their mistakes have been affected.

Because the fans of "Meteor Garden" were sprayed, he was angry and tore and forced some big v, slogan "Purify the Internet, Use Violence to Control Violence", called the Meng Fan Tuban, and arranged for Hu Xu to come out in person and invite fans to join Meng Ren. .

In order to protect Tang Yan from cracking down on drug abuse in the entertainment industry, he publicly reported a number of artists gathered to take drugs in the name of "sunrise masses", among which there are first-line TV cafes.

Someone deliberately drove into Hu Xun, and he posted a sea arrest document on the Internet, and millions of dollars were red to arrest the perpetrator.

It was discovered that there were regulatory loopholes in P2P, and he was the only one who stood up under heavy pressure and first publicly pointed out the risks of P2P on the Internet.

and also…

After ten years of cuteness, the boss Mai Xiaoyu has fought countless online, representing the righteous side almost every time, causing an uproar.

In addition, there are various related rumors.

The first formal membership system; the precise vision that signing will be popular; the classic word-of-mouth of Mengren movies and TV series; Mengren movies are popular abroad; he is also good at creative conception of variety shows, two phenomenal variety shows "If You Are the One" and "Running Man" It has spurred the revival of two types of variety shows; the newly aired "Good Voice" has a huge audience rating, which has revolutionized the format of music audition shows...

The above and so on, all added countless auras to him.

Regardless of men, women and children, regardless of age, there are people in different audience groups who are curious about him.

Before the broadcast of "Step by Step", he was very low-key. Almost no one knew what he looked like.

Even the set makeup photos released by the crew and the various promotional activities of the main creators of "Step by Step", he was not seen.

What does Mai Xiaoyu look like?

The long-term mystery has made many viewers more and more curious about him.

When his starring "Step by Step" was broadcast, this strong curiosity finally found its outlet, and it also gave birth to the ridiculously high ratings of the premiere of "Step by Step".

The audience saw Mai Xiaoyu's appearance on TV for the first time. After their curiosity was satisfied, the audience's attention shifted from him to the TV series itself.

Those who like to watch stay, and those who don't like to watch change channels.

"... Therefore, the ratings of the first episode of "Step by Step" will be higher than the second episode, the third episode will be higher than the fourth episode, and the fifth episode will be higher than the sixth episode. I boldly predict that the first episode The ratings of episode seven will also be higher than that of episode 8, and this phenomenon will continue until the ratings of "Bubu" bottom out before it changes..."

When he updated this Weibo, the first six episodes of "Step by Step" had just been broadcast. The ratings of the seventh and eighth episodes were exactly the same as he expected, with the former higher than the latter.

In this regard, his explanation is: because of the public opinion that Mai Xiaoyu bought the ratings for "Bubu", the disguised publicity and hype of the show led to the "false high" ratings of the show.

The ratings of "Step by Step" have gradually declined. In his opinion, in addition to the diminishing effect of hype, it is also because there are fewer and fewer new audiences interested in Mai Xiaoyu. It is a good thing for the TV series itself, which is equivalent to squeezing moisture.

When the water is squeezed out and the remaining audience is no longer interested in Mai Xiaoyu, but for the drama itself, the ratings of "Step by Step" will rebound.

In order to prove his point, he also listed in the article the scenes of Mai Xiaoyu popular among students during the filming of "Why" at Suzhou University, to prove Mai Xiaoyu's influence and the truthfulness of the popular online broadcast of "Step by Step". sex.

Almost all of those students watched "Bubu" on the Internet.

Throughout the article, Mai Xiaoyu is often touted. Touting his career success, touting his starring "Step by Step" is good-looking, touting his performance in "Step by Step" is suspected of being a soft-text draft.

However, his pre-judgment of "Bubu" in advance has withstood the test of time. The changes in the ratings of "Bubu" these days have fully proved the correctness of his analysis.

that's enough!

"Step by Step" has been broadcast for more than 20 episodes. The average ratings are taken by Blueberry Guard as an example. From the first day's 3.37%, the lowest fell to 1.86%, which is almost cut in half. It started to rebound in the first two days, and the ratings of the two episodes last night were 2.18%, and it regained its footing at the beginning of the 2 word.

The ratings of Yanzhao Satellite TV almost fell below 1% at the lowest point, and now it has increased to 1.22%.

This ratings is the normal range.

However, on the Internet, the number of clicks on the exclusive broadcast of Storm Media is still very high. The latest two episodes are updated every night at ten o'clock, and the number of hits has not diminished at all.

Similarly, the topic of "Step by Step" remains high. In the past, the voices of talking about falsified ratings and criticizing Mai Xiaoyu were getting smaller and smaller. Discussions on plots, actors, acting skills, clothing, and Mai Xiaoyu were on the rise, and there were more and more topics.

Liu Shishi’s first kiss on the silver screen; Mai Xiaoyu’s two roles; "Gong Lock Heart Jade" and "Step by Step Alarming Heart" from the plot to the PK between the actors; Liu Shishi, Tong Liya, Re Yizha and other actresses who are the most beautiful; Who is the most handsome actor such as Mai Xiaoyu and Wang Kai...

This article on Liu Feng's Weibo has been reprinted in large numbers by the media, and Weibo fans have rapidly increased.

Liu Feng also posted a video of Mai Xiaoyu who was loved by students and asked for a group photo during the filming of "Why" at the University of Suzhou on Weibo, which once again attracted many netizens to watch and forward it, and many media reported the matter.

After waiting for a few days, there was no objection from Moeren or the crew of "Why". As a student reporter at the reporter station of Jiangsu University, he put on a three-minute recording of his interview with Mai Xiaoyu.

"There have always been rumors on the Internet that Mr. Mai treats employees very kindly in the company. I didn't really believe this rumor until I met Mr. Mai up close and communicated with him. I was just a junior. When I interviewed him, I felt fully As far as he is amiable and without pretensions, he is not shocked and has a broad-minded and successful character..."


Strongly touted Mai Xiaoyu!

Because several portal websites have contacted him, they are willing to provide him with summer internship opportunities, mainly responsible for interviews in entertainment news. Online media reporters are not as strict as paper media reporters. They can still interview and become editors without a reporter's license.

And when Mai Xiaoyu was interviewed, it was the navy who played a rhythm on the Internet, slandering the peak period of "Step by Step" and cursing him. But he didn't mind at all. The three-minute answer showed his "noble morals" of tolerance, generosity, and neither joy nor sadness.

Liu Feng's words were supported by many netizens, Weibo fans rose again, and the number of people who liked the recording was very large!

"I still have a nice voice, much better than the dubbing on TV."

"I also think so, his voice is so magnetic."

"I remember that many people scolded him on the Internet at that time, but I didn't expect him to be so calm."

"That's called tolerance, it's one of the necessary qualities for success."

"It's no wonder he doesn't fight his father or his mother, and he fights entirely on his own, so he succeeds at a young age."




Broad minded?

Are you sure that the person you are talking about is the cute boss Mai Xiaoyu?

Li Chang, who was fighting for the third man, spouted a mouthful of old blood.

Du Xu, who just failed in the domestic second-tier brand endorsement competition, has a sullen expression on his face.

The imprisoned Professor Lang tore the newspaper to pieces amidst the scolding of the discipline.

Hailan Garment abandoned the plan of advertising on Liufeng Weibo.

Ning Shibin cursed "Internet users are just a bunch of silly beeps." UU reading

Ning Shirong contemptuously scolded "Foolish people."

Those who didn't deal with Mai Xiaoyu were all complaining, even Mai Xiaoyu's friends and allies couldn't help but smile.

What kind of person is Mai Xiaoyu?

The media who are familiar with cute people know that Mai Xiaoyu is a well-known must-have report. Otherwise, how could there be so much news?

But no one said it was broken, and it's better for netizens to discuss it.

The ratings of "Bubu" bottomed out and returned to normal ratings. Although the momentum has weakened, the popularity remains.

Because of the abnormal initial ratings, the success of "Step by Step" can no longer be simply measured by the ratings. However, the second and third rounds of broadcast rights were snapped up by TV stations and sold at high prices, which proved the success of the show from the side.

The first broadcast right single episode is 300,000, and the second round broadcast single episode-200,000!

People are also popular due to the violent fire.

The heroine Liu Shishi's popularity has skyrocketed, and the first-line TV star character has emerged; the male number two from Xiangjiang has won the love of many mainland audiences and opened up the mainland market; Wang Kai's thirteen elder brothers are very affectionate and impressed the audience. Even the audience didn’t recognize him. He was once the female gun in "Ugly Invincible"...

Mai Xiaoyu's popularity is not weak, but because of his identity, the audience has generated controversy.

Part of the audience thinks that he is a very good performer, and that he can perform two different roles in two roles. He should belong to a powerful late-brows actor.

Some viewers insisted that Mai Xiaoyu's high popularity and high attention was mainly due to the aura of his cute boss. In terms of acting skills, he can only be said to be quite satisfactory and not so exaggerated. It may be better to change the lead role.

There are also some audiences... mainly young female audiences. They think that Mai Xiaoyu in and outside the play is very handsome and masculine, and is an idol actor!

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