The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 964: Yao Bina, you come back.

Since the premiere of "Good Voice" on Blueberry TV on July 9, it has become a phenomenal variety show in one and a half months. 『』

The steadily rising ratings, continued hot topics, and high Internet hits have made "Good Voice" a ace variety show on Blueberry TV after "Running Man".

In the beginning, what did Mango TV think can stand out from the many provincial satellite TVs and have the ability to challenge CCTV?

Isn't it the brand positioning that Mango Satellite TV insists on establishing a platform for entertainment?

Some people may think that variety shows are boring, and some variety shows have no lower limit, but no one can deny the importance of entertainment shows to TV stations.

China has become increasingly prosperous, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. After their material lives have been met, their spiritual and cultural needs have increased year by year. Variety shows have also become one of the ways for many viewers to pursue a sense of entertainment.

An excellent variety show can bring advertising revenue to TV stations, no less than TV dramas!

Moreover, with the introduction of this year's broadcast restrictions, each satellite TV needs to compress the daily TV series broadcast volume, leaving a lot of gaps, just to fill in with variety shows. For various satellite TVs, the ratings and advertising revenue provided by variety shows are second only to TV dramas.

Various satellite TVs have stepped up efforts to produce and purchase variety shows. Last year, the General Administration over the phone "No Money Burning Competition" was blown up, and now the limelight has passed, and the TVs are vying for the ratings of variety shows.

Spend money on stylistic stars and strongly invite them to join; Variety shows with higher ratings can hardly be produced two or three seasons a year; Variety of variety shows are blooming, in addition to buying copyrights from abroad, domestic variety shows are also struggling for innovation when they are produced. Brain juice.

The hot momentum brought by "Super Girl" in 2004 and 2005 shows signs of a comeback, and the momentum seems to be stronger than that of the previous year, and there is a general trend of national entertainment.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television also found that the national entertainment was overdone. The emergency brake halted some exceptional variety shows and put forward guidance on variety shows with higher ratings-reality shows can only be broadcast for one season a year.

The General Administration’s guidance is this, but the industry knows that some of the variety shows of several satellite TVs, such as Mango and Blueberry, are too popular, seriously affecting the ratings of other programs.

Take Blueberry TV’s "Running Man" as an example, which premiered in the second half of the previous year; last year, in addition to the "Running Man" movie, two more seasons of "Running Man" were aired; the fourth season was broadcast in the first half of this year.

Although the broadcast density is high, because there are not many programs of the same type that can compete with it, and Mai Yu provides inspiration for the program group from time to time to ensure the quality of the main frame of each issue, there are few viewers who suffer from aesthetic fatigue. "Running Man" The ratings are still hot.

In less than two years, four seasons have been broadcast, and the broadcast cycle per season is as long as three or four months.

Had it not been for the timely release of guidance from the General Administration, the fifth season would have been broadcast during the year. What a "freak and madness."

There are also Mango TV, Litchi TV and a handful of Shanghai Star TVs that hold ace variety shows. If they are all doing this, other people's variety shows are still alive?

Mai Yu agreed with both hands.

Unlike other popular variety shows, just like Blueberry’s reckless production and broadcast of "Running Man", in addition to the premiere and rebroadcast at night, it will be rebroadcast during the day and the previous... one day is counted. It can be broadcast four or five times.

This is really about fishing and killing chickens to get eggs in Huze. It takes the shortest time to force the audience to have aesthetic fatigue and make "Running Man" the rhythm of death.

In the first half of the year, "Running Man" was broadcast for more than three months, and successfully carried the banner of variety shows for Blueberry TV; just entering July, "Good Voice" carried the banner of variety shows for Blueberry TV in the second half of the year.

The first stage of blind selection of tutors: the star tutors listen to the voice and select people without interference from any other factors. While testing the students' singing skills, it is a great competition for the decision-making power of many star tutors.

Will the instructor turn around?

How many mentors turned around?

How do instructors compete for students?

Which tutor does the student choose?

Who is the first four-transfer student?

Who is the fastest four-turn student?


Suspense, stunning, sensational, ridicule, mentors "tear and force" each other, players' humorous performance...too many things to watch, let the audience watch with relish, the ratings of "Good Voice" have been rising all the way, sitting three times, four rushes and five thoughts six.

The second stage of the mentor choice: After the four star mentors select their own disciples, they will be specially trained. In the end, the disciples will be on the same stage, and the top 6 will be selected in a duel.

This session is of great help to the students. The instructor will guide and help the students in different categories in terms of music type and style, and finally select the best from the best, and select the top four in each tutor group.

The third stage of the instructor battle: it is a battle between the top four students in each group, that is, the battle of 4 advances.

This is a test of the "teaching ability" of the four star tutors. After the same time of training, which student performs better, it will be clear on the stage.

Starting from the second stage, each record company can send people to the scene to "watch the game" and select good seedlings with strength.

In the third stage, the mentor and representatives of nearly a hundred record companies and media jointly decide the outcome through scoring and voting.

Winning is certainly gratifying, becoming the champion of the mentor group and entering the stage of the ultimate "championship battle and annual music festival"; you don't have to despair if you lose. There are dozens of record company representatives in the on-site judging, which may be taken by which record company. Here comes the olive branch.

In short, opportunities are everywhere, and it depends on whether the students have enough strength to grasp it.

Right now "Good Voice" has been recorded to the third stage, and the recording process can be described as suffering.

Entered at 6 o'clock in the evening, and began recording at 7 o'clock, and it was almost dawn after the recording. And the recording can't be finished in one day, it takes two days, staying up for two all night.

In the early hours of the morning, the recording of the championship battle of the four students in the Zhang Yuanqi group began.

In the final round of the duel, the program group cleared the venue, and the audience was invited out of the venue. Only the participating trainees, tutors, staff and judges remained on site.

This is to prevent spoilers.

Yao Bina is a Rank 4 student. In the first round of blind selection, four instructors rushed to rush.

In the end, she chose the Zhang Yuanqi group and did not live up to everyone's expectations. She passed all the way to the top four in the Zhang Yuanqi group and became the favorite champion of this group.

Zhang Yuanqi was very optimistic about her and recommended the English song "ll&nbp;b&nbp;lf".

Yao Bina always refused. It is a matter of not remembering the lyrics. The key is that the song is too difficult. She was worried that she could not challenge But at the last moment, she still chose this song.

In the final round of the duel, she did her best to sing "ll&nbp;b&nbp;lf", and then quietly waited for the final result.

Before judging and scoring, the four instructors commented as usual.

Zhang Yuanqi praised each of her students.

The good old Trek commented on it.

Diao Yi: "I don't want to talk."

Harlem said the most: "We know what time it is, from midnight to early morning, it is really scary to sing such a difficult song..."

After the comments of the four mentors were over, it was the turn of the jury composed of record companies and the media to score and decide on the winner of the Zhang Yuanqi group.

When Yao Bina sang "ll&nbp;b&nbp;lf", there was a flaw, so she missed Zhang Yuanqi's championship.

Yes, Yao Bina... lost!

The victory has been divided, and the contestants said with tears; hug each other to send blessings and comfort; Zhang Yuanqi came to the stage to encourage...

After all the established procedures were completed, the host announced the Zhang Yuanqi champion candidate in an impassioned voice, Yao Bina ran towards the backstage with her face covered in tears.

At this time, Diao Yi, who had not said much, suddenly stood up.

"Yao Bina, you come back!"

Diao Yi's voice was loud and everyone was shocked. Yao Naina also stopped when she heard the words.

"Who let you go? See what you look like? What can be sad about losing such a game!"

Yao Bina came back with tears, and Diao Yi also jumped from the tutor's swivel chair, ignoring Zhang Yuanqi's ugly face, and went straight to Yao Bina.

"I, Diao Yi, the owner of the lb record company, now officially invite you to join our company and become the company's second singer. Would you like it?"

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