Atlas walked inside a weaponry room like the previous one, but the difference was that they weren't so stuffed and of high quality.

"Took you long enough." Asked Alina.

"Yeah, you know, first adventure and all."

"What?! This is actually your first one? How did you get your card then?"

"I have.... connections... Where are we?" Atlas said looking around the room and directed his attention towards the window, where he could only see trees and bushes with some birds chirping on their nest.

"Ha ...anyway, we are inside the adventurers guild at Akohama."

"What? This is a guild? Isn't this a jungle?"

"There's still some villages and peoples who require the help of adventures as they are within a forest in the first place," Alina said, walking towards the exit door and locking it.

"So, every door or gateways inside "Equade" is linked to an adventurer guild."

"Finally figured it out huh, you, first thought that we just teleported right?"


"Well, full-on proper teleportation is just a myth. Alibion is amazing but not 'that' much amazing."

"I see..."

'So, it still follows the rule of personal space like the "ATC" storage room but on a much larger scale, linked with hundreds and thousands of adventurers guild, given access to all the Alibion adventurers.

But the mana required to constantly maintain all that must definitely be gargantuan. How and where is that all managed really?..'

"Hey, rookie, what are you doing, let's go."

'Haaa.....question for another day I suppose.'Atlas thought.

"Oh jeez, coming already."

"Sorry dear, but we need to be quick," Alina said, adjusting her new outfit with light blue armor and a long thin sword at her back.

"I guess, I missed the show huh," Atlas said with a smooth but seductive voice.

"Yeah, I'm kinda pissed off, even though I was fully naked for a second, you were just looking out the window ignoring me altogether," Alina said with a bit grumpy voice, opening the door.

They both walked out of the weaponry room, with two guards looking at them with surprise.

"When did you went inside the weaponry, Ms. Alina?"

"A while ago, did you forgot? Are you guys slacking off these days? Hmmmm ....might need to complain to the chief."

"No, no, I'm sorry. I must have dozed off. It won't happen again Ms Alina. I promise."

"You better."

"They both were on the first floor and both of them walked down the stairs, some people recognising Alina along the way and totally ignoring Atlas as they should. Atlas wanted to use his "all-seer" but it was his first adventure mission. He wanted to be in full capacity when they took off from here and started their mission.

"You seem to be popular here too," Atlas asked.

"Yeah.....I have been here so many times already to complete this mission alone."

"How many days has it been then?"

"A month actually.....hey! don't judge me, Alibion mission isn't like your same old adventurer missions. It takes time, patience, and skills, I mean a lot of skills. Which I may inform you have plenty in my experienced belt, rookie!!."

"Ok, ok, I didn't say anything, calm down, now that we are here, what's the mission then?"

"Let's go to my room first and talk more about it."

They were already outside the guild house walking alongside the dirt road, surrounded by small wooden houses and stores. Most of the people here were tall and lightly brown in shade, looking like they were living their ordinary lives. The fashion here was very different, most of them wearing green and brown outfits.

Adventurers were also present, with green and brown leather shirts and light-black armors.

'Must be to match with the green forest, for hunting or doing missions maybe.'

He could see more hunters than adventurers around, Some bringing, large horned rabbits on their back. Some even brought fishes. It really looked peaceful, looking at their smiles and jolly faces. Most of the men were totally fit ripped, with a scar here and there on their body and faces but it seems it was the norm here, living and growing in the wild.

As they were walking, they reached their destination, the local inn of course.

"Don't be too disappointed, it's a village area, not a city, so the services here are not the best but not the worst either."

"Haha...I don't mind."

'Women, I lived in a jungle for days, sleeping on the grassy floor every night, eating fish and fruits for days.'

They both entered the inn, which was already packed to the brim, full of noises and native people, drinking their beer and some of them having their lunch.

"Oh, isn't it Alina?" Said a charming middle-aged woman, pouring beer for the customers.

"Miss innkeeper, it's been long," Alina said with a smile.

"Yes, it's been days, where were you actually, my dear? Leaving your room for so long. If it had been another inn, your room must have already been given to others, thinking you must have died or something, You need to inform me in due time, my dear."

"Will do Miss, Goshya. Thanks for taking care of me like always." Alina said with a bright smile.

"Now now. I was just worried. Have you eaten? How about some rabbit stew?"

"Thanks miss Goshya, how about.. send it to my room for two."

"Oh, you are hungry I see, wait for twenty-minute tops, it will be there."

"Thanks, Miss Goshya."

"No problem, you coming here is a gift on its own, look how popular this inn is now. Lushly darling come here! I'm gonna go to the kitchen!"

"Ok mother!..."

Alina walked to her room upstairs, all the men still looking at her back and her tight ass in lust. Some of them wanted to talk to her or even go near her but the long sword behind her was still there and with the fear that it would end up at their necks, they just gazed at her, not to be ever touched.

There had been so many men trying to uuww her but no one succeeded, sometimes even getting their ass bitten just by touching her. For the local villagers here, a woman who was so gorgeous and different in shade having pale and soft skin was very rare. So most of them came to this inn to drink was to have at least a look at her and try to talk if possible.

'Haha..... Everywhere I see. There are men losing their shit over her. Maybe it's her charm. I haven't used "all-seer" on her, did I? Guess I will have to check it later.'

Atlas was still walking at her back, looking around, if somebody noticed him or not, being vigilant as always.



With a Thud the door closed behind him, he looked around the room, which seemed larger than usual inn rooms, especially within a village with a proper bed, carpet, working table and it also has its own bathroom attached.

"Well, you are surely privileged."

"Haha..yeah. Miss innkeeper is very nice to me."

"Yeah....hard to figure out why," Atlas said with a bit of sarcasm.

Alina turned her neck to gaze at him, and touched herself in a seductive manner, from her neck, slowly sliding over her tight voluptuous ass.

"oh, you jealous." She said with a wink.

"Haha....I would be if I already didn't get the piece of that cake."

"Brud, humph.....maybe, I should have played the long game but attacked you sooner," Alina said in deep thought.

"Much, sooner I would say."

"Yes, yes. I couldn't help myself, I just wanted you so bad."

Alina put her sword down and unbutton her shirt and leather covers, showing her deep valley to the man in front of him, and walked near him pushing her ample possessions on his chest, coming closer to his ears.

"And I still want you now."

Atlas didn't say anything and all of a sudden grabbed her supple bums with his hands molding it to his heart desired.


"Let's talk about the mission first, ok 'senior' and after that, let's get to know this area here better," Atlas said, his one hand squeezing her voluptuous ass and another, fingering the area between her legs from behind, slowly turning it wetter."

"Ahh!!!, umm!!.. Why does it feel so...ahh!!..good!! whenever you...aahhhh!!!..touch me."

Atlas finally let her go, after turning her body fully hot, she looked at him with lustful eyes, saying she wanted him to touch her more, her face and cheeks turning red but she knew he would eventually deny it. So she walked towards the bathroom her body still hot and warm inside.

"I will have the shower first, you can use it after," Alina said in a meek voice, her hands touching the opposite sides of her own shoulders, making her look like, she was trying to control herself.


Atlas gazed at the closed door and sighed.

'If I keep having sex, with her. She will more be attached for sure and I can't let that happen during my first adventure, can I?'





Both were finally cleaned at sitting on the chairs, with the tone of files and data on different places and people.

"I heard a bit moaning inside there, I wonder who was it?" Atlas said, playfully.

"Hmph....who's fault was it," Alina said, her cheeks a bit red.

Alina looked around for a second and came near his ear.

"Our mission here is to kill the Kamilozes roaming around the village in disguise," Alina said with a whisper.

Atlas entered his system right away, hearing its name to know more about the monster, and behold, every crucial data about it now in front of the system panel right in front of his eyes.


Race: kamilian




MP: B+


CHARM: -----

FACE: -----

Rank: C Rank

Soul: E

Class: Shapeshifter( basic class)

Subclass : water bender

Description: Evolved from the race of Kamilians to embody others. Likes to eat any living thing, gaining the ability to take their form and continue to eat them again and again to maintain their form. They can change the color of their original or Embodied form to go invisible mixing with the background. Can gain more intelligence eating more intelligent beings.

Natural ability: shapeshift, invisibility, water bending.]

"Hmmm...I see. How many?"

" know about those creatures?"

"Yes, you can tell me everything you have procured until now. I may be a rookie but, I was given the black card for a reason. So trust me."

Alina smiled, her purple eyes turning a bit dreamy and her cheeks a bit tide red.

"Of course I trust you," Alina said, sitting even closer near him.

"Don't be alarmed when I say this. It's more likely between seventy and eighty." Alina said with a small voice.

"Oh, that's a lot." His voice turning a bit worried.

"That's not even the worst part, they are somehow mutated.....some even disguised as humans and those are ridiculously powerful."

'What the fuck? Mutated, some even disguised as humans, I don't have data on that. Doesn't that means, they are already among the villagers?'

"How many victims so far?" Atlas asked in a worried tone.

".... thirty-three and still increasing, half of them C tier local adventurers. The people started missing daily later on and nobody here knew when or how it was all happening. So, looking at the situation a bit more seriously, Alibion put its foot in reaching my master and finally handing it to me.

The only thing I could do was slow them down within the month. They are really crafty creatures and run away instantly when they see a bit of danger and you can't even catch them later on cause they change their form right away.

I could handle the regular ones but those mutated ones are really tricky. Haaaa.....I feel irritated to even think about those pesky bei....."

"Sshhh...." Atlas said placing his finger on her lips.

"They are already melded with the people here. It's good to stay low and be silent as possible."

"Umm..." Alina nodded.

"Well, you might be thinking for a while, why I was wearing my mask right?"

"Isn't it to hide your presence."

"Yes, but there's still more. You see, I'm a bit cursed and my eyes are..."

'I guess, my "all-seer" will be most useful here. It's like a cheat code for this mission so Let's use it to the fullest, I say.' Atlas thought with a deep smile etched on his face.


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