Another month has passed.

Today’s Safe City has entered a stage of rapid development, ranking second in its comprehensive strength among the eight domains of the Northern Spirit Realm. In the eight

domains, there are a total of forty-eight cities.

The pastoral domain only occupies the city of Ping’an, and it is also one of the closest cities to the Northern Spiritual Courtyard.

The Willow Domain occupies eighteen cities in the north, ranking first in the Northern Spirit Realm.

The Tang Domain occupied seven cities in the south, and the Lie Domain and Luo Domain each occupied five cities.

As for the remaining twelve cities, they were divided equally between the King Domain, the Li Domain and the White Domain.

And Liu Domain also had a big event, that is, the domain lord Liu Shocking abdicated to his son Liu Qingtian, who controlled Liu Qingtian, and the other two sons Liu Zong and Liu Yu assisted him.


As usual, Qing Yanjing walked into Mu Feng’s room with a gentle face and suddenly put the quilt on Mu Feng’s head.

After a month of getting along, Qing Yanjing gradually developed feelings for Mu Feng, and his heart was gradually occupied by Mu Feng’s figure.

Later, he told his story to Mu Feng, and Mu Feng turned into a loyal listener, constantly listening to Qing Yanjing complaining about bitterness.

But Mu Feng was also the same, deeply fascinated by this lovely child.


Mu Feng made a fatal cry for help in the quilt, and then after the quilt was lifted, he exhaled a few breaths fiercely.

Looking at the smiling cute child in front of him, Mu Feng directly pulled Qing Yanjing to the bed, and then hugged him tightly in Qing Yanjing’s coquettish voice.

Looking at the delicate face in front of him, Mu Feng had this scene of being with each other day in his mind, so he said directly to Qing Yanjing: “Jing, let’s get married!”

When Qing Yanjing heard Mu Feng’s words, she suddenly paused, and then smiled happily and nodded: “Okay, but who proposed marriage in bed?”

After Mu Feng heard this, he also said cheekily: “Then now I am the first.”

Qing Yanjing looked at the man in front of him, and also took the initiative to kiss him.

After the two of them lingered, Mu Feng rolled over and got up. Walking out of the house, Mu Feng saw that Hong Ling had

already brought out a plate of dishes, and Hong Ling saw that Mu Feng had only gotten up at this time, so he said playfully:

“Brother Feng, you got up so late again.”

When Mu Feng heard this, he said with a smile: “That’s not because I, as the city lord, have every day and every opportunity, and I am very tired, and I can’t get up in the morning.”

When Hong Ling heard this, he was also laughed angrily.

“Then Brother Ye, they are still busy now, you are good, just get up now.”

When Mu Feng heard this, he also admired the cleverness of his cultivation of them, and it was really comfortable to be a handshaker.

After Mu Feng sat down, he had breakfast with Qing Yanjing and Hong Ling.

The three chatted about the sky, and from time to time they served each other’s dishes, looking happy.

And when the meal was about to be eaten, Mu Feng put down his chopsticks and said solemnly to the second daughter: “I announce something, we will be married in three days!”

Qing Yanjing already knew, so she was not surprised.

On the other hand, when Hong Ling heard this, he was suddenly stunned, and then looked at Mu Feng who didn’t look like he was joking, and his eyes turned a little red.

Directly threw himself into Mu Feng’s arms, “Woo-woo, Brother Feng, is this true?” I’m so excited!

Mu Feng looked at Hong Ling’s joyful and crying appearance, and also wiped the latter’s tears with a smile, and said again: “Yes, I will marry you in three days, well, since it is a happy event, then don’t cry, I can’t see women crying the most.”

When Hong Ling heard this, he also obediently wiped away his tears and said, “Well, I’m not crying, I’m just too happy.”

Mu Feng saw that Qing Yanjing was also smiling at this time, so he took out three thin necklaces from the ring bracelet.

I saw that these three necklaces were all red, and there was a small red bell tied to them, which was very beautiful.

“This is the necklace that my mother made for our family when she was alive, and it was originally for me and my father.

But they weren’t used to wearing it, so they put it at my mother’s place.

When my mother was leaving, she said that she would stay for me, even if she gave her gift to her future daughter-in-law.

As my mother expected, my Mu Feng was able to marry two wives in this life.

After Mu Feng said with a smile, he tied the two necklaces around his neck for Hong Ling and Qingyanjing.

After Mu Feng also tied it himself, he went to inform Zhou Ye about this.

And when Zhou Ye heard that Mu Feng was finally going to be married, he was also sincerely happy for Mu Feng.

Directly began to let people arrange the venue and decoration of the marriage, and also asked Su Ling to send people to the large and small forces of the Northern Spirit Realm to deliver invitations.

Later, when Chen Xiong and Duan Wei heard this, they also sent people to help, and the city guard began to help move the items, while Duan Wei asked someone to buy a wedding banquet on the wedding day.

As long as the ingredients are good, the wine is only aged and the wine is drunk. And the news of the

main marriage of the pastoral domain domain also swept the entire Northern Spirit Realm like a violent wind.

After all, in the Northern Spirit Realm, the pastoral domain is a very mysterious existence.

The Pastoral Domain Lord not only has a strong body, but also has a deep relationship with the Tang Domain Lord.

And he also has a beautiful wife, and the origin of that wife is also mysterious.

The most important thing is that the pastoral domain is only one city, but it has developed better than other domains, which is a very strange thing.

At the same time, it also adds a veil of mystery to Mu Feng. And the forces that

got the invitation were very happy, because they felt that their forces already had a lot of status in the Northern Spirit Realm, which allowed the Mu Domain to send the invitation.

Therefore, many forces have been proudly invited by the pastoral domain.

Even, a force that had just been disbanded because it had no money because it obtained a pastoral invitation and then auctioned it out, and then had enough spirit coins to develop its power.

As a result, large and small forces were looking forward to the pastoral wedding banquet three days later.


Willow Domain, City Lord’s Mansion.

A middle-aged man in a green robe stood with a smile, this person had a pair of slightly inverted eyes, and the eyes swept like a tiger and leopard, which was awe-inspiring.

And this person is the current domain master of the Willow Domain-Liu Qingtian!

“Hehe, I don’t know what your opinion is the invitation sent by the pastoral domain just now?”

Liu Qingtian sat on the throne in the main hall and looked at the people below.

And the people below are also discussing with each other at this moment, each with their own opinions.

After a while, an extremely thin middle-aged man stood up.

His eyes were turquoise, and his face was indifferent, but judging from the spiritual power fluctuations faintly emanating from his body, he was obviously also a strong person who had entered the Divine Realm.

Second Master of Liu Domain, Liu Zong.

“Big brother, I suggest going, so that I can also see how the strength of the pasture domain is.”

At this time, another figure stood up.

This person is a little thin, but a pair of palms are like eagle claws, thin and powerful, it is the third master of the Willow Domain, Liu Yu.

“I think what the second brother said is extremely true, eldest brother, our three brothers go together, even if we can’t really have any traps in the pastoral domain, our three brothers can retreat with our whole body.”

Liu Qingtian looked at the words of the few people below, pondered for a moment, and nodded and said, “Well, three days later, our three brothers will go to the pastoral domain together.” ”


Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Today is Mu Feng’s wedding, and Mu Yu’s eyes are red at this time.

And the forces that received the invitation in the Northern Spirit Realm all rushed to Safe City.

At this time, the four gates of Heian City were all arranged by Chen Xiong to check more troops.

When those forces saw the elite and powerful troops of Safe City, their hearts were shocked.

No wonder there is only one city in the pastoral domain, and the army is so strong, and the overall level is much higher than its own forces.

And after entering the city, I saw happy smiles on the faces of the people, children playing and playing everywhere, and there was a jubilant color.

Some children also chanted nursery rhymes.

“The sun is coming out, and today is a big day. Wearing a red robe and a golden crown, the Mufeng Domain Lord enjoys peace.

And the residential buildings on both sides of the street are hung with the words “Congratulations to the city lord on his wedding!” And so on, you know that the administrators of this city are definitely very popular with the people.

Looking at the tall buildings around, not all forces think that this city is very good. Even the idea of occupying the city came up

in his heart, such as Liu Qingtian and the three who had entered the city at this time.

“Big brother, I have to say that this city looks quite good, I feel that it is related to my Willow Domain.”

Liu Yu rubbed his chin with his eagle-claw-like fingers at this time, and a pair of eyes kept looking.

“The third brother’s idea is good, but we still have to find out the strength of the pastoral domain, otherwise our willow domain will definitely suffer, and this pastoral domain is by no means simple.” Sure enough, it is not a

family, and it does not enter a house.

After Liu Qingtian said this, he also withdrew his gaze from the buildings on both sides of the street with satisfaction, but at this time, they also followed the flow of people and came to the Muyu City Lord’s Mansion.

At the gate of the city lord’s mansion at this time, a middle-aged man with a loud voice shouted loudly from his mouth.

“Greetings to Lieyan, Fierce Domain Lord!”

“Welcome to Tangshan, Tang Domain Lord!”

“Welcome Liu Qingtian, Willow Domain Lord!”

“Welcome to the guests of the White Horse Gang!”


When all the guests arrive, the wedding officially begins.

The entire city lord’s mansion was beautifully arranged, and Mu Feng directly took the Qingyanjing spirit coins to squander, specifically picking expensive ones to buy, looking both tasteful and classy.

“Heaven and earth!”

The loud voice of an elder echoed through the hall.

There were many guests gathered in the hall, of course, mainly Zhou Ye and people who had friendships with Mu Feng in the past.

Qing Yanjing and Hong Ling were all red, and the phoenix crown was beautiful, but they couldn’t see anything else clearly with their hoods, so they bowed to the heaven and earth outside the hall with Mu Feng.

Zhou Ye on the side had a smile on his face, talking and laughing with each other.

“Erbai Gaotang!”

The elder’s voice sounded again.

Mu Feng, Qing Yanjing and Hong Ling then turned around and bowed to the spirit seat above.

“Husband and wife!”

As soon as the elder’s words were said, Mu Feng stiffened his head and separated from Qingyanjing, and the red spirit bowed to him.

At this time, Mu Feng also bumped his head in Qingyanjing, causing cheerful laughter to resound in this hall again.

“Let’s go to the cave room!”

The two old mothers took Qing Yanjing and Hong Ling into the new house, but Mu Feng was pulled out by Zhou Ye and several people to drink.

At this time, Mu Feng was constantly being drunk by the people around him, and also chatted with Tangshan, who had been a mercenary together before.

“Haha, Mu Feng, I didn’t expect you to be married, the action is quite fast!”

A burly man dressed in a black robe smiled at Mu Feng, this man had a resolute and angular face, it was Tang Shan, the domain master of the Tang Domain.

“Haha, then you have to hurry up too.”

Mu Feng also patted Tang Shan’s shoulder.



Mu Feng, who was dressed in alcohol, walked into the new house, and his mind was extremely sober.

“Got married? Am I married?

Including the current Mu Feng, he couldn’t help but slap himself and hissed bitterly, only to know that all this was not an illusion.

Candles illuminate the red new room, and two well-behaved brides sitting at the head of the bed.

Mu Feng was extremely excited at this time, and walked directly to the side of the two, lifted the hood of the two, and revealed two beautiful faces.

“Brother Feng.”

Hong Ling’s face turned slightly red.

My heart is also full of joy, I don’t know how many years I have waited, and today is finally coming.

And Qing Yanjing next to him was even more rosy, and his heart was completely occupied by Mu Feng.

Coming to be his bride? It feels good.


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