After a brief shock, Professor X~ finally calmed down.

For so many years, he did not give up on treating his physical injuries, but each time it ended in failure.

Although Hank has developed a drug that can make him stand up, this drug has great side effects on the body and will make him lose the ability of mutants, so he gradually gives up hope of getting back on his feet.

Because the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

Suke is a little strange, shouldn’t this be good news for Professor X~? Why is he so calm at the moment, and there is still a little loss in his eyes?

As if seeing what Suke was thinking, Hank sighed first, and then explained: “You don’t know yet, do you? The professor is unable to stand because of a cervical spine injury, even the nerves in his injured part have been necrotic, any medicine is ineffective, and even human technology cannot cure the professor, otherwise…”

As soon as he said this, Hank was suddenly stunned.

Because he suddenly thought that Suke was not human at all….

Although human drugs and technologies cannot cure X~ Professor, what about alien drugs and technologies…

In the next second, Hanke suddenly looked at Professor X~ with an excited face.

At this moment, Professor X~ also thought….

While trembling and handing the serum in his hand to Hank, Professor X~ asked excitedly, “Suke… This… Where did you get this healing serum? ”

The matter of the system is Suke’s biggest secret, Suke naturally can’t tell anyone, but fortunately he is an alien, this kind of thing can naturally be made up at will, and as early as before, Suke has already thought about how to say it.

“Human knowledge and technology cannot make such a serum, this is my production with the knowledge of the Eternal Race, because the material is too scarce, so I only made this serum, but don’t underestimate him, as long as there is no death, this serum can cure any disease and injury!”

Suke said slowly.

And with his words, Professor X~’s whole body began to tremble, and Hank was also excited.

It is undoubtedly a nightmare for Professor X~ to spend his whole life in a wheelchair, and he even dares not confess to the woman he loves, but today, this kind of thing is finally gone!

“Quickly inject me!”

Holding back the excitement in his heart, Professor X~ looked at Hank.

Excited, Hank was a little hesitant.

“Professor, after all, this is alien technology, should we do a test or something first?”

“What’s so troublesome, this is the best test!”

Seeing Hank’s worried face, Wolverine on the side suddenly walked over, snatched the healing serum in Hank’s hand, and then stabbed it towards Professor X~ on the leg.

Then, in the eyes of everyone who was either surprised or speechless, the serum slowly flowed into Professor X~’s body, and then quickly began to repair Professor X~’s damaged cervical spine….

“Professor, how are you feeling? Is there anything uncomfortable? ”

Hank crouched down~ and looked at Professor X~ with a nervous look and asked.

He is a scientist who has to carry out countless experiments in everything, and in his opinion, it is too dangerous to rush Professor X~ to inject alien serum!

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Suker, it’s that he’s always so rigorous!


Professor X~ was just about to answer, his body suddenly shook, he actually fell from the wheelchair, and then knelt directly on the ground.


Everyone was worried, except for Suke, because Suke knew in his heart that the super healing serum could definitely cure Professor X~’s cervical spine!

“No… Don’t help me…”

Facing Hank and Jean’s outstretched hands, Professor X~ rejected them at the moment, and then, holding the fuselage on the side, he actually stood up slowly….

“Hahaha…” Professor X~ laughed maniacally: “I finally… I finally got up… Hahahahaha…”

In just a few minutes, Professor X~ was already able to walk freely.

Ten minutes later, Professor X~ was already trotting on the plane….

Immediately afterward, he asked Wolverine to do another thing.

“Logan, please drop this wheelchair into the sea below, I don’t want to see this thing again!”


Wolverine was a little speechless, but complied.

Immediately afterwards, the cabin of an aircraft flying at sea suddenly opened, and then a wheelchair was dropped…

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 19th to September 21st)

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