The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 222: don't steal my nest 18

"Are you angry?" Mu Bai Junmei's deep face was pitiful, her eyes were fixed on her, as if she was afraid of being abandoned.

I used to regard the little fox as a small pet, but now I am more afraid of being abandoned as a small pet.

Oh no, big pet big white meow.

Luo Ci patted him a few times with her paws in dissatisfaction, "Why are you covering my mouth?"

Mu Bai looked at her deeply and made up his mind. He took her back to the cave quickly and put her on the bed made of animal skins, while he squatted in front of the little fox and looked at her.

There was an imperceptible tension in his voice, "Will the cubs be with those foxes?"

Even if she thought about hiding her, she still chose to respect her wishes. If she wanted to stay with those foxes, he would follow her wherever she went.

The little fox was speechless, "Why should I be with them?"

Mu Bai held the little fox's claws lightly, and he said slowly, "I like you."

Many words passed through my mind, but in the end, only these four words came out.

The six tails behind the little fox wagged lightly, and there was no response for a while.

He decided to be all candid.

"I'm not from here, and I don't know why I turned into a white tiger. Before... I always wanted to find the way back and bring you back. I know I ignored you before, sorry, I won't do this again in the future. Come on, cubs don't like other male beasts, just like me, okay? Don't like other male foxes..."

"I want to wait for you to grow up and be my own little fox."

Be my own little female beast. He silently added in his heart.

"I don't belong to this world, but I belong to you."

Luo Ci looked at him for a while with her beautiful eyes, and said slowly, "You treated me as a pet before."

Mu Bai's eyes dimmed, and he slowly lowered his head, with a low tone, "I'm sorry. You are not a pet, I take it for granted. Can you give me a chance?"

So won't you forgive him?

After all, they are orcs, no different from humans. There is also a decent tribe. There are a set of rules in the tribe. Each orc is a separate individual, not someone's appendage. Farmers weaving are no different.

The little fox is a female beast, how could he accept himself as his little pet.

His dangling fingers were whitish, and his lips lost their color.

Actually it's normal.

He used to be a serious human being. In the past, raising a fox was a small pet. How can a fox become a human, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become a spirit, and there will be no goblins.

How can a human fall in love with a fox.

But he just fell in love with her, even if he hadn't seen her transformed into a human being.

Mu Bai didn't dare to raise his head, he was afraid that the little fox would not like him, and that he would hear rejection.

"Show your ears." The soft and waxy voice was the same as before, just a little less immature.


"Change?" With a threatening tone.

Mu Bai was a little dazed, but still obediently showed his fluffy half-round ears.

As the king of beasts, the white tiger is so docile at the moment, he doesn't dare to refute at all, he can do whatever he wants. Not a white tiger, but a domestic white meow.

He felt his ears being pinched, "And you covered my mouth on the road, I'm still angry!"

Even if she didn't speak, it was very uncomfortable to hold her mouth so tightly that she couldn't open it.

Mu Bai was stunned.

His ears were caught.

He was grabbed by a soft little hand, and he didn't feel any pain. Instead, there was warmth from the tip of his ear. The warmth quickly scorched the apex of his heart, and his handsome and fair face was stained with blush.

But he didn't have time to study it, and raised his head to look at the little fox.

A silver-haired little girl looked at him with a smile. She had white fluffy hair accessories on her hair, her face was bright and cute, and she was wearing a white fluffy dress with a little bit of red around it. gradually merge.

Her eyes are not all charming fox eyes, but some round and immature, with a slight smile, her eyes are curved, which makes people feel warm.

At the moment when he saw her human form, Mu Bai's eyes did not blink, he almost looked at her in a daze, his heart beat faster, and his heart throbbed, filled with joy and surprise.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Luo Ci continued to grab his semi-circular plush tiger ears and started to ravage him. Who told him to cover his mouth, she would never agree to him so easily this time.

Unless... he turns into a little tiger to keep him for a while.

Hmph, when the time comes, she will also let him have a taste of being forced to take a bath when he can't struggle, and will continue to play with his tail and ears.

Mu Bai couldn't help holding her hand, staring at her tightly, reluctant to leave for half a minute, "Is the cub already an adult?"

Being stared at by his burning eyes like this, Luo Ci suddenly didn't dare to look directly.

It always felt like... the pieces were going to eat her.

Hmm... No, why is his hand so hot? Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the tail that popped out from behind Mu Bai, and then returned to his slightly red and half-drunk face, suddenly panicking.

This stupid tiger seems to be in estrus!

Just thinking about getting up, she was thrown down on the couch. Even though she was out of control, Mu Bai still reached out and covered the back of her head.

Mu Bai's whole body was scorching hot, and his head was buried in her neck, rubbing against her, his scorching breath rushing toward him. The tail behind him was bent in an "S"-shaped arc in mid-air, in a state of tension.

Luo Ci struggled slightly, and the tighter he hugged him. The already clear and mature voice has become a lot more youthful now, aggrieved, "Uncomfortable...why did you push me?"

Because of the period of estrus and estrus, his consciousness was already blurred, and he only knew that he was clinging to the little fox with his familiar aura.

Well, it's his little fox.

He raised his head, his fair face was all dyed red, his eyes were blurred, and he stared at her like a mist, "Don't dislike me..."

"I know I was wrong."

After he finished speaking, he continued to rub it sticky, where is a tiger, obviously a domestic cat who likes to act like a spoiled child.

It was probably because he was uncomfortable, unable to relieve the heat in his body. He raised his head, dominated his actions with a less lucid consciousness, stared at Luo Ciying's pink lips, his vertical pupils gradually raised, lowered his head and grabbed it. Opening his lips, Mu Bai's eyes lit up, as if he had learned something, he drove straight in, his lips and tongues lingering.

After a while, he let go, his light brown eyes flashed with pleasure and contentment, and he hugged her and rubbed against a humanoid pillow.

Luo Ci wiped her lips with her hand, she couldn't help grinding her teeth, her fox eyes narrowed slightly.

She was still angry that the fragments actually took advantage of her!

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