The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 224: don't steal my nest 20

Hearing these words suddenly, Mu Bai was slightly stunned, but he quickly transformed into a human form and held her tightly in his arms.

His little fox had already told him that this was the meaning of the pendant.

No wonder he saw some orcs with similar necklaces around their necks, and now he thinks it is the establishment of a partnership.

Luo Ci didn't struggle this time, with a light smile in her eyes, she cuddled meekly in his arms, and rubbed her little head.

She could feel the shard's inner joy.

Although I said in my heart, don't agree so quickly, but I still can't bear to make the fragments feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, she knew that she liked him, and he didn't do anything to make her unhappy, so why bother him.

Fragment thought he treated her as a pet, but he was considerate and attentive to himself, not like a pet at all, but he didn't realize it. He tried his best to find what she wanted. On the surface, he seemed to be domineering and regarded himself as his property, saying that he wanted to decide what to do for her, but in fact, in the end, she had the final say.

Just like at the beginning, he obviously didn't want to go to the tribe, but because she wanted to go, he still followed.

Subconsciously, he always put her wishes first.

As for him leaving early and returning late every day, she could actually see the anxiety and worry in Fragment's heart.

He said that he was not from this world, so he must have wanted to go back to see his relatives.

Fragment has no previous memory. He only has the memory of this plane from birth to the present. His parents and relatives are naturally his important people. It is understandable that he has spent time looking for a way back.

So she won't feel left out and aggrieved.

Luo Ci quietly nestled in Mu Bai's arms, her eyes were soft, although she was sometimes naughty and willful, but that was only because someone was protecting her and pampering her.

She was always soft in her bones.

Tweet said that it's not impossible to leave this world, but it's just a little price to pay.

But she came to the small plane for him, and she has no relatives here, only him, so it doesn't matter.

It would be good for her to go back with him.

Mu Bai let go of her slowly, his eyes were gentle, and he lowered his head and asked softly, "Would you like to go back with me? I'll show you my family."

Luo Ci nodded lightly, "Okay."

Mu Bai's eyes brightened, he knew that the little fox agreed that he was willing to return to his own world with him.

His little fox is willing to go to a completely unfamiliar place for him, without any relatives, he must treat her well.


Night is a bonfire party.

The little fox wanted to go, so Mu Bai took her along.

Just before he left, he hugged Luo Ci, buried his head between her neck, and rubbed stickily, "Can you change your human form and appear in front of them? I don't want them to see your appearance."

Although he was willing to respect her wishes, he was full of jealousy and uncomfortable when he thought that his little fox would be seen by other male beasts.

The animal figures who didn't see the little fox all said that they would wait for her to grow up. Don't they have a lot of competitors now that they saw the human figures?

But he was afraid that the little fox would think he was domineering, so he said dully, "Forget it, the cub can use whatever form he likes."

Although I wish I could hide her in my pocket, it's like the little fox can't see people, and there is no room for self.

From the very beginning, he had a strong possessiveness towards the little fox.

He had just been suppressed before.

Luo Ci actually doesn't care about this point. To other orcs, an orc who can't transform into a human form is a shame, a disability, and it is no different from a beast with undeveloped intelligence. A humanoid appears.

But she didn't care.

So in the end, Mu Bai went to the bonfire party with a snow-white little fox.

The bonfire party is on a large flat area of ​​the tribe. The orcs form a large circle. There is a fire at intervals. There are three or two orcs around the barbecue. The open space in the middle is the stage for the performance.

There are fighting performances, dancing performances, and even courting in public.

There were a lot of new faces on the flat ground, and they soon integrated into this tribe and became one.

The orcs have no calculations or intrigue. Their lives are very simple. They grow up from the cubs, court, and reproduce. After they get married, the males go out to hunt for their families and tribes, hunt for food and store food in harsh environments, and the females take care of them. Cubs, make a home for the male beast.

All they want is to fight against the sky and survive in harsh environments.

They don't have advanced technology, they don't have convenient means of transportation, they're just a tiny speck of dust compared to nature, but they never succumb.

Mu Bai cooked meat for the little fox in a small corner, Luo Ci was lying on his lap and waited quietly.

He also wanted to live a wonderful two-person world, but Hill saw him sharply and ran over.

Mu Bai looked at Hill, who was running to rub the barbecue, with a bad expression, "Why are you running here?"

I have never seen such a familiar lion.

Hill shrank his head bitterly, with a sad face, "I'm here to hide from the limelight. The tigress is coming."

Mu Bai glanced at him, and there was an idea in his heart that he wanted to kick him away, but he finally let it go.

Just after a part of the meat was roasted, a small piece was torn off and fed to the little fox as before, with tenderness in his eyes.

Although he knew that the little fox had grown his teeth and could eat by himself, he still wanted to feed him, and his heart softened when he saw the little fox showing a satisfied expression because of his feeding.

Hill picked up another piece of grilled meat carelessly, and ate it on his own, ignoring Mu Bai's cold knife, and the two brothers said nicely, "Brother, your grilled meat is delicious! I didn't expect you to The craftsmanship is so good."

Mu Bai glanced coldly, "Really?"

"Yeah, yeah, I have to have a good meal before the boss catches me out." Hill ate with relish.

At this moment, a petite and exquisite white cat appeared next to him, meowing softly, and Hill was suddenly stunned, with sparks in his eyes, staring straight at the white cat.

I also wanted to feed the little white cat the barbecued meat that I had eaten, but I found out that it was not right. I took another piece of barbecue from the grill and blew it a few times, and then fed it to the white cat when the barbecue was no longer hot. .

The white cat stared at him for a while, then leaned in to eat slowly.

Hill was overjoyed, "Little white cat, will you be my partner when you become an adult?"

He liked this white cat very much, and he was only interested in the little fox to bring her back to the tribe. After all, the female beasts in the tribe were scarce, and the situation of the little female beasts alone would be very dangerous.

At this moment, seeing the white cat gracefully appear, the soft meowing, and the small bite of the barbecue, melted his heart.

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