The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 230: Don't rob my nest 26

Mu's father and Mu's mother were very worried that Mu Bai would lose his mind at first, but he went downstairs to eat on time every day and would chat with them.

The only change is that he no longer goes out, and he never touches those exciting projects he pursued before.

It's not that his former friends came to ask him to go racing and adventure in the forest, but he was rejected one by one.

He stayed at home every day, not just in the room, but also went to the gym to exercise, and later began to paint.

Mu's house set up a separate studio for him. Once, Mu's mother called him to eat, and when he stood at the door of the studio, he was stunned, and then his eyes were full of shock.

The whole studio has pictures of the girl. What she sees most is the girl's quiet sleeping face, as well as her soft and soft appearance when she is awake occasionally. She greets herself politely. She is a very good little girl. , very young.

In this studio, there are many paintings that she has never seen before, some are smart and playful, some are aggrieved and coquettish, some are sulking alone, puff out their cheeks, frown and look over, and some stay at home alone pitifully write…

a lot of.

It was all imagined by Mu Bai and belonged to that girl.

Mu's mother was speechless for a long time, looking at her son who was earnestly painting a new portrait, she couldn't bear to interrupt for a while.

In the end, it was Mu Bai who discovered the existence of Mu's mother and stopped, and the basic outline of the painting had been completed.

"Did you call me to eat? I'll be here later."

Mu Bai carefully put away the tools, for fear that the paint would be scattered and damage the little fox he painted.

The little fox won't be happy if it gets dirty.

Mu Mu's eyes were sour for a while, and she silently exited the studio.

There is a kind of sadness, hidden in the bottom of my heart, with an astringent taste, which can be tasted over and over again. It is not a sudden emotional fluctuation, but a small stream that is integrated into the bits and pieces of life. , stirred up choppy waves.

Ups and downs, ups and downs, over and over again.

Mu Bai stroked the portrait lightly, the tall and handsome figure gradually moved away, walked to the door, slowly closed it, and closed everything in the studio inside, as if isolated from the world.

His expression was neither happy nor sad, but he was stunned for a moment after seeing the scene, and then the corners of his lips drew a faint arc, as if mocking himself.

Mother Mu returned to the dining table with tears in her eyes, and her voice was a little choked, "Abai... he painted a portrait of a room."

Didn't say what was painted, but everyone knew it.

Father Mu was silent, just holding her hand tightly to comfort her.

Mu Chen handed over a piece of paper, "Mom, hurry up and wipe it up, don't let Bai see you cry..."

Everyone understands why she was crying. If Bai saw it, it might be even more sad.

They won't persuade them, such as if they will meet someone they like in the future, they can only accompany him and be his support.

He also had relatives by his side.

At night, Mu Bai would lie on the rooftop and look at the stars.

He wondered if the little fox could look at the stars at night, just like him.

The slender hand touched the half-heart pendant at the neck, raised it to the front, and looked at it quietly, one person and half of the heart.

In fact, he wanted to take the little fox to eat delicious food and visit various attractions, but her health deteriorated and she could only stay at home all the time.

He had said before that he would never leave her alone at home again, and even if he fell asleep, he didn't want to leave her side.

The little fox is afraid of being alone.

But she would only endure it and would not say it.

Powerful and fragile.

"I'll come to you soon."

No matter how long, no matter how far.

I will definitely come back to you.

Maybe a year, maybe two years.

Mu Bai was the same as when he returned home, he seldom went out, and even helped Mu Chen with company affairs, he also worked from home.

When Mu Chen came home from get off work and was about to hug his cat, he found that his brother slowly said to the cat, "It's not cute at all." How can his little fox be cute.

Seeing his younger brother's childish appearance, Mu Chen wanted to laugh but couldn't.

Two years have passed, and nothing has changed in Bai.

He walked over and hugged the cat. He was about to say a few words when he heard the phone ring. Mu Bai took out his phone and looked at it. His eyes, which had been quiet all along, wavered and instantly lit up.

At this moment, Mu Chen realized that what had been missing from Mu Bai in the past two years, his eyes had lost light.

So the smile didn't reach the bottom of the eyes, and the smile was white and weak.

Mu Bai touched the answer button tremblingly, and there was the voice of Daoist Lin, "My master has returned..."

He listened silently, "I'll go right there."

After hanging up, he said to Mu Chen, "Brother, I'm leaving."

The voices in the hall ceased, and Mu's father and Mu's mother all looked over.

Mu Bai said again, "I won't come back."

They don't know the truth of the matter, but they also know that he is not talking about death, after all, it has been two years.

"Let's go." Mu Chen spoke for the second old man.

Only in this way, Bai will be happy.

He will take good care of his parents.

Mu Bai quickly arrived at Daomen, and saw Daochang Lin's master, who looked like a young man in his twenties, but his eyes were full of vicissitudes.

"Bring me your black stone pendant."

Mu Bai took it out of his arms, which was given to him by the tribal wizard, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Lin Daochang's master asked, "After you pass, you will be the same as the people there, and it is very likely that you will not appear in your current form, and you will never be able to come back."

Mu Bai nodded almost without hesitation. He never thought of coming back. For the past two years, he stayed at home and got along with his parents, which was also a kind of compensation.

His little fox has been waiting for him for a long time.

The rest of the time is hers.

"Take it." I don't know what kind of magic the long cast on the pendant, and then returned it.

Mu Bai took the pendant, and in an instant a strange-colored pupil appeared with a cold expression. He glanced at the master and apprentice lightly, and moved his fingertips to the side. In an instant, the spiritual energy in the Taoist door soared, and the spiritual flowers and grasses rushed out.

"It's a thank you."

Chief Lin clearly felt that the bottleneck was loose, and looked at the place where Mu Bai disappeared with excitement.

"Master, who is he?"

"A man we'll never be able to reach."

The sky and the earth were turbulent, and in an instant it returned to calm.

On the balcony of Mu's house, Mu Chen seemed to feel something, looked in a certain direction, his younger brother would never come back.

When Mu Bai woke up, he first observed the surrounding environment. He vaguely remembered that he had been here, and he would definitely return to the tribe.

Is the little fox waiting for him in the tribe?

But... it always feels like the trees are bigger than before.

Mu Bai moved his body, only to realize that something was wrong, he was a white tiger now.

Not only that, he is still a white tiger cub, not much bigger than the previous little fox.

Rao has accepted the possible situation that the Taoist said, but he is still a little helpless about becoming a white tiger cub.

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