The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 233: Xianmen group pet little master 1

A little girl wearing a white and pink vest, raised her sword and was about to run out.

Although she had a sullen face and pretended to be serious, she was just a little girl no matter what, tender and cute.

"Little Master, do you want me to go out with you?" An old man with a long beard asked nervously, with a bitter face.

"You are the sect master, you have to stay in Xianmen to handle affairs and teach the disciples, how can you follow me?" The little girl in the white pink flower dress turned her head and said to him "heartedly".

The old sect master stood still, watching the little master Yujian go away, and the figure disappeared in a swish.

There was still her vowed voice in the air, "Don't worry, I will definitely kill those demons and come back."

The sect master smiled wryly, why is he worried about this, the little master is a super idiot, he is afraid that she will not find the way back!

As for those demon clan villains, he knows the ability of the little master, but it is another problem to meet them or not!

If the patriarch and other patriarchs knew that the little patriarch was lost again... Then shouldn't he be beaten to death?

But he couldn't beat the little master, and she was young and grew up by himself, how could he be willing to do it?

The Sect Master of Xianmen kept sighing.

Is he offering a reward to find a top-grade spiritual weapon of the Xianmen Little Master Award?

If Xianmen has a forum, it must be like this.

#High price reward for the news of the little master of Xianmen#

#On the shortcut to get rich and get rich and embark on the road of immortality#


Luo Ci stepped on the sword, holding an extremely delicate map in her hand, looked down at the scenery below, and muttered softly, "It should be the right direction."

This map is the most detailed in Tianlan Continent. It is probably the only one in the world. It was jointly produced by her master and several senior brothers who traveled across the continent, and it also comes with a booklet, which contains information from various places. Detailed notes on the situation.

Chiu Chiu didn't dare to make a sound, this plane porcelain is a super road idiot who has no sense of direction at all.

It seems that because of the many times of getting lost, Cici's temper is a little bad.

"Then go in that direction."

Two days later.

Luo Ci walked gloomily down the street, which was very unfamiliar.

She really got lost again.

A teenage-looking girl, with a small face, wearing a flowery dress, walked down the street with her head lowered, almost crying.

The dark and clear eyes are very agile, and the face is still a little childish, but it is cute and loving, and people can't help buying her delicious comfort.

However, no one has any coveted heart for her appearance. She looks too small, so she directly treats her as a child, and she has no other thoughts.

Just as Luo Ci was about to leave here, a kind and amiable aunt handed her a sweet-scented osmanthus cake, "Don't be sad, little girl, my aunt invites you to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

She was stunned, and without explaining, she thanked her earnestly and accepted the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

After the aunt gave her the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, she left with a smile and disappeared into the crowd.

Luo Ci opened the oiled paper, carefully twisted a piece, and stuffed it into her mouth, her cheeks bulging slightly, like a chipmunk.

The osmanthus cake here is not bad.

In fact, she wanted to fly with Yu Jian, but there were not many monks here, and she was worried that it would disturb the mortals in the mundane world.

I had to find a place with few people at random before leaving.

The population was getting sparser and sparser. Near the sea, there was only a defeated town, and Luo Ci was about to leave from above.

【Ding! Detected that the mission target Ye Che has appeared]

This made her pay attention, she landed slowly, put away the long sword, and looked like an ordinary little girl.

She walked slowly into the town and looked straight at an eight or nine-year-old boy in ill-fitting patched clothes, moving a little slowly, limping. His face was also dirty, and he couldn't see his face clearly, only those clear and clean eyes could be seen.

There were other kids around throwing stones at the little boy, "Get out of our town! You weirdo!"

"A thief, actually stealing our clothes!"

"It's still a dumb, it's not ashamed!"

And there were adults watching with cold eyes.

The little boy stumbled and covered his face, dodging.

"Stop!" With anger in Luo Ci's eyes, she walked over a few steps and hugged the little boy in her arms.

The little boy's body froze, as if he was a little overwhelmed and let her hold him.

When the surrounding adults saw her jumping out, they all stared at her with some fierce eyes, "Who are you? Did you know that he stole our clothes and food?"

Luo Ci frowned, "I can pay for him." She searched for a long time before finding a piece of silver.

The little boy lightly tugged at the corner of her clothes and looked straight at her, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak.

Immortal cultivators all use spirit stones and rarely use gold and silver items.

A middle-aged man was a little happy when he saw this, and immediately said, "If this is the case, then let's let him go." After speaking, he wanted to get the silver.

Luo Ci threw the silver directly to the man, hugged the little boy and left.

The group of people also looked at the piece of silver with some surprise, and asked the middle-aged man to show them also, and soon there was a conflict.

Because there is only one ingot of silver, and there are many of them, it is not enough.

Just as he was about to ask Luo Ci to "pay" the money again, he found that the person was gone.

Luo Ci hugged the little boy and left the village quickly, so she didn't want to be with those people.

He gently placed him on a large rock and touched his head, "What's your name?"

Although she already knew through the system, she still had to ask again.

Ye Che looked at her with clean and beautiful eyes, opened her lips, but did not make a sound for a long time.

Luo Ci was a little distressed, and the fragments were actually bullied, and it was so miserable.

She thought of the children who stoned him before, "Let me see if your injury is okay?"

Ye Che stared at her for a while, then nodded.

Luo Ci opened his clothes little by little. There were several bruises and purple scars on his body. The cold wind was blowing. But she didn't dare to get her clothes dirty.

She clenched her small fists angrily, and suddenly wanted to go back and beat those people, obviously he was still a child.

Gather up his clothes for him, rubbed Ye Che's hair, and said in a gentle voice, "Will you follow me in the future?"

Ye Che pursed his lips, his eyes were sparkling, and nodded.

Luo Ci took out a jade flying boat from the storage ring, lowered her head and said seriously, "This is the flying boat that my senior brother refined for me. Can I take you to rest in it?"

Ye Che opened his lips, and a pleasant voice overflowed from his throat, "My name is Ye Che."

"Sister, I didn't steal anything." He looked at Luo Ci nervously, as if afraid that she would not believe him.

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