The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 242: Xianmen group pet little master 10

What Luo Ci didn't know was that Ye Che who was under the stage looked at her from a distance while her eyebrows were squinting as her senior brothers spoke.

He clenched his hands slightly, pursed his lips, and his clear eyes dimmed.

The surrounding voices disappeared, his eyes only fell on Luo Ci on the high platform, ignoring everything around him.

He didn't like the way his sister smiled at others.

I also don't like her closeness to the people next to her.

It wasn't until the referee called him to play again, three times in a row, that he regained his senses and walked slowly to the stage. The person opposite was an old disciple who failed to enter the top ten in three consecutive outer door competitions. General progress.

Seeing that Ye Che hadn't come to power for a long time, he thought he was frightened, and immediately grinned, "It's too late to admit defeat now."

He looked up and down Ye Che with disdain, "After all, he's a little brat with no hair."

Ye Che was very irritable in his heart, but this man came to provoke him, pursed his lips and said nothing. After the referee called to start, he directly attacked the opponent with a sword.

That person is not the previous fire disciple, and he will soon have a countermeasure. He is the root of the earth, which can make his defense stronger. After he resisted this blow, his blood surged, and he almost took a mouthful of blood. Squirt out.

His eyes were a little horrified, and finally he gritted his teeth and took an elixir. His aura soared, and he aggressively attacked Ye Che. He even took out a magic talisman from his arms, showing reluctance, and finally threw it at Ye Che.

Luo Ci on the high platform frowned slightly, but it was just a big competition from the outer door. She took the medicinal pill to forcibly enhance her strength, and also displayed a high-level magic talisman.

This has been deliberately targeted.

But she was relatively at ease about the fragment. Although she didn't understand the monster cultivation system, she could roughly sense the aura in his body, which was stronger than that of most outer disciples.

The Outer Sect Grand Competition did not prohibit the disciples from using elixir and talismans, so Luo Ci couldn't say anything, but very few disciples would use high-level charms in the competition. For ordinary disciples, high-level charms It's a life saver.

Ye Che's pupils in the depths of his eyes were abnormally cold. He held a long sword and injected a water-blue spiritual power into it. He charged a blow and neutralized the power of the high-level talisman, but he also suffered from it. hurt.

He was knocked back a few steps by the strength of the talisman, coughed lightly, and stroked the dark red blood on his lips with his left hand.

His eyes were cold, and he continued to attack the opponent, each sword was fiercer than the other, and the sword momentum was getting higher and higher.

The disciple wanted to admit defeat several times, but was swallowed by an inexplicable aura. He felt the icy stinging pain on his body, and finally struck a sword in front of him. He showed despair and hatred in his eyes looked in one direction.

It's not that he hates Ye Che, but someone else.

He no longer dared to show any hostility towards Ye Che.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and try to protect his entire body with earth-type spiritual power to meet this blow.

Ye Che's sword fell, and the man fell to the ground in a coma. He vomited blood, and his bones were severely injured. Without a panacea, it would be difficult to fully recover.

An outer sect disciple was injured to such a degree that it would be difficult for him to recover if he had no power or power.

But that person also took the blame for himself. From the moment he took the medicine pill that forcibly improved his own cultivation, and used the high-level magic talisman on Ye Che, he was already inferior.

Ye Che glanced coldly at the people around him, and the place the last person was looking at—Lin Yichen.

The clothes on his body were spotless, just because the fight was a little messy, there were traces of blood on the corners of his lips, the long sword was slightly hanging, the cold light was cold, and a smear of red blood slowly dripped and fell on the ground.

He was just an eight or nine-year-old child, and when he met his icy, savage gaze, he was inexplicably frightened.

Ye Che walked off the stage slowly, and the referee announced like he was waking up from a big dream, his eyes were a little complicated, "Ye Che wins!"

He stood in the original place, no one dared to make a sound beside him, and even couldn't help but stay a few steps away from him.

Not only the outer sect disciples, but even the inner sect disciples were a little stunned, not daring to look at them with the provocative eyes before.

Ye Che looked at Lin Yichen coldly, and stared for a while before withdrawing his gaze.

He turned his eyes to Luo Ci on the high platform again, just in time to meet her clear eyes, which were slightly confused, and suddenly lowered his head, feeling overwhelmed and nervous.

Sister... see.

He is not a good boy.

All of a sudden, the icy child who was full of hostility suddenly became docile, and stood obediently, pinching his sleeves and lowering his head, daring not to show his eyes.

He was a little afraid to see his sister's disappointed eyes.

Will... push him away.

The first day of the competition came to an end, and the surrounding people slowly dispersed. Those who participated in the competition and their companions spittled about their psychological activities at that time. Only Ye Che was still standing in the same place.

He didn't know how to meet his sister.

In front of his sister, he has always been a well-behaved and docile appearance.

Never... like today.

Luo Ci got up and landed lightly beside him. She took out a high-level elixir and fed it to his lips, with a crisp and pleasant voice, "Eat it."

The little shark ate the elixir obediently, and her lips touched her soft fingers, not those slender and slender fingers, but white and tender, a little chubby, like baby fat on her face ,so cute.

He raised his eyes slightly and stared at her nervously. The little hand under him wanted to grab the corner of her clothes, but he didn't dare to touch it, timid.

Luo Ci lowered her body slightly, and gently stroked the blood that had not been wiped off his lips with her fingers, her soft eyes filled with concern, "Come back to the Hall of Pure Heart with me."

After a pause, he said again, "A Che was great today."

Only encouragement and concern.

nothing else.

Ye Che's eyes suddenly lit up, and he put his little hand into hers, "Okay."

My sister didn't just like his obedient and docile appearance.

Luo Ci led him directly away from the competition venue and returned to the Hall of Pure Heart.

Many disciples had never seen the younger master's attitude towards Ye Che before, they were just hearsay, and because he had not worshipped any master, he was just an ordinary outer disciple, so he dared to speak out in front of him.

Seeing the little master treat him so intimately now, plus Ye Che's cold and ruthless appearance during the previous battle, I feel a little regretful.

After all, the talent is also good, the fighting ability is strong, the will is firm, and there is a little master covering it, how can anyone dare to provoke it again?

Only Lin Yichen looked at Luo Ci's leaving figure with a gloomy expression on his face, with unwillingness in his eyes, and a bit of ruthlessness hidden deep in his eyes.

After noticing the change in other people's attitude towards Ye Che, his face became even more ugly, especially when the little master gently wiped the blood from his lips, he was so jealous that he wanted to replace him.

After a while, he calmed down and returned to the place of cultivation.

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