The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 246: Xianmen group pet little master 14

Luo Ci didn't know what the little shark was thinking, so she tucked the shark scale necklace into the placket, turned her head and saw the cute and shy appearance of the little shark. Couldn't stop twitching his face.

"Thank you Archer."

The little merman slightly covered the place where he was kissed, a little contented and gentle, and was sincerely happy and joyful.

In the world of immortality, even among Taoist companions, few people are willing to leave such an object that can know their own breath all the time, and there is very little absolute trust. If it weren't for the lack of strength of the little merman, he would want to keep his soul breath on that scale, so that his sister would know his location and be able to find him at any time.

For him, it was not to expose his weakness, but to give him an inexplicable satisfaction.

Even though he is still in his infancy, the merman's natural possessiveness is quite a bit.

It's just that the little merman chose to invade everything on the other side like a long stream of water, and it was all-pervasive.


The number of places in the secret realm is limited, and not every disciple who enters the inner sect can enter the small secret realm. The Xianmen has 300 places, and the other small sects and small families add up to only 200, and each family has a maximum of fifteen. For small sects, the upper limit is 20. For this small secret realm quota, a group of sect families will hold a secret realm competition to determine the quota, which is almost a difficult task.

And there are more than 100,000 disciples of the Immortal Sect, including the branch sects of various places, and more than 10,000 disciples of the inner sect. Three hundred people were selected from the more than 10,000 people, and the competition was also very fierce.

But Ye Che didn't have such troubles, that's what the backer used.

In addition to him, there are also several disciples of the ancestor who directly occupied the places, which is the advantage of having a background and high talent.

Before the trip to the secret realm, Luo Ci gave Ye Che more than half of the elixir array on her body, and she even did not rest for several days. Take the bodyguard.

In front of Xianmen Square, the sect master gathered 300 inner sect disciples, nagging a few words, and finally glanced helplessly at the little master who was wearing a small flower skirt, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "This trip to the secret realm is due to The third Shizu and the little Shizu lead the team, follow their orders in everything you do, don't leave the team, remember to put the fairy sect first, and don't hurt the friendship of the same family for the treasure."

Fortunately, there are three masters, otherwise he is really worried about whether the younger master can successfully take these disciples to the small secret realm.

In fact, he also couldn't understand the clothes that the masters prepared for the little master, how... so cute, every time the little master wore a small flower dress and taught him "heartedly", his teeth were sore.

All the disciples neatly claimed that they were, only Lin Yichen was very unwilling in his heart, and secretly glanced at a few disciples, including Ye Che.

What these disciples have in common is that they have a lot of backing.

After so many battles, he spent a lot of trump cards to get the spot, and these people can enter the small secret realm without any effort, how can they be willing.

After a lifetime of rebirth, it has been smooth sailing from the beginning. I thought that I was the protagonist of the world and would be valued by the ancestors of Xianmen, but it turned out to be far inferior to Ye Che, a little brat who didn't take a teacher and came a year later than him.

Lin Yichen clenched his fists secretly, this time he must get the most important treasure in the secret realm and seize the opportunity!

When he was in a state of uncertainty, what Lin Yichen didn't notice was that Ye Che looked at him with a light and cold gaze.

"Set off!"

Third Senior Brother took out a huge flying boat, his voice was flat, "Come up."

Bi Luoci's flying boat can carry more people. There are only a few small rooms inside and there are protective covers outside. The disciples are all sitting on the flying boat to watch the scenery.

The third senior brother glanced at Ye Che, and finally let the other party enter the small room to rest together. He was not allowed to enter. What if the younger junior sister was angry with him.

Outside the small room, Lin Yichen said to the brothers beside him intentionally or unintentionally, "Master's small room is full of spiritual energy, after Junior Brother Ye Che enters, his cultivation will definitely be greatly improved. If Senior Brother Xiang can enter, maybe he will also be right. Cultivation is of great benefit.”

Brother Xiang he said was the most outstanding among the three hundred people.

As soon as these words came out, many people thought that Ye Che's cultivation base was not high, but he was able to enter the small room with the master, and their hearts were a little hot, not only for the gathering spirit formation in it, but also for the master. Opportunity for close encounters.

Senior Brother Xiang sat cross-legged firmly on the spot, unmoved, glanced at the disciples who were moving around, and said in a low voice, "We can control the decision of the master."

Many disciples seemed to have been poured into a basin of cold water, and no longer moved their minds like before.

This made Lin Yichen grit his teeth secretly. His words contained some hints, and he added a bit of inspiring power, so he evoked the minds of people who were not determined enough. Brother Xiang interrupted with a word.

Among the fellow disciples, there are two people with great backing, one surnamed Jin and the other Qian.

Senior Brother Jin was golden all over, waved the fan in his hand, and said to Junior Brother Qian disdainfully, "This Lin Yichen really takes it for granted." It's nothing more than that he didn't like the younger brother Ye Che, and he was jealous of the opportunity to get along with the masters, so he secretly provoked and gained profits.

Junior Brother Qian shrugged indisputably, "Who made him too self-righteous." The hall master of the punishment hall was also rejected, and he was arrogant and wanted to disturb the little master, as if everything was his responsibility of.

It is not very normal for them to have this kind of treatment in the ninth generation. The backer contributes to the Immortal Sect, and the credit is placed there, for the sake of the prosperity of the family and the future generations. Moreover, if they were really worthless dudes, Immortal Sect would not waste their quotas.


The scene outside is clear at a glance in the small room. Ren Lin Yichen never thought that although the sound insulation effect of the flying boat is good, the three ancestors would actually take out a mirror and show their performance. In modern words, it is a live broadcast , public execution.

The third senior brother's peach blossom eyes are like a smile, "Little junior sister, this disciple seems to be targeting the little guy you brought back."

Luo Ci pouted, not taking Lin Yichen seriously, any means under absolute strength are vain. However, he still turned his head and told the little merman, "A Che must not stop talking."

The small fragments have a clear mind and are easy to suffer.

Ye Che's eyes were clear and clear, and she nodded her head to reassure her, "Sister, I know."

There was some joy in his heart, he didn't feel nagging, the more his sister cared about him, the happier he was, and wished that she would only pay attention to himself.

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