The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 248: Xianmen group pet little master 16

At the same time, Lin Yichen also took out a map. Although it was not as detailed as the one in Ye Che's hands, the general route was similar. Eyes open before death, with disbelief.

Lin Yichen said to himself, "Fortunately, I grabbed the purple lingcao, find a place to break through and then find the treasure."

He stretched out his hand and pulled off the storage rings of the three of them. After he took off the other two rings, he leaned over to get the third ring. The corpse lying on the ground rolled his eyes and threw a high-attack amulet at him. Use the Thousand Miles to disappear.

Lin Yichen was caught off guard, and was blown away by the attacking talisman for more than ten meters, and even the storage ring in his hand was blown up. First.

It is precisely because of this soft armor that he did not die on the spot. The attack talisman that can blow up the storage ring must make him seriously injured and fall to the ground, especially the storage ring hides the power of space, which is the power of space after being blown up. Unleashed, even creating a more ferocious destructive force than the attack talisman.

He stabilized his body, spewed a mouthful of blood from his mouth, stared gloomily in the direction the man was leaving, and finally picked up his long sword to vent his hatred on the two corpses on the ground that had been bombed beyond recognition.

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, not only those storage rings are gone, but my own storage ring is also bombed to only one. I was able to easily advance to breakthrough, but the result is seriously damaged to the foundation, and I don’t know where the breakthrough will go. In which month of the year, 70% of the soft golden armor was damaged.

Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt. It's full of treasures that he finally snatched.

The most difficult thing for him to accept is that he still ran away under his subordinates. If that person goes out of the secret realm to file a complaint, he will not only face the target of the family, but even Xianmen will expel him from the door.

How not to hate!

Deathmatches are prohibited in the secret territory, and once discovered, even the same sect will not protect him.

Lin Yichen finally wiped the blood on his face, burned the corpse on the ground with fireball technique, and left without leaving a trace.


On Ye Che's side, there were no surprises, there were surprises along the way, and there was no danger. He also encountered relatively rare elixir frequently, and even found a gold flint that could be used to cultivate spiritual fire.

The flowing gold stone fire is only the size of a palm. Progress.

However, for the merman who is the darling of the sea, it can be easily wrapped and taken away with only the shark yarn.

Ye Che put the flowing gold flint into the storage ring, and the clear and clean eyes shone with a pleasant light. My sister also has a spirit fire, which can be used to cultivate and upgrade.

In the secret realm, how lucky Ye Che was, how many treasures he found, how unlucky Lin Yichen was, the means of protecting his body kept decreasing, and he was hunted down by the family of the person who escaped before his serious injuries were healed.

Every time he used a treasure, his heart was bleeding.

He only used a Shui Jue Tian Xin, and the whole body was wrapped in light blue light, which quickly recovered the wounds in his body, and even resisted the attacks of most of the people behind him.

This is a treasure that combines defense and healing effects.

Defensive treasures are inherently precious, not to mention their healing effects.

When the disciple of the family behind him saw it, he gritted his teeth bitterly and began to save his spiritual power to smash the talisman.

So many people in the secret realm saw a light blue light and shadow being chased by a group of people, with colorful talismans thrown on it.

They could see that it was a vendetta, so they didn't plan to participate.

A young boy in white clothes stared at the light blue light and shadow, clenched his fists, a look of hatred flashed in his eyes, and gritted his teeth, "Big brother, it is that person who stole the second brother's treasure and ruined him. The dantian! Let the second brother feel unhappy!"

The indifferent man beside him heard this sentence, his eyes were fierce, and he immediately slashed with a sword.

As a result, Lin Yichen was attacked on both sides, so he had to finally use Shui Jue Tianxin's ultimate ability to quickly restore his entire body strength at the expense of paying for the entire treasure. But by coincidence, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, slicing him to the point of tenderness on the outside and tenderness on the inside.

The young man was overjoyed, holding the Shui Jue Tian Xin in his hand, it seemed to be able to recover on its own initiative, slowly exuding a faint blue halo, "Big brother, the second brother's injury is saved."

It was originally the blood-connected thing of the original owner. It was forcibly cut from the original owner's dantian by Lin Yichen. After returning, it can be re-cultivated, and naturally it can nourish the original owner's dantian a little bit.

Lin Yichen looked at him fiercely, and even if he was surrounded, he still spoke ruthlessly, "So you are the relatives of that waste."

The boy's eldest brother's eyes were slightly cold and he started to attack without saying a word, but Lin Yichen didn't know what to bring out and ran away again.

All the treasures he obtained were based on the memories of his previous life, snatched from those people when they were weak, or killed and seized treasures, or destroyed the opponent's dantian.

But since he missed a family disciple, things started to go wrong, the treasures in his hands were consumed one by one, and there were more and more enemies around him.

He still thought that he was the protagonist, and all the treasures belonged to him, but he didn't know that the halo that came from rebirth was being weakened by him little by little, until the moment when the halo disappeared, that was when he died.


When Lin Yichen was being hunted and killed, Ye Che came to the depths of the secret realm.

There was a huge monster with black aura garrisoned there, with a steady breath, lying on the ground like a hill, blocking the road.

However, the guardian monster closed his eyes at the moment, and Ye Che didn't move as he approached, and he must have fallen asleep.

The little shark looked at the silver-white diamond-shaped crystal suspended in the air, and there was an inexplicable longing in his heart, as if he needed it very much.

He bit his lip, a little confused.

Is this the secret treasure? He wanted to give it to his sister.

Ye Che faintly felt that once he touched the crystal, it would be automatically absorbed by the body. How could he pack it up and give it to his sister?

The biggest headache for him was that if he did absorb the rhomboid crystals, it was likely that something beyond his control could happen.

Just when Ye Che was playing chess, Lin Yichen with disheveled hair and tattered body appeared behind him. Some of them were crazy. There were a lot of red blood stains all over his body.

I don't know if it was someone else's blood or his own.

If Luo Ci was there, he would definitely be able to see that the golden light on his body had all condensed into a black substance, exuding an evil aura.

This means that the aura of Lin Yichen's rebirth has been exhausted, and there is not much time left.

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