The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 255: Xianmen group pet little master 23

When Luo Ci opened her eyes, she felt a floating feeling of returning to heaven and earth, she slowly propped herself up and sat up.

He rubbed his temples slightly, and looked around, it was the master bedroom of Qingxin Hall.

Tweet said at the right time, "Cicci, you have been in a coma for two days because your body is severely overdrawn, but there is nothing serious."

The white light dumpling flashed, "The Lord God is resting on his side."

Luo Ci replied, "It's hard to tweet."

She knew that the little system must have been by her side these two days.

The white dumpling showed a little pink, and touched her hand affectionately.

Luo Ci got up and got out of bed and walked towards the side.

Little Fragment was lying on the soft bed, her little face was pale, her eyebrows were slightly pouted, and she seemed uneasy, probably having an unsatisfactory dream.

She reached out and gently smoothed the little merman's eyebrows, and asked in her mind, "What happened after I fell into a coma?"

Chiu Chiu organized the language and told it more accurately.

At the end, he added, "Your body is fine."

Luo Ci responded lightly, and when she was about to take away her hand to tuck the quilt for him, the small fragment lying unconscious suddenly grabbed her hand tightly, as if she was using her as a life-saving straw, clenching it tightly, With desperate determination.

"do not go……"

After getting smaller, her voice was also immature and frightened, and she fell into some kind of nightmare that she didn't know about.

She could only sit on the edge of the bed, let him hold her hand, wrap the other hand around his, bow her head, lie on his side, leaned close to his ear, and said softly, "I'm here ."

The little merman suddenly became quiet, his eyebrows were light, and his body gradually relaxed, but the hand holding her was still reluctant to let go.

Luo Ci originally wanted to first come to see how the fragments were, and then go to talk to Master and Senior Brother. But it's not good to leave now.

Fragments are actually... fragile.

She had thought before that, would Rong Qing be in a panic?

Fragments will be fragile and humble, just like Shen Jun, just like... Chu Zhi, the fragments are homogeneous with him.

He felt only a lot more than Fragment.


Ye Che opened his eyes slowly, and there was a familiar and nostalgic atmosphere around him. He could see her at a glance. She sat upright on the edge of the bed, only flipping through books with one hand, while the other He was held tightly.

She couldn't help but move her fingers, and she immediately noticed the movement. She put down the book and turned to ask, "Are you still uncomfortable?"

Ye Che stared at her for a few seconds, then propped himself up and threw himself into her arms, hugging her waist, with his small head pressed against her collarbone, pressed tightly, not willing to let go.

Luo Ci was a little overwhelmed with her hands open, but she slowly put her hands on his shoulders and hesitated, "A Che?"

Did the fragments lose their memory again?

selective amnesia?

In a place she couldn't see, the little mermaid stuck close to her shoulder, and said awkwardly, as if embarrassed, "Sister..."

As soon as these two characters were called out, his ears were so red that he had red ears that were a little ashamed this time, unlike before.

Although the eyes are still clear and round, they are more profound than before.

She pursed her slender lips like petals, but when she opened her mouth again, she was more natural, sticky and coquettish, "Sister~ I miss you so much."

Although the little face was so red that it was too hot, the words on his mouth were unequivocal.

Suppressing the shame in his heart and continuing to rub against her in her arms, the merman cub is domineering and powerful and wants to keep his breath on her.

After Luo Ci heard his words, she thought that not only did he shrink, but his memory also returned to the time before he went to the secret realm.

Although he didn't understand this situation very well, the little merman was well-behaved and cute, and he said that he missed her, so he didn't think about it so much, and replied softly, "I miss A Che very much too."

The little merman buried his head in her arms, a little happy but puffed up.

His memories of both halves were now fused.

It's true that he misses her very much. He remembered her in childhood, and he hasn't seen her for a long time.

On the one hand, she is happy and thinking of herself, on the other hand, she is secretly jealous, thinking about him in his infancy, and ignoring him in maturity?

It is clear that he must treat both parts of the memory fairly...

The merman fragments are rather strange, and even being jealous is somewhat inexplicable.

But Luo Ci didn't know what was going on in his heart.

" tail is itchy~" Ye Che thought to himself, she liked to touch her own tail, so she had to take the initiative to seduce.

The current Ye Che is an upgraded version.

He remembered how he got along with her when he was young, called her sister, and deliberately hugged her sticky in front of others to show intimacy and draw her attention.

Anyway, I used to be coquettish and cute, and I didn't have any burden. I called her sister just now. What kind of face do I need to chase my partner?

Luo Ci was slightly surprised, "Are you going to change the scales again?"

The beautiful merman seemed to rub against her impatiently, and while lifting the quilt, his legs had turned into fish tails.

Each scale is crystal clear, pale blue, and flawless.

He said aggrievedly, "Sister, please don't rub my tail with that wooden board this time..."

She couldn't help but look away, feeling a little guilty.

Na Na said, "What should I do then?"

The fish's tail is slippery, and it can't be scratched.

"Just... help me squeeze it." The merman's voice was small and hopeful.

Luo Ci nodded her head and looked at the fish tail earnestly with her small face, "Where is it itching?"

Ye Che pointed to the place, and she began to pinch gently. After pinching a few times, she heard the little mermaid beside her tremble slightly, her slender lips overflowed with a small whimper, and her eyes were glistening with water. Light, a little red, as if being bullied.

"What's the matter?" She was slightly confused, didn't she ask her to pinch her tail? Why does it seem so uncomfortable?

In fact, he was also a little surprised, and it was not the same as before. At that time, his body was indeed back to the infancy, and it was indeed the mind of the infancy. Although he knew that his tail could only be touched by his future partner, he didn't think about it deeply, and he didn't have any other strange feelings.

And now he can return to his mature state at any time, but after pinching his tail a few times, a cluster of flames burst out from the bottom of his heart, and his body involuntarily produced some kind of change, some kind of unbearable desire overflowed, hooked like a hook He was itchy.

Ye Che knew why it was different, because he was now an adult merman.

Adult sharks have hair and estrus.

It's normal to be emotional in front of a partner you like.

The tail has always been the most sensitive part of the merman.

He lowered his voice, his voice was still soft and crisp, but he was a little hoarse when he listened carefully, "Sister, you have to pinch."

Luo Ci stared at him carefully for a while, but didn't see any clues before continuing to pinch his tail.

While pinching, he said, "Let's go to see Master together later, and let Master help you find out what's wrong."

Ye Che froze slightly.

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