The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 258: Xianmen group pet little master 26

Devil's Temple.

Inside and outside the temple, blood was intertwined with black and red, and the cold and white lights looked gloomy and terrifying. Ye Che had a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, standing half lazily, his long sword touching the ground, Supported more than half of his weight.

"How do you want to die?"

Taking care of himself, he answered, "Be fair, at least you have to bear the sin that my father suffered."

The scarlet eyes fell on the current Demon Venerable who was lying on the ground without any dignity at all. His tendons and hamstrings were all broken, and he was completely unable to stand. He could only stare at Ye Che with both fearful and hateful eyes. .

An intermittent voice came out of his throat, "If I had known...I would have...killed you, you bastard."

Ye Che looked at him indifferently, his blushing lips slightly raised, and his tone was careless, "I'm in a good mood today, and now the demons who came out to feed him banned drugs, don't kill them."

He didn't slaughter the entire Demon Race at the beginning, but just cleaned up and repaired the Demon Venerable.

It's already a very light punishment.

If it wasn't for his little partner, if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't make too many murders, so that he wouldn't be able to ascend with her, or be reincarnated with her...

Soon, the demons staggered in from outside the hall, and they didn't dare to say much, didn't dare to bargain with Ye Che, took the forbidden drugs of the demons, and approached the demons a little bit, with the eyes of the demons that they wanted to kill. , fed him.

The forbidden drug of the demon race broke out very soon.

All the demon bones were melted away, the demon blood was corroded, and the demon power was completely useless.

It seems simple, but it has to endure great pain. The whole body is caught in the pain of ice and fire, the heat and the cold are like a hole, first it is a light itching, and it deepens little by little, like ants gnawing, no place is easy. of.

When the pain reached its peak, all the discomfort suddenly disappeared, like breaking free from the shackles.

At first, Mozun was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, but the sudden ease made him regain some strength, his eyes were poisoned, and he was extremely fierce, and he gritted his teeth and said, "That's all."

Ye Che's eyes were cold, and the corners of his lips were half-smiley.

As soon as the words fell, Demon Venerable screamed in his throat, wrestling with an embarrassing posture on the ground.

Ye Che is very aware of the harm of forbidden drugs, and this is an enhanced version.

The continuous effect of the drug may still be numb, and it is very likely that you will get used to this kind of damage in the end, but the banned drug is intermittent, first bitter and then sweet.

Repeatedly, until death.

Ye Che thought that he would be happy to see Demon Venerable suffer, but he didn't feel anything, it was boring.

Since his mother died, he has been thinking about this scene, not only the Demon Lord, but also the entire Demon Race, including... his father.

However, he was caught in the forbidden drug of the demon race, and tried to lose his blood to offset the effect of the forbidden drug. As a result, he returned to the infancy stage by accident. He only had the memory of the infancy, which is the state of having just lost his mother.

Still retain goodwill towards the world.

met my sister.

A little companion who is dedicated to him and belongs to him.

Let him give everything willingly.

Even knowing his father, never abandoned his mother, and never abandoned him.

The crystal in the secret realm was prepared by his father for him.

The father he saw had only a remnant of his soul, hidden in the scales his mother gave him, and the souls of both of them were there.

Until I saw him, I finally reluctantly dissipated between heaven and earth.

Ye Che suddenly missed his little partner, caressing the ring on his ring finger, revealing a gentle look.

He instructed the demons around him, "Take a good look at this old guy and don't let him die easily."

The Demon Race was a wise man, and immediately nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Demon Lord."

Ye Che glanced at him inexplicably and disappeared into the devil's palace.

If it weren't for the fact that this person had not participated in the pursuit, he would not have let it go easily.

The demons continued to perform the highest etiquette of the demons, "Respectfully send the Lord Mozun."

The demons outside the hall shrank, and they all knelt down and bowed in unison, "Respectfully send Lord Demon Lord."

Immediately turned around and said to the former Demon Venerable who was on the ground and a dead dog, "Lord former Demon Venerable, are the medicines fed by your subordinates delicious?"

The former Demon Venerable could only try to stare at him, and a vague voice came out of his mouth, "Hoho!"

The demon looked surprised, "Why don't you even speak human words? It seems that you have to wash your mouth."

Of course, mouthwashing is not simply washing with water.

He was not only trying to satisfy Ye Che, but also for revenge.

Not all demons are bloodthirsty and cruel, and more of them obey the orders from above. If they are not controlled by others, how can they be willing to obey.


Ye Che quietly returned to Xianmen, back to the secret room before Luo Ci retreated.

She was very reassured that she even allowed him to enter without hindrance.

He didn't dare to get close to disturbing her, so he could only sit on the side and look at her obsessively.

Suddenly, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He had tried his best to avoid getting blood, but he still brought back the smell of blood. After thinking about it, he lit a refreshing incense, which was retrieved from the Demon Temple.

He went to the small pond at the back of the palace, slowly immersed in the water, his legs turned into a strong adult fish tail, slightly raised and sparkling.

The night is hazy, the moonlight is scattered, and each scale is shiny, reflecting a little light, beautiful but not glamorous, with a little softness.

He leaned lazily on the shore, his clothes were automatically turned into thin and transparent shark gauze, and bored, he scooped up the water with the fish tail, and the crystal water droplets swept across the delicate and beautiful fish scales like pearls.

Luo Ci, who was out of the customs, sensed his location with the ring, looked for it for some unknown reason, and saw this scene.

The adult merman is far more beautiful and seductive than the little merman, with a strong aggressiveness, but it has some soft and gentle connotations.

Luo Ci froze in place.

Probably aware of her gaze, the adult merman turned around, put his hands on the shore, and the fish's tail splashed again.

He looked at her with a smile, a little foolish, and was reluctant to look away.

The voice is confusing, "Want to touch my fish tail?"

Luo Ci walked over slowly. Although she was amazed for a moment, she had the urge to jump up and hug her and lick her tail, but when she approached, the first sentence was, "Have you fully recovered?"

Ye Che stretched out his hands towards her and said in a low voice, "Come."

Luo Ci lowered her body to look at the beautiful merman, and before she stretched out her arms, she was caught by strong arms around her waist, pulled down from the pond, hugged tightly, and her legs were entangled by thick fish tails.

The whole body was wrapped, from top to bottom, unable to move.

The fish scales were not as smooth and soft as they were in their infancy, but they weren't sharp either.

Finally, he showed his possessiveness completely in front of her.

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