Xi Li didn't expect that the other party would still be willing to take him home, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but want to agree immediately, but she was a little reserved when she came to her lips, and explained something seriously, "I didn't pay the rent, I just Evicted by the landlord."

"Is my sister really willing to let me stay?" The tone was a little nervous.

Luo Ci tilted her head slightly and said playfully, "Then don't."

Xili gently held her hand, her shallow pupils were beautiful and pure, with soft grievances inside, her fingers softly hooked her hand, she shook it, and smiled at her flatteringly, her waxy voice whirling slightly. With that, the ending sound is a little catchy, "It's already said, it can't be changed."

Luo Ci blinked slightly.

Fragments... some can't stand it.

Kind of want to hug and kiss.

Luo Yin was unhappy, she didn't live with her sister, why did Xili move in so easily, but she eased up with her sister a little bit, and if it happened at this time, her sister would definitely feel that she was stubborn and willful.

Isn't it just a little bit more cute and a little pitiful, she can too!

She will dress like this next time!

Although there are some doubts about Xili's words, but after all, she is just a cute-looking little girl, and she can't do anything to her sister.

Although Luo Yin was accompanied by her parents, she was raised like a half-boy since she was a child.

They always say that my sister is in poor health, so she has to work harder and inherit the company in the future.

Whenever they knew about her sister's performance and how her grades were, they would praise her from the bottom of their hearts, but they would exhort her slightly to not be proud.

Every time they say how your sister is.

Of course, she also acts like a spoiled child to her parents, but more often they urge her to work harder.

What's more... In the following years, they always went out early and returned late, often on business trips, and they didn't stay by her side all the time, but every time they came back, they would send gifts to my sister, and she didn't always have them, as if they had been forgotten.

When I was a child, I was jealous of my sister. Even if she was not with her parents, they still remembered her more.

But during the Chinese New Year, the family of four reunited, and their parents always greeted my sister, took out new clothes for her to try on, and even praised her for her beautiful dress. She was the only one standing on the side.

But the elder sister came to her side and put her hand on her hair gently, with a shallow smile on her pale face, and her eyes were light and soft, which was a kind of gentle treatment she rarely felt.

Just the next second, my sister suddenly pulled her hand back, coughed violently, and told her not to get too close to avoid being infected.

When she was resting in the evening, my sister secretly entered the room and prepared a gift for herself. It was a cute homemade rabbit ornament, a small one, and wished her a Happy New Year in a low voice.

Obviously, my sister grew up in medicine jars. When she was sick, her parents were not around. Some of them only had those gifts, but the gifts were not warm. .

And her.

Knowing that her mother only showed a gentle look when she was sick, she deliberately ignored her body so that she could see a mother who was wholeheartedly devoted to her.

So how could there be jealousy and dissatisfaction with such a sister.

Luo Yin thought that she must work hard to make money to support her sister in the future.


Luo Ci prepared a bouquet of flowers, and the base bottle was filled with specially treated water, so that the flowers would not wither too quickly.

Hand it to Luo Yin, "Give it to Yin Yin, you can put it in the dormitory to freshen the air."

Luo Yin's eyes lit up instantly and took it carefully, "Sister, I'm going back to school."

"Okay, be careful on the road and remember to eat."

Luo Yin waved at her and left.

Luo Ci took out the fragment of the bouquet she gave her from the inside, bent down and hugged Hui Hui, "Let's go home."

The cat has always been well-behaved, probably knowing that the owner doesn't have time during the day, so he just rests lazily beside her legs.

Xili looked at the cat in her arms and said softly, "Sister, I like cats too, can you let me hold them?"


Xili took the cat and held it in her arms, her blushing lips slightly opened, and she showed Luo Ci a soft and cute smile, her loose curly hair covering a little of her cheeks.

A delicate girl in Lolita, with fluffy hair, a cat in her arms, a lop-eared rabbit tied around her waist, her head tilted slightly, her beautiful eyes looking at her tenderly, Luo Ci's heart was instantly hit.

A bunch of cute love.

Taking a taxi home, the taxi driver was stunned for a long time when he saw the two waiting on the side of the road, before Luo Ci spoke directly before he reacted.

One girl is dressed in casual clothes, holding a bouquet, with a soft breath and some quiet natural beauty, and the other girl is holding a cat and wearing a fluffy skirt, like a large doll.

The driver saw from the rearview mirror that the softer girl approached the quieter girl a little bit, then leaned softly on the shoulders of the other girl, rubbed with some reliance, and her voice was soft, "Sister, I'm a bit motion sick, can I lean on you?"

Luo Ci put the bouquet by her side and rubbed Xili's hair, "It will be there soon."

For some reason, the driver felt an inexplicable harmony between the two.

But this is second, he suddenly wanted his wife to have a daughter.

There are two lovely little girls in the customers that I meet casually.

After getting out of the car and returning home, Luo Ci asked Xili to rest on the sofa first, and she went to dispose of the bouquet and put it in the room.

The elder sister left the hall, and Xili's innocence faded a little. She put the cat aside and glanced at it with beautiful eyes. Gray body shrank slightly, and immediately jumped to the corner of the sofa to stay away from him.

Although he didn't do anything to the cat, the invisible aura made Huihui not dare to get too close, even if it was brought back, it didn't dare to resist, and could only froze and let him hold it.

Xili snorted softly, her shallow eyes were slightly dissatisfied, and the corners of her lips pursed unhappily.

How big is the cat, and I still let my sister hold it.

He raised his hand to the top of his hair and pressed it lightly.

In fact, wearing a wig was uncomfortable, but being close to his sister made him feel very satisfied. The first few days were about how to become a cute **** the Internet, and the next few days were about learning how to dress up.

And his height and physique...

I have to get back to normal today, otherwise it would be bad to show my stuff in front of my sister.

I don't know what to think, the beautiful eyes are slightly sad, and the crimson lips are pursed tightly.

As soon as Luo Ci came out, he saw Fragment sitting upright on the sofa with his head lowered, looking a little lost, and couldn't help but approached and rubbed his head, "What's the matter?"

Xili shook his head and replied softly, "I'm fine."

Luo Ci looked at his expression carefully, "You have something to tell me."

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