She rolled herself up like a caterpillar so she wouldn't kick.

Your little cute dumpling essence is online.

I don't know why, but in these planes, she has always had the problem of poor sleeping posture, and always kicks the quilt. In fact, she is not very noisy.

Xili came in wearing a pink and tender nightgown, and he turned into the one-meter-five-five-five-meter look he used to wear, with the wig on and his Adam's apple hidden by him.

Although he is a fairy, he can't change too much, at least he can't change into the imagined appearance out of thin air, and maintaining the transformation also consumes mana, so the basic solutions that can be solved with props are disguised with props.

Therefore, the basic male characteristics are still there.

Luo Ci beckoned to him from under the quilt, like a little nanny poking out her little claws from a hidden place and waving. Xili pursed her crimson lips slightly, sat on the edge of the bed and slowly moved her legs up, covered another quilt, turned her head, and looked at her silently with her beautiful pupils.

The nightdress is relatively loose for his current figure, so I'm not afraid to see that he has a flat chest.

Luo Ci reached out to turn off the light, "Go to bed early, good night."

Xi Li was stunned. He thought there was still a small talk at night. Didn't the Internet say that girls would chat at night?

She fell asleep quickly, and Xili relaxed for a moment.

Although I can't make a quilt with my sister, but this way I won't be exposed.

Xili silently turned her eyes and looked at her quietly.

She couldn't help reaching out and gently touching her long lashes, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly in her sleep, indicating that she didn't like this kind of interruption.

He slowly retracted his hand and fell asleep.


The next morning.

Xili first Luo Ci got up and put on her skirt early.

He wanted to prepare breakfast, but there was nothing in the refrigerator, so he could only warm the milk in the room.

Luo Ci got up slowly according to her biological clock. When she sat on the bed, she found that the fragments were no longer there. She paused and slowly changed her clothes, but there was a sound at the door, and she buttoned the inner button and couldn't help but look up. .

Fragment's milky white claws half-covered her eyes, her delicate and cute little face flushed red, her snow-white teeth tipped slightly against her blushing lips, a little shy, her voice stammered, "I-I just...want to call my sister. get up."

Luo Ci tilted her head slightly, put on her shirt, put on her pants under the quilt, got out of bed slowly, and said with a slight smile, "We are all girls, what can't we see?"

The heat on Xili's face did not fade at all, he slowly put down his hands and lowered his head. From Luo Ci's point of view, he could only see his fluffy curly hair and long low-hanging eyelashes, dense, like Swipe with a soft little brush.

He said silently in his heart, but he was not a girl.

Luo Ci rubbed his hair, "When I finish washing up, I'll take you to buy breakfast."

Speaking of breakfast, Xi Li said softly, "I warmed up the milk, and my sister can drink it later."

After observing for a week, he also knew that her health did not seem to be particularly good, so he paid close attention to the temperature.


After washing and drinking hot milk, they went to the flower shop and bought breakfast on the way.

Luo Ci noticed that the fragments didn't seem to like fried things, so she couldn't help asking, and Xili said slowly, "I like something lighter."

Thinking that the noodles he ate last night also had a heavy taste, he hurriedly explained, "But I really like what my sister cooks."

Luo Ci looked at him, the shard was a few centimeters shorter than herself, she could grab his shoulder as soon as she stretched out her hand, and she didn't have to look up at the shard, she felt inexplicably happy just thinking about it.

"Okay, I'll be lighter in the future."

In fact, she can't eat heavy-tasting food, and her stomach can't stand it, but eating bland food all the time makes it easier to lose her appetite. She didn't eat much, so she occasionally eats appetizers.

flower shop.

Business has improved a week since the store opened, and there are a few regular customers, but an uninvited visitor came this morning.

Xia Haoyi, a former alumnus of the university, is now in a suit and leather shoes, dressed neatly and formally, with a handsome and fair face showing a capable and shrewd look.

Luo Ci said hello politely and had no intention of chatting.

Xia Haoyi wasn't annoyed, after all, she didn't take much care of people at school, with a faint smile on her face, "I'll order a bunch of flowers too, anyway, I used to be a classmate, take care of the business."

He looked around, exclaimed slightly, pointed to a style, "Just that one."

After that, he blinked playfully, "Let's make it fresh, isn't this a requirement?"

Luo Ci shook her head slightly and slowly dealt with the roots of the bouquet.

For a moment, Xili's soft eyes became sharper. He took the bouquet from her hand and smiled at her, "Can you let me come?"

Luo Ci did not refuse.

Xia Haoyi, who was sitting and waiting, frowned slightly. He wanted the bouquet that Luo Ci had packaged himself, but he still didn't speak.

Otherwise, it seems a bit thorny to ask for Luoci packaging.

Xili quickly packed the bouquet and handed it to Xia Haoyi with no emotion on her face, with a polite tone, "Thank you for coming."

Xia Haoyi felt a little uncomfortable.

As if he was just an ordinary guest, he couldn't help looking at Luo Ci, and she had nothing to say.

It's obviously a classmate for four years, isn't it?

He took the bouquet, and even though he felt a little uncomfortable, he still had a modest smile on his face and said in a familiar tone, "You have a very good flower shop."

Luo Ci smiled politely, "Thank you."

She didn't think she had anything to say.

Seeing her alienation, Xia Hao didn't talk to her anymore, paid the money and left.

As soon as he left, Xili was next to Luo Ci and asked softly, "Sister, who is he?"

Luo Ci didn't care about her tone, "I'm not very familiar with my former classmates."

This made Xi Li a lot more happy.

The word "unfamiliar" was placed on Xia Haoyi, a person who was irrelevant.

"I'll take you to buy clothes after dinner at noon, and the store will not open in the afternoon."

Luo Ci's clear eyes carried a hint of excitement.

Buying a small skirt for Fragment seems to be a brand new experience.

Xili still didn't know what she would experience in the afternoon, but instead, she was looking forward to seeing her for the first time shopping with her sister.

When it was noon, Luo Ci locked the door of the store and hung a wooden sign saying "rest in the afternoon".

"Let's go, I've booked a private room for dinner."

You need to take a taxi to go there, and you can buy clothes there by the way after eating.

Unfortunately, she and Xili entered the restaurant side by side, and were about to go to the reserved room. The waiter smiled just right at the door, "Hello, do you have an appointment?"

Luo Ci said softly, "Private room No. 2, thank you."

"Okay, this way please." The waiter made a gesture and led them to the private room.

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