It was money that gave her confidence.

The local tyrant boss shouted on the World Channel after the private transaction, "The snowflake cake transaction is very neat, and it's not sloppy at all."

It's to give her credit.

Many players choose to trade in the market. It’s not that they are not in a hurry, but a two-day processing period is better than being cheated. There is no risk in trading, and two days are worth waiting.

Moreover, except for those rare items that require high price competition, other items are basically available, and even if they cannot be auctioned, they will return the money intact.

Now that I hear that the local tyrant player has successfully handed over a business of more than 1,000 yuan, I can't help but feel a little moved.

The bell sounded late: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, do you remember me? Can I trade emeralds with you? Is 1w gold okay?"

Lucky emeralds are also metaphysical, and I don't know how much luck can be added to equipment.

It was a phantom thing.

Some players are still wrong after merging with emeralds, and some players are directly red-handed, so the price is between 5k-2w gold, and the other party's 1w gold is actually opening a blind box.

Luo Ci thought for a while and typed out a series of words.

Snowflake Cake: "I am also a fusion teacher. I will help you to fuse for free. If you succeed, you will pay 5k gold. If you fail, you will not get a penny."

She was on the World Channel.

This is also gambling.

Bet on whether the other party will agree.

She can earn some pocket money relatively stably by fusing gems. This is a life skill that existed before "Long Night". Her original account was also a fusion teacher, and her luck was also good. .

However, some fusion masters are particularly wrong and may fuse a negative attribute bar.

Luo Ci thought that the other party would hesitate for a long time, but Yaoyao Zhongsheng quickly returned, "Oh my God! How many levels did you become a fusion master! You're unlucky! Then I'll sneak over to you quickly, Please hug your thighs!"

There were still people in the world who wanted to ridicule a few words. After all, the business of this big order looked sour, and it turned out that there was a fusion teacher.

But click on the other party's personal interface to see, good guy, a fusion teacher of level 42, is this a koi's nest?

They are ready to watch a good show to see if they can integrate successfully.

Yaoyao Zhongsheng soon appeared next to Nieluo, a mage wearing a beautiful light pink dress.

Yaoyao bell sounded late: Here, please, I hope I can secede from Africa and join Europe in the future.

The bells are late: 5k gold, please accept the payment. I am sure you will succeed!

Snowflakes: Good.

Luo Ci clicked on the fusion interface, put in the opponent's staff and the emerald, and tapped the fusion button with the mouse.

The screen flashed, and the red-haired godfather stared at it.

The sound of the good luck special effect sounded, and Luo Ci saw that there was one more wand attribute interface: luck value +20.

She tilted her head, did she add so much?

However, the official comparison is that the upper limit of the lucky value is not known, and it is still a matter of probability in the end.

She took a screenshot of the added attribute map and handed over the weapon.

Snowflake Cake: This is the fusion result [picture].

The bell sounds late: ah ah ah ah! Added so much! I have only added 7 points to the most equipment I have before.

She quickly posted on the World Channel to express her excitement.

"Friends! The lucky value has been increased by 20 points! I will post on the forum to let everyone know how my luck will be in the future!"

"!!!@ Snowflake Cake, is it still fusion? I have several gems here!"

"Me too! Add a friend!"

Luo Ci agreed one by one, "Wait until I sell the rest of the items first."

"Is Xuanming Stone 2k gold for sale?"


One after another, two crit pills were taken away at the price of 8k gold.

In "Long Night", many people made their fortunes by buying and selling items. For example, an appearance may have been a few hundred yuan last year, but it is likely to rise to several thousand yuan later, so it also attracted more players.

No matter how the player makes money, the game side will always lose.


Nanjia game room.

The computer screen in front of Nan Heng was full of codes, and he was slowly improving it.

Suddenly I heard Nan Zizhuo say, "This ice cream cake seems very European. First, it triggers the special adventure of the Hanjiang Longevity Turtle, and then unlocks the fusion skill. It also adds 20 lucky points to other people's weapons."

"Uncle, do you know what the upper limit of luck in this game is?"

Nan Heng's white fingers stopped and lightly rested on the keyboard, Bingxue's eyes seemed to be still staring at the code, but the pupils were not focused, instead they were distracted.

He turned his head to look at Nan Zizhuo's screen, and clearly saw that Snowflake Cake was trading with other players.

The cold voice said flatly, "That shoe is useful to you, you can buy it and wear it."

Nan Zizhuo scratched his head in confusion, "But I don't have enough money..."

He looks at the shoes and wants to buy them... The orange ones are of such good quality. He is an assassin, so he just lacks such shoes.

But the pocket money was deducted, and when Dad saw it, he wanted to deduct his pocket money again.

fatal blow.

Nan Heng's eyes fell on the nickname that was still active on the World Channel, and his tone was light, "I'll pay for you, 2w7k gold."

"This, so much?"

He remembers that 1w8k gold is almost the same.

Then Nan Ziyan heard his uncle say "it's worth it".


Uncle, I know you are rich, so maybe I can't support your cute and well-behaved nephew?

Nan Zizhuo's face was full of reluctance and she chatted about the snowflake cake privately: I want to buy your pair of shoes, is 2w7k gold okay?

After saying this, his heart was bleeding.

It's more than possible, it's not a problem at all.

Luo Ci in front of the computer tilted her head, "Are all players in this game so generous now?"

The red, yellow, and green hair all wanted to kneel.

What they met was not generous at all!

For an item of 800 gold, the price was just 450 gold (in fact, people directly haggled the price in half, and they reluctantly neutralized it when they disagreed, and got the price of 450 gold).

Snowflake Cake: Uh, actually 1w6k gold is fine for me.

Nan Ziyan was about to jump up with joy when he saw this sentence. If the other party only needs 1w6k, then the remaining 1w1k will belong to him.

After all, my uncle never wants to come back. If you give more, you will give more.

As a result, he heard his uncle's cold words, "Give her 2w7k."

Nan Zizhuo: "..."

So he could only silently type on the keyboard, quickly transfer 2w7k gold to the other party, and ran to the other party to refuse, adding: "It's okay, I have more money."

God knows what kind of mood he typed these words.

A question mark slowly appeared in the redhead's head.

Inexplicably thought of: the people here are stupid and have a lot of money, come quickly.

Seeing that the other party insisted so much, Luo Ci could only click to accept, and quickly handed over the shoes to him.

Everything is sold out, we can talk about the fusion business.

After more than a dozen appointments, she has earned 6w3k gold.

The children are finally not poor.

She said to Hongmao, "How much is your mobile phone with the SIM card? I'll transfer it to you."

Hong Mao shyly said, "I've been using my phone for a while, so I'll give you two thousand yuan."


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