The cold eyes fell on the computer screen, looking at the list of friends with only one person, and became a little irritable.

But his face is always expressionless, making people unable to see emotions.

Only friends are displayed offline.

Nan Heng set it up, then opened the code interface and continued typing on the keyboard.

After a long time, he stopped.

The soft and shallow lips coldly spat out two words, "Liar."

The dark and deep eyes quietly stared at the screen, which was filled with ice and snow that could not be melted.

I don't even remember him at all.

I clearly saw the words on the Hanjiang Longevity Turtle.


Here, Luo Ci, who had just found a place to go out to buy some daily necessities and change clothes, sneezed twice in succession.

In order to avoid big bags and small bags, I bought a suitcase to put everything in, ate something casually, and put the bought things in my new residence.

The house seems to have been unoccupied for a long time, and some dust has accumulated. It has been used for cleaning all afternoon, as well as washing newly bought clothes and placing daily necessities.

It was 6pm by the time it was done.

It was May now, and the weather was neither cold nor hot, Luo Ci took a shower and went to the Internet cafe.

Today is also a day for a girl who is addicted to the Internet.

Speaking of which, the Internet cafe is not far from the community, about ten minutes away.

As soon as he entered the Internet cafe and found a place to sit down, Luo Ci saw the familiar three colors of red, yellow and green.

She looked away silently, she didn't intend to let them find her, just in case there was another loud voice...

When she went online, she saw a row of strangers' private chats and friend applications, saying that she was asked to help me fuse gems.

Fusion of a gem is 500 gold, more than five, it will be charged as 300 gold.

Cumulatively, it is a very objective income.

However, there are not many fusion masters with a high fusion success rate in "Long Night".

Some even set the price at 2k gold.

Just to fuse a gem.

Luo Ci replied one by one, agreeing with her friends. Most players were online at night. After she sent an address, she sat cross-legged and waited for the bosses to come one by one.

Fusion requires the other party to come to the fusion master, click the request fusion option in the interaction, and then give the item to the fusion master for a short time. After the fusion is completed, the fusion master must return it to the player on time, otherwise it will be forcibly withdrawn and a certain amount of game gold will be deducted.

This is also the "Long Night" game party to ensure the safety of players' property.

They deliberately made this setting considering that some players will not return their weapons and gems after receiving them.

The bosses are very friendly, there is no yin and yang strangeness, they have spare gems, and they will continue if the fusion fails.

"Okay." This was the last weapon.

Luo Ci looked at the extra 1w game gold, her eyes almost crescent with laughter, and returned the weapon and extra gems to the boss.

The boss was very happy when he saw the equipment, so he couldn't help chatting with her secretly: You are really worth it here, and the success rate is still high, unlike some fusion masters who charge sky-high prices and waste a lot of my gems, the attributes are still average.

Snowflake Cake: Thank you for taking care of the business.

Boss No. 9: No, no, but you have to be careful of the liuhouqushui and binglianjuewu in the server, you are stealing their business.

Snowflake Cake: Thanks for reminding me.

Luo Ci looked at the screen thoughtfully, she checked the two nicknames, both of them were full-level, and Liu Shan Qushui seemed to be in the top ten in the combat power list.

As for the Bing Lian Jue Dance, the combat power is not very prominent, after all, she is a nurse.


Nan Heng heard the special notification sound, pursed his lips slightly, clicked the mouse to minimize the code page, and saw the game interface and... that daisy in an out-of-print costume.

Umbrella Xiu in white was actually not far from Nieluo, but he was standing on a giant tree soaring into the clouds, looking down at her lightly.

She is dealing with someone else.

She didn't jump down, she just kept changing her perspective to Nieluo, and sooner or later her bosses would all leave.

The slender eyelashes are slightly drooping, and the delicate and beautiful face has a bit of ice and snow. It is better to be indifferent than to have no waves, as if nothing in the world can affect his mood swings.

It is somewhat similar to the main deity deity.

When he was about to go down to find her, he found that an assassin was approaching her. His eyes were slightly cold.

The umbrella that flew out automatically returned to his hand, and then released a big move. The opened umbrella was held above the two of them, and a transparent mask floated around them. The figure was tall and petite, and the clothes were almost the same white, but the umbrella was slim. The clothes are very simple, and the moiré pattern on Niluo's body is more embellished, which is a bit like a cute and cute snow dumpling.

It looks like a good match.

Luo Ci blinked, it was a fragment.

His nickname is Never Night.

Slowly falling to the ground, Umbrella released the milk radish, she still had a transparent protective cover, and he went to kill the assassin.

Assassin's figure is the most ghostly, but it can't be difficult for Nan Heng.

After all, he is one of the developers of the game, and many settings are proposed by him.

And this assassin is not in place, so he can easily kill it.

Seeing that the assassin was killed and the corpse lying motionless, Luo Ci controlled Nieluo to run to the debris, tapping her fingers on the keyboard to say thank you.

As a result, before pressing the Enter button, he saw Umbrella calmly feeding the Assassin a Resurrection Pill, and then slapped the other party again.

And also ordered a binding charm for the other party, that is, can't leave the place, so the teleportation props are invalid.

For some reason, it was clearly a human face pinched out of a game, and she also used the keyboard to control her actions, but she felt that the fragments were teasing each other slowly, and she always felt cold, but the action was very quick.

She could even imagine that the pieces were almost expressionlessly abusing each other again and again.

His eyes were cold and waveless, and he didn't even blink his eyelashes.

Luo Ci simply released the keyboard and lay silently on the table, looking at him with soft eyes.

She probably knew that she had been watching from the side and stopped in the night.

Then a bounty was issued on the World Channel.

[The player offers a bounty to Yingwuwu without night, 10w gold kills a hundred times]

Three in a row, that is, 30,000 yuan.

"Stunned local tyrant!"

"What kind of hatred is this, I'm sorry, I just want to laugh hahahahaha."

"Kill well, deserve it."

Some people have been assassinated by this disappearance before, and there is a lot of resentment. The assassin has a strong suppression of some professions.

Someone picked up soon.

So Luo Ci saw that the three people who had grabbed them first came to their side. I don't know what kind of tacit discussion they had, and they killed them one by one.

Three hundred times... Even if the assassin has reached the full level, the level will drop a lot. The most important thing is that the equipment has a damage rate. Basically, this number is equivalent to scrap.

She silently looked at Umbrella Repair who came to her side.

Fragments are so rich.

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