Nan Heng said coldly, "I will take over everything about her in the future."

"...Did you like her?" Lu Yunqi was a little surprised.


"What happened? You haven't seen her, have you? Don't you remember your Bai Yueguang?" Lu Yunqi asked incredulously.

Nan Heng didn't say anything, just hung up the phone.

Lu Yunqi thought it was very strange, he still knew his brother very well, it was impossible for him to suddenly fall in love, unless... that little girl was A-Heng's Bai Yueguang.

For a while, the look was a little complicated.

It wouldn't be so coincidental.


Nan Heng sat at the table, still a little unable to recover.

Suddenly, he had many connections with her before, and any kind of connection would allow him to see her without hesitation.

Whether it is the identity of the company president, or the identity of the owner of the house.

But rather at a loss.

The clear and beautiful eyes were slightly absent, and the feathered eyelashes trembled slightly.

It suddenly occurred to him that she didn't like him.

The previous joy and excitement were instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water, which was extremely cold.

The tip of the snow-white teeth bit the crimson lips slightly, as if with some force, leaving a little imprint.

Silently got up and returned to the room little by little.

He turned on the special switch and lay on his back on the bed, watching the projected light spots with his eyes open.

Behind the Milky Way and the nebula is a silent darkness.

And after darkness.

It is a long night tree with silver light, and the man waiting under the tree has waited for the person he wants to see.

This is his wish.

But it seems that it can't be done.

She didn't like her words echoing in her mind over and over, reminding him of the cruel truth.

He has no confidence.

His slender and wide hands slightly covered his beautiful eyes, and he seemed particularly sad not to see the light and shadow of the man under the tree holding the woman in his arms.

She didn't like her previous self, why would she like him now.

Obviously she should be happy when she came back, but she was even more sad.

His lips were almost pursed into a straight line, and he was silent.

The light reflected on his fair face, with a slight sense of transparency, delicate and fragile.

Silent room, no one disturbed.

Until the sound of the phone by the table broke the peace.

Nan Heng slowly turned his head, picked it up, and glanced at it lightly.

She would say good night to him these days.

Looking at the message she sent, she tapped the words slowly with her fingers.

"What if you're not happy?"

His heart was almost filled with suppressed and dull thoughts, and he felt a little wronged, and more of a hesitation at a loss.

Luo Ci originally thought that the fragments would simply say good night as before, but he asked himself what to do if he was in a bad mood.

With a worried look in his clear eyes, he sat on the bed and typed quickly.

"Why are you unhappy? Maybe it would be better to say it, or listen to a song or something."

She also doesn't know how to comfort people... She doesn't know the information about the fragments either, so she can't do anything at all.

In an instant, I thought of a bunch of dog blood plots in my unconstrained mind, what kind of father doesn't love my mother, and I've been alone since I was a child...

Nan Heng's eyes fell on the message she quickly replied, which also showed that he was typing, and the depression in his heart suddenly dissipated a little.

All he wanted was her.

Her almost second message, and her hurried desire to send something more, amused herself immensely.

"Can I make a call?"

"Ok, Ok!"

After connecting, Nan Heng lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and decided to make friends out of nothing.

"My friend told me something before, and I felt a little uncomfortable after hearing it."

Luo Ci watched silently, the fragments were still... very cold-hearted? Not happy for your friends?

"……What's up?"

"He said that the girl he liked three years ago left without a word, and he didn't contact him when he came back. After he found her again, he heard the girl say that he had no emotion at all, and he felt very sad."

When Luo Ci listened to this series of words, she had a subtle feeling in her heart, and she always felt a little strange.

After thinking about it, he replied, "That girl doesn't like him, why would he hang him with a tree with a crooked neck?"

Nan Heng: ...

Luo · crooked neck tree · porcelain.

Before he could speak again, Luo Ci continued, "Obviously that girl doesn't have feelings for him, so give up early and get free."

Nan Heng's tone was faint, with an inexplicable meaning, "But he must be that girl."

Luo Ci was suddenly speechless.

You can only start elsewhere, "You give a few examples of the girl who doesn't like him."

Nan Heng's face was expressionless, he had to pierce his own heart, and replied without hesitation.

"The first thing, they made an appointment to meet together on Qixi Festival, and they broke their trust in him."

"The second thing, I didn't disclose any information before I left, and I left without saying goodbye."

"The third thing, I didn't think about contacting him again after I came back, and I was with other people very quickly, half-hearted."

When Luo Ci listened to these three pieces, she felt a chill in her neck for some reason.

But these three things sound like... that girl is a scumbag.

Luo · scum girl · porcelain.

She didn't realize that this was talking about herself, and immediately said, "This is a scumbag, why are you staring at her?"

Nan Heng said quietly, "I also think it's pretty scumbag. Run away when you're done teasing, and deceive people with one heart."

Luo Ci felt that the fragments became more and more strange.

Before, the voice was cold and gentle, but now, although the tone has not changed, why is it a little flustered.

She murmured in a low voice, "Master... Have you ever been a scumbag? Why does it seem like a sense of indignation..."

It is impossible for the fragments to like others, she will never doubt that.

But where did she slander him?

She is so proactive now, taking the initiative to say good morning and night every day, secretly reporting her tracks, answering whatever she asks, never lying or cheating, and she doesn't get along with other people of the opposite sex, so she keeps a good distance.

Nan Heng was silent, "No."

Of course it was impossible to admit it in front of her.

And she didn't know that she liked her at all. What if she let her know that her so-called friend was herself and misunderstood that he liked others.

Even if she doesn't have feelings for herself, I don't want her to misunderstand.

Luo Ci thought for a while and said slowly, "Since she is a scumbag, why do you still like her?"

Nan Heng's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, with tiny bits of light shining, and her voice was very soft, "Because she is very good."

So I can't forget it.

He will only sink deeper and deeper.

The time we spent together in the past will only get better and better.

The nostalgia in my heart will only deepen.

The only thing wrong with her is that she doesn't like herself.

Luo Ci didn't hear what he said, "What did Master just say?"

"It's nothing." Nan Heng walked to the window, gently opened the curtains, and looked at the moonlight outside the window. His cold voice was slightly lowered, with a gentle touch, "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

"Good night."

He covered half of the bottom of the phone, and when the voice reached Luo Ci's side, it was a little vague, and he could only hear him saying good night.

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