The three sat on the sofa and were silent for a while.

Luo Ci was inexplicably a little flustered in her heart, and her clear eyes peeked at the fragments, which happened to meet his deep eyes, with a deep meaning.

She pretended to look away calmly and looked at Lu Yunqi, "Don't you want to talk about something?"

Lu Yunqi had a helpless expression on his face. In fact, he really wanted to leave, but his brother finally found his sweetheart. He was not active and the three of them stayed here.

He coughed lightly, "That's right, A-Heng talks to you about this business, I just brought him here." He thought about it, and smiled warmly, "Speaking of which, you and A-Heng are also destined, this house was originally A-Heng's, I heard that you had nowhere to stay and let it out."

Luo Ci opened her lips slightly and stared blankly at Nan Heng.

It turned out to be the Shard's house.

Lu Yunqi continued, "What's your game nickname? We have a gang, we can pull you in and join the gang battle together."

She whispered, "Snowflake cake."

The little head drooped slightly, a little distressed.

She knew that Fragment was the master in the game, and Fragment would know herself after reporting her nickname, but... she had to pretend she didn't know.

Nan Heng looked at her all the time, never avoiding his eyes. He didn't want to get along with her again as a stranger.

The beautiful clear eyes were fixed on her, and the cold voice was slightly lower, with a deep softness, a little hoarse and sexy, "Don't know me?"

This was the first time he had spoken out in front of her.

Luo Ci looked at the fragments silently, and said in a small voice, "...Hello, Master."

His ears turned red.

She thought the fragments would not be so direct.

Nan Heng responded lightly, "Yes."

He glanced at Lu Yunqi coldly, "Go back first."

Lu Yunqi was a little speechless. It was one thing for him to want to leave, but it was another thing for him to be driven away, but he didn't say anything, "We, A-Heng, will leave it to you."

Those who didn't know it thought that the fragments were entrusted to her.

Live like an old mother marrying her daughter.

Luo Ci thought randomly.

Nan Heng did not close the relationship immediately, but handed her a contract, "This is a new contract."

Luo Ci took over the contract and looked at it, "...Why did it suddenly change so much?"

The treatment has improved a lot. Although it was not bad before, this new contract has almost no constraints, and the basic salary and commission are also much higher.

She just glanced at it roughly, and there was basically no problem.

Nan Heng did not answer the question, "Did you hear what I said last night?"

Luo Ci recalled, "Are you talking about a scumbag?"

His eyes were dim, and he sighed in a low voice, "No."

At that time, he wanted her to hear it, but he dared not let her hear it.

But it's different now.

He doesn't want to boil frogs in warm water anymore.

The previous accounts can be calculated slowly in the future, and it is important to chase people down.

She is not an ordinary girl. What if he leaves him again, if he forgets the memories of the past again?

He wants to keep her.

Nan Heng stood up suddenly, and sat on her left slowly, propped up on the sofa with his right hand, and lightly pinched her small chin with his left hand, leaning over to approach, somewhat condescendingly strong.

He lowered his head slightly and stared at her, her face reflected in the clear eyes of ice and snow, with a little soft light.

Crimson's slender lips parted slightly, and the words he spat out had no emotion, "You don't remember."

The cold and delicate face has no expression, and the long and thick eyelashes do not blink, inexplicably soft, like a discarded cub, looking at the grievances and begging for an answer.

Luo Ci was still a little puzzled at first, why the fragments suddenly became stronger, and it was a little uncomfortable to hear his words for no reason, astringent, and the eyes softened instantly.

Liuli looked at him quietly, her voice was slightly astringent, "Don't remember what?"

Nan Heng lightly stroked her lips with her fair fingertips, lowered her head to kiss her, and the touch of the warm and soft lips made his heart tremble, wanting more.

But it was only a shallow taste, he opened some distance, stared at her with clear eyes, and said in a soft voice, "I love you."

Similar to his tone last night, she suddenly felt blessed and knew what he said last.

- "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

Luo Ci stared at him blankly.

Nan Heng was slightly disappointed when she saw that she was stunned and could not get her response.

The slender fingers gently brushed away the broken hair on her face, and the tone was light, "We met when we were young, you still call me little brother."

He remembered that she was very close to him at that time.

But she doesn't remember.

He chuckled again, seemingly self-deprecating, and Bingxue's eyes filled with tenderness, falling on her, "It doesn't matter, as long as you are still here."

She is a fairy who fell into the world.

Will leave sooner or later.

But he wanted to get hold of her.

"You..." He wanted to ask her if she had any affection for him, but then he thought that she didn't recognize him, in fact, he had only known him for more than a week.

For a moment, the clear eyes dimmed, and he lowered his eyes and slowly let go of her.

But when she held the hand that was withdrawn, she threw herself into his arms with some enthusiasm, her small hand embraced his waist, and her small head rubbed against his chest as if attached.

"I'm here to take you back." The soft voice was firm.

Nan Heng lowered his head and stared blankly at the little guy who threw himself into his arms. The soft body was warm, the ice and snow eyes widened a little, and there were dazed ripples at the top of his heart, but his hands hugged her involuntarily. , tight, reluctant to let go.

And after being stunned, it was the fireworks that suddenly exploded from the top of the heart, the fireworks that only he could see in the world.

Her arms tightened slightly, her chin rested lightly on her hair, and her voice was low, "What... what do you mean?"

The more you care, the more nervous you become, and the more intolerant of mistakes.

Luo Ci buried in his arms, "I've been teasing you, it's all because you're too cold, I can't take the initiative."

As a result, Fragment's heart secretly poked so many things.

If she had known earlier, and begged to hug her thigh, wouldn't it be bad to be a salted fish lying on the corpse.

Nan Heng's fair Adam's apple rolled up and down for a moment, her cold voice was slightly hoarse, "When did you tease me?"

Luo Ci raised her head and counted with her fingers, "I took the initiative to add my contact information, reported safety every night, and even replied to you with soft and cute words, why didn't I tease you."

And not too obtrusive.

She knew it was Fragment, but Fragment didn't know her.

If he doesn't get as close to her as he used to, if he acts alienated, there's nothing she can do about it.

Nan Heng's beautiful pupils trembled violently.

He doesn't know...

"Since when..."

He has no confidence.

Why, in such a short time, she will like herself.

She didn't even know her name or appearance at all at that time.

Just a gaming buddy.

Luo Ci looked at him seriously, "I'm here to take you back."

I am here for you.

I came to love you.

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