[Yunlu Qiwu]: Not only that.

He said something specious and disappeared.

Everyone was puzzled.

[Baldry]: How come you only speak half of it?

[Orchid looks like jade]: Oh, it's really annoying, but you didn't say it clearly, people are punching your chest with small fists.

The conversations of the other members were easy to say. Seeing the name that suddenly appeared, Luo Ci silently moved her face away. This must not be a girl!

[Kui Ye]: Who took him away? I'm going to vomit.

[Two rabbits are not bald]: This minister agrees.

【Qixi Yu】: This minister agrees.

[Orchid like jade]: Inhuman guy~

[Orchid like jade]: Seriously, they are provoking us.

[Qixi Yu]: Do you still need to say this, so blatant.

[Orchid like jade]: Do you not know what they are from?

【Night of the Night】: The gang leader of Xiaoyao Pavilion is the acting president of Yaotian Company.

Yaotian Company also specializes in games. They are not used to Changye being the only one. Changye only relies on one online game and some stand-alone games to prop up the entire company, accounting for the largest piece of the cake, so the two companies do not deal with each other.

[Baldry]: Hello, boss.

[Qixi Yu]: Hello, boss.

[Second Rabbit is not bald]: Hahahahaha Orchid, your words have been seen.

Lan Hua Siyu was a little depressed. He actually just liked to prank everyone occasionally, but he didn't expect to be seen by the president... He didn't forget his fear of being dominated by bugs for three consecutive nights, and he immediately became honest.

Luo Ci thought that they were the presidents of Yu Fragment, so the style of painting changed suddenly, like a wild flower peacock, suddenly calm and calm.

Not only can the president deduct their salary, but there will also be a big update suddenly, allowing them to enjoy the fear of being dominated by bugs.

So daily baldness.

[Yunlu Qiwu]: Where's your little cutie?

【Night of the Night】: Beside you.

[Second Rabbit is not bald]: Curious about what the little sister-in-law looks like?

[Qixi Yu]: +1.

[Yunlu Qiwu]: Haven't you met? Said to turn back.

Nan Heng's face was calm, showing no joy or anger, but his white fingertips tapped the keyboard slowly and powerfully.

【Night of the Night】: Turn back?

It was just three simple words and a question mark, but it made the two of them feel like they were on pins and needles. They had already imagined in their minds how their own president used a cold tone to slowly spit out those three words.

[Qixi Yu]: When did we meet?

[Orchid looks like jade]: Milk and poison, forgot?

【Qixi Yu】:!

[Qixi Yu]: I have absolutely nothing wrong with my little sister-in-law! It's just that I feel that the face value is too high, and it is very suitable for the boss.

You can see his desire to survive.

Until eight o'clock, the gang channel was lively and lively.

Seeing Luo Ci throwing a subtle look at him, Nan Heng couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

She shook her head, "I think they seem to be afraid of you."

Except for Lu Yunqi and Fragment, which is an equal relationship, others are more or less in awe of Fragment.

In other words, Fragment has few friends around.

Nan Heng's beautiful pupils reflected on her face. He knew that she was distressed for him, so he leaned in slightly and kissed her lips, touching her lips gently, as if to comfort her that he was fine.

The voice was slightly soft, "As long as you are not afraid of me."

I'd be fine as long as you were there.

As long as she cares about him, loves him, and stays by his side, it is already the best gift from God.

Unexpectedly, she was picked up again.

The gang war started, Nan Heng urged, "Follow me, don't worry about others."

Nearly a hundred people confronted each other, and there were only thirty or so people online on Changye's side, and a dozen people were delayed by the incident and did not go online.

And Xiaoyao Pavilion is full of fifty people.

Channel World exploded right now.

The second gang picks the first gang, and they have to watch the show.

Most players know that the first gang is too many insiders.

At this moment, someone broke the news that the second largest gang leader was someone from Yaotian Company.

[This is the other company who came to play the game of this company, and came to provoke and slap in the face? 】

【Fuck! I haven't been online for a few days and I saw such a big melon! 】

[Selling melon seed soda popcorn in the front row]

[No matter what, I think Long Ye will definitely win]

[+1, anyway, Yaotian’s food looks ugly, the game he makes is not as good as others, and he is still provoking at the door]

[It's not that I'm not optimistic about Long Ye, it's just that the combat power of their members has not changed for a long time, and Xiaoyao Pavilion is steadily improving, and it seems that the top one did not participate in the competition]

[Wait and see, Yaotian will definitely be slapped in the face]

In a gang war.

Inside Xiaoyao Pavilion.

[Bing Lian Jue Dance]: Be sure to take down the ice cream and Bu Ye Tian, ​​they both ruined my account, they are too stingy.

【That is】: Don't worry, I will help you get revenge.

That is, he is the leader of the second largest gang and the acting president of Yaotian Company.

Some of the other members agreed, and some remained silent.

Xiaoyao Pavilion is not like Changye, almost all of them are composed of internal personnel. They only have less than 20 employees of Yaotian Company, and some of the others are recruited high-ranking players.

Even because of the frequent kicking and pulling of people, to ensure that they can attract more combat power, the gang's feelings are not deep, and it is only maintained by the welfare of the second largest gang.

Several of the top ten leaders in the battle power list frowned.

They came here just to get benefits. The first big gang was more difficult to get into, so they chose Xiaoyao Pavilion. If this is the case for a woman in an ambiguous relationship, they deliberately targeted Changye, they would not be optimistic at all.

One of them is Liujing Qushui, a fusion master recognized by the entire server. He ranks seventh in the combat power list and is a swordsman.

At that time, Bing Lian Jue Wu targeted Snowflake Cake, but he did not participate. He felt that this woman was too small, so he found a full-level assassin to assassinate a family of 40-level Xiao Mengxin, who was not good.

I'm still in a gang now, and I feel a little nervous for a moment.

[Liusheng Qushui]: How much bounty did you press?

[That's it]: Half of the bounty.

If you win, you will get half of the resources of the opposing gang.

Liu Shan Qushui frowned. He was not optimistic about Xiaoyao Pavilion at all. He had never challenged Long Ye before, but this time he suddenly hit the bar, and half of the bounty was held. If he lost, Xiaoyao Pavilion would be kicked out to the 20th place. Besides, the top three, the top five, the top ten, and the top twenty are not in the same grade at all.

He felt that he was digging his own grave.

[Liusheng Qushui]: The actual strength is not what the combat power can represent. Their actual combat ability is stronger than ours.

This is the truth.

After all, people are insiders, even if they are not the chief designer, they know a little more than them, and they are more proficient in those skills and the like.

Changye has always been very strict in recruiting employees. Not only does the code design well, but the game also has to be played smoothly.

Even every year only the top ten in the arena get into the long night interview.

It's the top ten in the arena, not the top ten in the combat power list.

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