Nan Mu asked one more question, "Is Porcelain uncomfortable?"

Nan Heng was speechless, "She's been sleepy recently, it's normal."

The word drowsiness, Nan Mu couldn't help but think about it, her voice was a little nervous, but also a little joyful, "Isn't it possible? I was more sleepy when I was pregnant with you."

Nan Heng: "..."

He said blankly, "You think too much, she is probably tired and wants to rest."

He didn't eat the little guy, how could he be pregnant.

Nan Mu shyly smiled.


Luo Ci slept until half past five, and when she opened her eyes, it was pitch black and she couldn't see at all.

When she woke up, she was still a little dazed, thinking in her head that she slept until the early morning?

Why is it so dark.

She stretched out her hand and touched it randomly, trying to find the switch to turn on the light, but she touched something hard. She touched it up and down again, but she still hadn't regained consciousness. She always felt that she would know what it was after a few more touches.

Nan Heng woke up when she moved and looked at her silently in the darkness. He was used to the darkness and could vaguely see some outlines.

As for the little guy who suddenly touched him, he touched him up and down for a while, from the chest to the lower abdomen, his eyes darkened, his Adam's apple rolled up and down for a moment, he grabbed her restless little hand, and his voice was hoarse, "Touch Is that enough?"

Luo Ci woke up instantly, realizing what she had just done, her face flushed red, but the room was pitch-black, and the fragments could not be seen.

She quibble, "I originally wanted to turn on the light, but I accidentally bumped into you."

The cold voice was filled with light ridicule, "Is that also accidentally touching me for so long?"

Luo Ci changed the subject, "Turn on the light first, I have a dry mouth."

Nan Heng didn't continue the topic either. If he kept talking, he might annoy the little guy. He sat up and turned on the light.

He picked up the teapot on the bedside table again, poured a glass of water for her, and handed it to her.

This is the honey water he prepared in advance, which is still warm at the moment.

Luo Ci drank it in one breath, "I want another cup."

After drinking the water, she asked, "When did you sleep in bed too?"

She remembered that he went downstairs before falling asleep.

Nan Heng looked at the watery light on her lips, which made her lips even more rosy, and leaned in to lick it, "It's very sweet."

She subconsciously said, "Honey water must be sweet."

After meeting the sight of the fragment, he couldn't help but look away.

Bingxue's beautiful eyes are filled with scorching warmth. They are clearly two contrasts, but they are not inconsistent, which is really unstoppable.

Nan Heng rubbed her hair, "I went downstairs to do something and came up to accompany you, do you still want to sleep?"

Going downstairs is to prepare a change of clothes and make some desserts by the way. I originally wanted to discuss with Lu Yunqi how to deal with Yaotian, but I couldn't help but go upstairs.

It's not a big deal anyway.

He wanted to be by her side, and he would feel more at ease with her. Besides, he didn't trust her, for fear that she would catch a cold if she couldn't cover the quilt, and afterward she wanted to eat ice cream pitifully. He was both angry and funny about this.

"I'm not going to sleep." She shook her head again and again, she would be stupid if she slept again, and now her head still couldn't function.

"Then let's go downstairs."

Nanjia dinner is usually at seven o'clock.

Luo Ci looked at her phone in her spare time. Speaking of which, she didn't seem to have seen any comments that were hacking. She used to be a black fan in the entertainment industry. The more famous she was, the more people she knew. Maybe everyone likes her.

And now I didn't see a single black fan jumping around.

She immediately raised her phone and asked, "I'm not RMB, how could they all like it?"

Nan Heng glanced lightly, "I set up a small program, so they can't post malicious comments."

Luo Ci blinked, there's something like this, she doesn't know about computers, she just thinks the fragments are amazing.

There is no one in the living room now, Nan Heng walked to the refrigerator and brought out a bowl of double skin milk, "I made this."

In the beautiful bowl of porcelain white, there is fresh and delicious double-skin milk. The milky white and porcelain white are very beautiful. There are also a little red bean and mint grass in it. It is cold and looks very attractive.

Now it's hot and he won't restrict her, as long as she doesn't catch a cold.

Luo Ci took a sip with the spoon, "Delicious!"

Nan Heng's expression showed a bit of tenderness, "As long as you like it."

She scooped a spoon and put it to his lips, "Eat."

The spoon is not big.

He doesn't like desserts very much, so he learned it when he knew that the little guy liked it. Looking at this porcelain spoon, a faint smile suddenly bloomed, and he opened his lips obediently, holding on to it slowly, and looked at her quietly with a beautiful pupil shape.

Luo Ci was a little stunned, and then blushed in disappointment.

She just thought about the hard work of making double-skinned milk from the fragments, and wanted to share it, but she didn't expect him to bite.

When she was about to say something, he had already let go of the spoon, ate the double-skinned milk, and stared at her faintly.

Luo Ci looked at the spoon in her hand and didn't know what to do for a while.

It is very likely that you will be deliberately wronged when you replace the spoon fragments, but you will always feel bad when you use it afterwards.

Nan Heng took the spoon calmly, his tone ending in a swirl, "Why don't you eat? Want me to feed it?"

She took the spoon with her fair fingers and scooped a tablespoon. Luo Ci had no choice but to open her mouth to eat it, silently saying to herself, it doesn't matter, anyway, she had already eaten so much saliva when they kissed.

Nan Heng smiled and seemed to be enjoying the process of feeding her.

He liked the feeling that he had everything done for her.

This scene was seen by Nan Mu, who happened to be out of the room to see that the soup was about to start cooking, with a smile on her face.

After stewing the corn rib soup in the afternoon, it should be almost done now. She pretended not to see it and went to the kitchen. After turning the switch to keep warm, she stuck her head out of the kitchen and said to Luo Ci, "Drink more soup at night, Auntie specially Cook it for you."

Luo Ci nodded a little embarrassedly, her face was flushed, and when Fragment's mother saw him feeding her... She was quite embarrassed.

She took the double skin milk and drank it with her head down.

Muttering in a low voice, with a little dissatisfaction, "It can't be like this next time."

Nan Heng didn't tease her any more, "Okay."

During dinner, Luo Ci helped set the tableware and chopsticks, but did not directly serve the rice. After all, everyone has different appetites, and it would not be good if they served too much.

The Nan family is not a troublemaker. Except for Nan Mu and Nan Ziyan, who are more lively, the others don't talk much, but they are also very harmonious.

After the meal, Luo Ci helped to clean up the dishes, but Nan Mu was not very happy, "How can I let the guests wash the dishes?"

Nan Heng said softly, "I'll come, Mom, you've worked hard today."

Mother Nan just left.

He rubbed her hair, "You also go to rest, I will go upstairs to find you soon, your clothes are prepared in the closet."

"Oh..." Luo Ci slowly went upstairs.

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