The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 339: Angel's Little Demon 4

The little angel looked at her, as if sworn, "I will protect you."

Luo Ci thought of him falling from the sky, "How did you get hurt?"

Angelus lowered his eyes slightly, "I've lost part of my memory, I can't remember." His injury...was caused by the angel's attack.

It's not good now. Although it looks normal, there are not many abilities that can be used.

So he won't come back to the top.

Although he didn't remember what happened, he was vaguely opposed to the angel in his heart.

Luo Ci looked at Fragment's dejected look with her head lowered, pitiful, she couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his hair to comfort him.

The little angel raised her head slightly after sensing her touch, the ice and snow's eyes shone slightly, and the two little ones got closer.

"By the way, do you know how to treat your injury?" She knew that the fragment was too weak to fly and fell into a coma. It must not be as simple as waking up.

Angelus silently held her hand, his eyes were soft, his lips curved slightly, "My injury can be healed slowly by myself, don't worry."

If you want to heal quickly, you must find an angel who is more powerful than him to release the holy light, but the angel has begun to reject him, and has always hated dark creatures so much that it is likely to start without saying a word.

He knows how harmful the Holy Light is to her. She is just a little hybrid, and she is likely to be wiped out under the touch of the Holy Light.

So he doesn't want to.

The little devil had no choice but to give up, muttering in a low voice, "Okay."

Although the fragments were found, she could not bring him back to the castle for the time being.

One is that his parents are definitely worried about him, and the other is that he is still injured and is not suitable to live in such an environment.

They can only sleep in the wild today.

But fortunately, she brought her bed out. She thought that the ring could hold things, so she wanted to put the diamond-shaped crystal box in it. Probably because of the repulsion of energy, she failed.

However, the crystal box can be fitted into the amethyst necklace around the neck.

She never thought it would be a container.

The sun had already set, Luo Ci took off her cloak, and pulled out the amethyst necklace from her clothes. There is also some hot touch.

Angelus noticed her necklace, "Who gave this to you? I feel that there is a strong demonic power in it." The demonic power is extremely high and pure, very powerful, and it seems that the identity is not low.

"It was given to me by my father, and I have been wearing it since I was a child."

"Let's go to the tree." It's not good to leave immediately if you are seen below.

Luo Ci didn't hide it, she stretched out her hand and held the little angel, waving her bat wings and slowly flew towards a big tree. It was much more convenient for her to move at night.

The little angel looked at the dark black bat wing behind her, and gently touched it with his white wings, as if he was not careful, he quickly flapped his wings normally, for fear that she would find out about his small movements.

He doesn't understand.

Obviously he is an angel, and he has always hated demons and blood races in the past. Even if he knew that he was targeted by angels, he would not go to the dark creature camp.

But I don't hate her at all when I see her, instead I just want to get close.

He wasn't completely unaware when he fell into a coma.

He knew how hard she brought herself back to the tree, even though she was just a little devil herself.

Luo Ci took out the diamond-shaped crystal box from the necklace and lay in it, and the little hairball Jiu Jiu followed.

It can only hold one person.

Before the transparent crystal cover was closed, the little devil beckoned to him, "I'm going to bed, good night."

In the end, she was still injured and needed to rest in the coffin to make up for it.

Angelus silently looked at this special coffin, sitting next to it and guarding it, and the ice and snow looked at a small bat inside, with a faint light.

This makes Chiu Chiu hide in the rose flower subconsciously, trying to show that it doesn't exist.

He just stared at it for a few seconds, then looked away, stroked the crystal on the surface of the coffin with his fingers, and then slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Day two.

It was a gloomy rainy day, and for the little devil, it was very suitable for going out.

She emerged from the coffin and found that the fragments of the little angel card were wet and wet. She put the coffin away, put Jiu Jiu in her pocket, and the fingers of the hand holding the fragments were also cold.

The body temperature of demons has always been low, and the blood family is even more icy and abnormal, so she is not afraid of cold, but the fragments are angels, and angels like light and warmth most.

"Let's find a place to shelter from the rain."

The little angel had a soft smile on his face. Although he was a little wet, he didn't care, "Okay."

There is a small town not far away, but they will definitely reject them when they see it. Only blood clans have red eyes, but angels have more eyes.

Luo Ci decided to change back to its original form, a little fluffy white bat.

Angelus opened his eyes slightly, reached out his hand to catch the white-haired ball, and carefully protected her in his arms, as for her small pet in his pocket.

He flew towards the town and retracted his wings when he reached the gate of the town.

His hair and eye color would not reveal his identity, and he soon found a hotel. He took out a gold coin and said indifferently, "Stay in the hotel."

The owner of the hotel didn't care about his tone. He was a big customer. Although he was a little surprised as a child, his years of experience in opening a shop told him not to underestimate any customer.

Angelus entered the room, closed the door, and carefully placed the white-haired ball on the bed. She was barely wet and was well protected.

Luo Ci was about to change back into a human form when she heard someone knock on the door and immediately hid under the quilt.

The little angel opened the door, and the boss asked someone to bring hot water, but was rejected by the debris.

After the people left, the little devil sat on the bed, shaking his calf, "I have clothes, do you want to change?"

Angelus shook his head, "My clothes are made of wings, just wipe the water on the wings dry."

Luo Ci was eager to try, "I'll clean the feathers for you!"

He hesitated slightly in his eyes, but in the end he did not refuse, and silently stretched out his wet wings.

She held the handkerchief and wiped it very lightly, all the way to the tips of her wings.

She knows that wings are very fragile, so the force is very light.

However, the little angel only felt a tingling itch, and there seemed to be a small electric current coming from the tips of his wings. He shrank slightly, bit his lip and said nothing, so as not to let her notice his discomfort.

Luo Ci saw that the wings of the little angel card fragments seemed to be shaking, and she was a little curious, "What's wrong with you?"

He bit his lip and replied slowly, "No, it's fine."


The little devil turned his face to see his expression, and found that he seemed to be restraining something, his dark red eyes were thoughtful, "Are you ticklish?"

The little angel hummed softly.

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