The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 341: Angel's Little Demon 6

Luo Ci took the package of food he was carrying and put it into the ring. Chiu Chiu quietly landed on her shoulder and slowly emerged.

"Let's find materials for making magic potions."

The little angel took the initiative to hold her hand and said softly, "I will fly with you."

Angels and demons, pure white and dark, march toward the deep forest.


deep forest.

There is no light shining in here. It is the residence of many low-level blood races. It is very chaotic, including low-level demons. They are bloodthirsty and cruel, completely irrational, and even kill each other to improve their strength.

But the bloodline level determines their upper limit from the beginning.

Lower pure-bloods can never be compared to higher half-bloods.

Demons do the same.

As soon as he stepped in, Luo Ci felt an extremely evil aura.

She wrinkled her little nose, she is a demon half-blood, and she doesn't like this kind of breath, let alone a flawless little angel card fragment, she couldn't help clenching his hand, "Are you uncomfortable?"

The little angel's clear silver eyes reflected her worried look, and said softly, "I'm not uncomfortable."

The little devil took off his cloak and assured him, "With me here, no one will hurt you."

The coercion exuding from her body is enough to scare off those lower blood races.

And there shouldn't be anyone who doesn't have a long-sighted approach to target the little angel, he is their nemesis.

"My mother told me about this place, and she also said that witches gather medicine in the deep forest to make magic potions, and she should be able to find all the materials."

The little angel clenched her little hand, "Let me come to find the materials."

The little devil is very obedient, letting him lead him, she doesn't understand this kind of thing.

The deep forest was very quiet and a little dark. She had good night vision, so she took the initiative to ask, "Can you see the road? Would you like me to take the night pearl out?"

But she still doesn't want to take it if she can't take it, after all, the light of the night pearl can easily attract low-level blood clans and the like.

They are afraid of light, but they also yearn for it.

Who doesn't want to survive in the sun, who wants to survive in a dark place.

The little angel declined softly, "I can see some."

He suddenly bent down, picked a grass, Luo Ci took it and stuffed it into the ring.

Not long after they left the place, the dark forest slowly revealed a pair of scarlet eyes, evil and dark, with a strong smell of blood.

The lower vampires whispered.

"The smell on that half-blood is too sweet."

"As long as we eat her, we will definitely evolve into a higher blood race, and we can leave this ghost place!"

"She is still accompanied by an angel. If the angel releases the holy light, we will die."

"But then that half-blood must be dead!"

"We have to find some ally. She seems to have something I fear about her."

A group of low-level blood races set their sights on Luo Ci.

Not only did they want to drink her blood, they also wanted to share her flesh and blood together.


The little angel frowned slightly, he felt that the evil aura was getting stronger and stronger, Bingxue glanced silently at the little devil beside him, and pursed his lips.

I knew earlier that I should not agree to her coming to the deep forest. Even if I can find all the materials here, it is not without it elsewhere.

He didn't know if he could protect her with his current strength.

He subconsciously held her tighter.

Luo Ci noticed that his strength had increased, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong? Are you nervous?"

The little angel approached her, and her slender lips placed a light kiss on her smooth forehead. He lowered his head slightly and pressed her face with some affection, "Can you become your original form?"

She blinked, "Okay."

It turned into a small hairball again, and Angelus put her in the placket of his shirt, close to his heart.

The hairballs were close to each other, and he felt a little itchy there. Her body temperature is still not high, but he can help her warm up.

This time, Chiu Chiu concealed his figure very wisely.

He quickly found the materials to make the magic potion that conceals breath, and then changed the shape.

Angelus noticed that the evil aura behind him was getting stronger and stronger, and they seemed to be united.

Even if bloodline coercion can suppress some low-level blood races, if there are enough of them to act together, the little devil will have nothing to do with them.

With a cold snort in his heart, he accelerated his search for herbs. The pure white wings behind him stretched out, exuding a soft white light, and the low-level blood race that had been illuminated instantly vanished into ashes.

This made the vampires who wanted to continue to act horrified and hesitant, should they focus on that half-blood.

This angel has already caused a fatal threat to their lives without even releasing the Holy Light. If he really irritates him, he may be wiped out.

Although it is important to improve the bloodline level, they are unwilling to pay the price in ashes.

Eternal life and ashes, of course, choose eternal life, even if they still have to live in the deep forest, after all, if they die, they will have nothing.

Seeing a lot of vampires retreating, a vampire with a strong **** aura squinted and said, "If he really wasn't afraid of us, he would have killed us all by now, he just wanted to scare us off."

This blood clan has reached the level of a medium blood clan because of the continuous killing of the same kind and absorbing their blood, so the brain should be more flexible.

Angelus didn't fully expect to make those vampires back down at one time. What he wanted was to refine the invisibility potion and breath-holding potion, which would make it easier to escape, and would hurt the little devil by other means.

Because he was worried that the group of vampires would come too fast, he flew up and quickly searched for all the materials he needed.

Luo Ci was always in his arms and was well protected.

She also noticed the tension of the fragments.

She whispered, "I can use the demon power in the necklace to crush them directly."

The little angel pursed her lips, and Bingxue's eyes were filled with reluctance, "But you will be hurt too."

For a little demon with physical defects, carrying such a supreme and pure demon power would have a serious load on the body, and he didn't want to see her hurt.


She leaned out of his collar to watch him make the magic potion, her little claws tugging at it.

His wings radiated a soft and pure light, illuminating the area, and he carefully milled the material to form a powder, methodically carrying out the operations he was working on.

Almost when the configuration was about to be completed, dense scarlet eyes appeared around, and a group of ugly-looking low-level blood races approached, but kept a certain distance to prevent them from being illuminated by the rays of light from the angels.

The wings behind Angelus gradually became larger, and the area covered by the light became larger and larger, which made the leading middle blood race grit their teeth with hatred.

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