The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 361: Angel's Little Demon 26

One day, Luo Ci suggested that she had to go home to say hello and report safety to her parents.

After all, the parents of most planes treat her very well, so she also manages this family relationship as much as possible.

When the devil heard her say the words "reporting peace", his long and narrow purple eyes narrowed with a worried expression, "Am I here like a dragon pond and a tiger's den?"

Report peace?

As if he would eat her.

On this point, Luo Ci said that he did not want to say anything.

What does he look like to outsiders? Don't the demon card fragments have any points in their hearts?

Aside from the wording she used to "report peace", the devil did not hesitate, quickly agreed to her request, and was ready to go to see her parents with her.

Of course, the Demon Lord didn't have the so-called mentality of seeing his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He pondered for a moment, ordered the housekeeper to follow him, and prepared gifts.

Although he didn't understand these customs, he subconsciously thought that it was her parents, and he had to send gifts to show how much he valued the little guy.

So, the butler smiled and led a pair of attendants to the residence of Lord Lostin first, each holding a gift in his arms, like a family in a certain sense.

The butler had a smile on his face.

And the Demon Lord walked slowly forward with the white-haired ball in his head.

He cut off the time and appeared just before the butler arrived. After a group of people appeared, the people in the castle quickly found them and quickly notified the lord.

Lostine and Helitha hurried out to say hello to the Demon Lord, but their eyes were on the white-haired ball on his shoulder.

Luo Ci fluttered her little wings and turned into a human shape, with a clear voice, "I'm back!"

Hai Lisha hurriedly hugged her daughter, looked up and down, her voice was a little excited, and she choked a little, "Your bloodline defects have been repaired."

This is the true expression of a mother.

Her daughter can finally grow up normally.

At the beginning, she and Lustyn gave birth to Porcelain with a fluke. They thought in their hearts, in case she would not have those defects, it is not that there is no such lucky example.

But on the day that Porcelain was born, he almost died, and after that, he stopped growing, and he could not see the light at all. He could only stay in the old castle since he was a child, and he could not go anywhere.

So these years, they dared not have another child at all, and put all their thoughts on porcelain.

And now, her porcelain is getting better.

The Demon Lord looked at Hai Liza with a bad look, he had never been so close to the little guy.

But it was rare that he didn't say anything. If it was changed before, it would probably happen immediately, but now it won't.

He knew that these were her parents.

The devil thought in his heart, the time for this chat is too long, he glanced at the butler, the almighty butler immediately understood what he meant, stood up and politely said with a smile, "Lord Lord, Your Majesty, this is a gift from our majesty. a little thought."

Lustyn came back to his senses, but he didn't react for a while, Your Majesty... give them... gifts?

Looking at the group of attendants and the objects in their hands, as well as the two carriages behind them, Lostin fell silent.

He thought it was the pomp of His Majesty's trip before, but it turned out to be a gift for them?

The butler continued, "Our Majesty and Miss Luo Ci are in love with each other, and we brought gifts here to greet you."

Lustyn's eyes widened, and he fell in love with his daughter?

He frowned, but he didn't show any joy, but looked at Luo Ci, "Do you like Your Majesty too?"

The demon was not nervous at all, but Lustyn threw the topic to the little guy, his whole body tense, and his ears were almost pricked up waiting for her reply.

Luo Ci looked at the demon card fragment and smiled, "I like it."

She doesn't joke around at times like this.

Wouldn't deliberately say that I don't like making pieces sad.

For a moment, the devil's shallow lips evoked a smile, the smile was light and soft, and it was sincere happiness.

He saw that she said a silent word behind her.

"I like it anyway."

Whether he is an angel or a demon, he likes it.

Not only was the demon satisfied, the angel hidden in her body could not wait to come out and hug her immediately.

This is what they have been worried about.

Afraid that she only likes one of them.

And now she said herself that she would like them no matter what.

The devil now wants to take her to fly a few laps in the sky.

Luo Steen originally had the idea that he would not hesitate to commit a crime against the Lord of Demons, provided that his daughter was forced.

It turned out to be really nice.

And to be honest... He didn't expect His Majesty's expression to be... so gentle.

Hai Lisa hurriedly invited a group of people into the castle and asked her servants to prepare meals. It is obvious that they are a group of dark creatures. Everyone's food and taste standards are different, and they have an idea of ​​cooking and entertaining.

They sat at the table, silent at first, and then slowly began to talk.

The butler teams on both sides seemed to be on the rise.

The butler team brought by the Demon Lord began to show their cooking skills and attentive service attitude. Not to be outdone, the butler team on the Demon Lord's side began to compete.

This is a competition about the strength and dignity of the housekeeper.

They strive to serve food that satisfies the owner. The butler on the Demon Lord’s side learned the barbecue skills from Luo Ci, and soon with his super learning ability, he cooked the barbecue and even made something similar to a hamburger. food.

On the other side, fresh steak is used, and the finished product looks bloody, and the vampires will like it very much.

The butlers on both sides put the meal on the table together, with impeccable perfect smiles, good etiquette and good service.

Seeing the food made by the other's butler, Haleysha was a little interested, "What is this?"

She has always eaten cold food, and she has never eaten such steaming food. The housekeeper is suitable to say, "Your Excellency, this is barbecue, you may try this."

He pushed the hamburger-shaped plates in front of several people one by one, Luo Ci's eyes lit up, and he immediately picked it up and took a big bite.

She didn't expect Shard's housekeeper to be so versatile. There is no such food in this plane. He only thought of this aspect after seeing himself and Shard doing barbecue.

Hai Lisa also tried it. After all, she is a blood race and can't taste human food like Luo Ci, so she didn't have much reaction after eating it, but Lustyn liked it very much.

Not to be outdone, the housekeeper on the castle side pushed the steak he made in front of the young lady gently. Luo Ci didn't have much appetite at a glance.

She doesn't like being bloody.

Halysa likes it.

Since the number of favorites was 3:1, the butler competition ended with the castle butler leaving in despair.

The butler of the Demon Lord instantly felt refreshed, as if he had received some approval.

The Demon Lord looked at his housekeeper strangely.

How did his butler suddenly become pushy?

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