The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 363: Angel's Little Demon 28

Even if he can't hold her hand, the reverse is the same.

Luo Ci's expression was stunned for a moment. She subconsciously wanted to let go, but was held down by his other hand. The reduced version of the devil's voice was still tender and clear, and a little serious, "Hold me."

His tone was soft and gentle, like a tamed cub, with an almost stubborn dependence.

To hold him, can not leave him.

She squeezed his hand and swallowed slowly.

When it was time to go to sleep, Luo Ci decided to give up the small coffin to the fragments, but she turned into a small hairball and almost plunged her head into the roses of the coffin.

Another reason why she likes this coffin is that she can smell the sweet smell and fall asleep, and she can take a bite directly when she is greedy in her sleep.

The miniature version of the demon lay down slowly, picked up the little bat buried in the blood-colored rose with one hand, and gently covered her with the small hand. She fell asleep easily, fell asleep on the bed, and even this movement didn't wake her up.

It can be said that he has a big heart, but more importantly, because he is by his side, he can expose his weaknesses without hesitation.

The devil thought for a while, it has become smaller anyway, it is better to change it again.

He really has no original form, but he can become any kind of creature he wants.

Thinking like this, he turned into a black hair ball, a little bigger than the white hair ball, and it was entangled with the white hair ball, and they were close to each other.

Bai Mao Tuan thought she was a little suffocated by the pressure, she stretched out her tiny claws and pushed it, but it didn't work. She was immersed in her sleep and finally chose to let it go.

The devil was very satisfied, and clung to her for a while, rubbed against her, and went to sleep.

When Luo Ci woke up, she felt that her breathing was not smooth. Bai Mao Tuan opened two round bean-like eyes and saw a guy around him that was as black as coal. He seemed to be of the same species as her, except for the color and size. Not the same, nothing else.

She wondered in a daze, when did she have a twin brother, when did her mother give birth to her? Why didn't she know.

When the mind is empty, there is no logic in thinking.

Thinking slowly, no, my brother doesn't seem to be born.

Then a little bit of waking up and realizing it should be debris.

The white-haired dumpling pushed the black-haired dumpling, but was entangled even more tightly by the other party. He was still sleepy, and made a soft snort, which was very cute.

As a successful boss, of course, the transformation has changed with the voice, otherwise it would be too inconsistent to make a mature voice in the infancy.

Bai Tuanzi looked at him silently, but didn't struggle in the end, as they are now, bite him, give a mouthful of hair, hit him, the claws are short, grab him... How cruel it is to pull Mao Mao to Mao Tuanzi thing.

He simply went to sleep.

She thought about it for a while, then rolled over and pressed it on the black hair ball, making her sleep uncomfortable, not even herself.

But the black hair ball didn't seem to feel anything, which made her slap the cotton with a fist, and she was so depressed.

When the demon woke up, he found the soft weight on his body and rubbed it subconsciously. He didn't feel the discomfort of being pressed, but rather liked this kind of intimacy.

The brain circuits between people are different. The so-called small revenge may be the other party's willingness.

He slowly changed back to a human form and left the coffin, holding the white-haired ball in his hand, and kissed her blushing lips lightly.

Unbelievably soft.

The white-haired ball was slightly stiff, and she felt as if her whole body was on fire, and a small electric current flowed through her body, crisp and numb, with a sweetness.

In the end, she still didn't turn into her original form. It is very likely that her whole body is red now, which makes the fragments see how bad it is.

After thinking about it, he held his fingers and silently sucked blood for breakfast.

The demon half-squinted his eyes, leaned on the chair at will, rested his chin on his left hand, and quietly looked at the hair ball that was sucking blood with the fingers of his right hand.

Looking very happy.

Feeling the adrenaline coming from his fingertips that made his mind excited, the light in his eyes darkened slightly.

The little guy doesn't seem to know, it's something to add to the fun. She seemed to see it only as a pain reliever.

The blood race has such an ability.

The finger she is holding and sucking is the index finger, which is nested in the palm of her hand, completely under her control. The other fingers caress the soft fur on her body, and lightly touch the sharp little corners on her head, which are very soft to the touch, so that the He is a little addicted.

Probably all her mind was on tasting the delicious food, she let herself mess with it.

The devil thought to himself, if only he could be obedient like this.

After eating and drinking, she lazily nestled in his palm, not wanting to move at all, looking very satisfied.


When leaving the castle, the demon found that his butler and the other's butler seemed to be reluctant to say something, tugging at it. Those who didn't know thought it was a couple who wanted to separate, but in fact they were two people who seemed to compare. Elegant and meticulous old man.

The demon said blankly, "If you really can't bear it, you can stay, or take him back."

He didn't quite understand this kind of friendship anyway.

The housekeeper smiled and refused, "Thank you for your understanding, let's take the little master back first."

There is absolutely no way he and that guy can stay together!

Otherwise, what should I do if I grab a job with him.

The devil directly carried Mao Tuanzi in his arms, unfolded the bat wings and flew back. As for whether the housekeeper team can keep up, it will be another matter.

Mao Tuanzi didn't want to fly because he was lazy, and slept quietly in his arms.

She has been more lethargic recently, and will enter the mature stage after a while.

The demon felt that it was not bad to come out this time, and there was no angel to disturb him. He felt that he could merge as soon as possible, otherwise he would always look like he couldn't eat it.

But fusion... he had to leave.

If it was before, he would definitely use a bunch of black energy spar to drive away the angels in his body, but now he obviously can't solve the angels, so he has to go to the Dark God Pool to merge.

He can only go alone.

After all, even he will be injured a little bit, she is mixed blood, it will definitely be very uncomfortable.

Back at the place of residence, the demon told Luo Ci about this, his eyes were serious and full of emotion, "I'm going to leave for a while, and when I get back, I'll merge with that guy, you have to stay home and wait. I."

She was slightly stunned, it turned out that they could still merge.

I don't know why, obviously I haven't left yet, as if I miss it a bit.

She stretched out her hand and looked at him with dark red eyes, "Come and hug."

She said it very plainly, but it was coquettish. Even she herself didn't know how charming she looked at the moment. She pretended to be plain but was soft and asked for a hug. It seemed to be giving him a parting hug, but it was actually herself want to hug.

As soon as she finished speaking, she was embraced by the devil. He held him tightly, slightly lowering his head and sniffing lightly between her neck. His voice was rarely dull, "Wait for me to come back, don't run away."

"I'll be back as soon as possible."

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