The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 369: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 1

Inside the Golden Palace.

The court was silent, the ministers lowered their heads and held their breaths, not daring to make a sound at all. Even after finding that the hem of the clothes was a little messy, they did not dare to stretch out their hands to straighten them, for fear of waking up the tyrant who was resting on the dragon chair with his eyes closed.

The tyrant opened his eyes slightly, and his long, dark eyes were deep, with dark blood.

When his eyes fell under the court, his body froze for a moment, then he glanced at himself silently from the corner of the corner, passing a dazed look that did not match his face, which made the violent and bloodthirsty coercion slow down. A lot, adding a bit of cuteness.

He tensed his face, pursed his lips straight, and said expressionlessly, "Retreat."

The voice is cold and indifferent, as if it can freeze people.

Having said that, he threw his sleeves and got up and left the Golden Palace, ignoring the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty who were still standing there. Eunuch Li, who was waiting by the side, hurriedly followed the departing tyrant, but he always kept a certain distance.

A long time after the tyrant left, the ministers wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, and the older ministers left the Golden Palace tremblingly.

Even though he went to court this time, he had to wait for the tyrant for two quarters of an hour without reporting anything, so he was ordered to retire from the court.

In addition to being the prime minister, the prime minister's eyes were dark and fierce, but mixed with a bit of fear of tyrants. He calmed down, thinking of the power in his hands, and slowly left the palace.


With a cold face, the tyrant tried his best to maintain his character, striding in a certain direction.

The tweeter in his mind spoke cautiously, "Cicci... in this plane you... will intermittently swap bodies with adults."

Apart from swapping bodies, there are no other flaws.

She has never been to this plane before, and now she has not returned to her body, and she cannot accept the plane's memory, which is equivalent to a black eye.

"What am I?"

Tweet hurriedly checked, "You are the queen now."

This can still be done, and the above shows the body of Porcelain in the cold palace.

Cold Palace?

Luo Ci was stunned for a moment, her face was sullen to prevent herself from showing other expressions, and she said coldly, "Go to the cold palace."

The most urgent task is to return to one's own body, although I don't know how to go back, intermittently swapping bodies is very... making people unable to complain.

But... the fragments don't need to be found, and I don't know how he is now.

Behind him, Eunuch Li was stunned for a moment, sighed silently in his heart, and gestured to the little **** behind him, and a group of people followed quietly behind him.


Cold Palace.

The delicate-looking girl slowly opened her eyes, her face was immature, and she was fair and lovely, but her face was too pale and her body looked weak.

The girl's eyes were cold and bloody, with a sharp sense of stabbing people, which was completely incompatible with the character she should have at this age.

She sat up slowly, and looked around with cold and cruel eyes, the anger in her eyes deepened, and her delicate and cute face was full of gloom and gloom.

She quickly realized that she was wrong, but there was no other expression other than the worsening mood, and she was always calm.

Jun Heng roughly guessed that this was the cold palace, and inexplicably swapped bodies with one of the concubines who had been sent here.

Thinking of this, the first thought that crossed my mind was: After the exchange, execute the person who occupied his body.

He didn't care who he was swapping bodies with.

Be prepared to say that he doesn't care about anyone's life, he's a tyrant who kills without blinking an eye.

Jun Heng got up from the bed and took a few steps. He couldn't help coughing a few times, and his face became more and more gloomy and ugly.

This body has a dizzy head, and his body is too weak. He just got out of bed and walked a few steps, and he felt top-heavy.

The girl was dressed very tightly, and seemed to be a little afraid of the cold, and even went to sleep with her clothes on.

He only took a few steps before he had to sit back because his body fell, and his anger was even stronger.

The door was slammed open, and a sharp and mean female voice came from outside, "Yo, Empress, what time are you still lying in bed? My concubine came to greet you."

Saying goodbye, but she did not mean any respect, not to mention that the queen was still in the cold palace and was not taken seriously by the emperor.

More ridicule and mockery.

The concubine walked in quickly, looked left and right, pretended to accidentally kick the only silver charcoal in the room, threw it on the ground, and said apologetically with a smile on her face, "I'm so sorry, sister. , the concubine accidentally kicked over, you shouldn't mind."

Jun Heng's cold eyes were ruthless, staring coldly at the strange concubine.

Only then did he know that it was the queen who had swapped bodies with him.

Seeing that the queen ignored her, the concubine glared at her with anger, and made a gesture to her maid, who quickly swept the silver charcoal out.

As a result, there was no silver charcoal in the cold palace.

The queen did not have a maid, at first there was, but she soon defected and chose another master, and there was not even a servant to take care of her in the cold palace.

Now is the time of autumn, the girl's body is weak, the cold palace is damp and cold, and there is only a thin quilt in the room. Now that she has lost the silver charcoal, has no family protection, and has been rejected by the emperor, she may not survive this winter.

In just a few breaths, the thoughtful Jun Heng passed these thoughts.

But what about him.

"Who doesn't know that sister, you were put into the cold palace on the first day you entered the palace, and you didn't even hold the ceremony of conferring queens. Do you really take yourself seriously?"

The concubine with a sour face continued to speak, trying to stimulate the girl with this.

She even stretched out her slender fingers to pinch the girl's face. Her fingernails were long and sharp, and as long as she swiped on the girl's face, it seemed that she could easily scratch the girl's beautiful face.

Jun Heng frowned slightly, his clear and beautiful eyes flashed a cold light, and he stretched out his foot and kicked her fiercely. He used a lot of force, and the concubine was quickly kicked to the ground and let out a shrill scream. Call.

It took a long time for the maid next to her to react, and she wanted to step forward to help, but she looked at the girl's bloodthirsty eyes, inexplicably dazed, and stood there timidly, not daring to move.

After the concubine was kicked down, her headgear was scattered and her makeup was a little messed up. She glared at the girl fiercely, her eyes as if she wanted to eat people. .

Jun Heng kicked her again impatiently, his eyes were full of anger, and he wanted to pick up the long sword and cut it.

This body is really bad, but with a little effort, it has already begun to weaken, and the legs and feet are still a little sore.

He glanced coldly at the concubine on the ground.

It seemed that when he returned to his body, it was not only the queen who had to deal with it, but also the person who had offended him repeatedly.

He's in this body now, and she's offending herself.

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