The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 371: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 3

Luo Ci looked down at the fragment, thought for a while, then hugged him horizontally, and walked out of the door, "Go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Eunuch Li's eyes seemed to be frightened, and he couldn't reflect it. His Majesty hated the Prime Minister, and even held resentment, so he put the Prime Minister's daughter into the cold palace from the beginning.

At first he thought that His Majesty was to deal with the other party, but the result was completely unexpected.

The emperor, who has always been unpleasant to approach, actually hugged the girl.

When Jun Heng thought that he was being held like this, he was very angry, but he couldn't help the other party at all, and he knew exactly how unloved this body was.

He couldn't move his hands, nor could he give orders as usual.

He closed his eyes and buried himself in her arms.

Luo Ci glanced down at him, thinking that the fragment was probably embarrassed, so she asked Jiu Jiu to find out the route back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation in her mind. Jun Heng.

Jun Heng's expression was slightly complicated, and he pursed his lips and said nothing.

He is in a very bad situation now, no one except her knows that they have swapped bodies, and this kind of thing is unthinkable and impossible to leak.

This is equivalent to his powerlessness and no one to call.

If the queen wants to get rid of him, it can be said that it is easy, as long as she wants the emperor, as long as she can accept other identities to live.

He grew up in the deep palace, knows people well, and knows that he should not offend the other party at this time.

At the very least, you should maintain a good relationship with her before switching back to her body.


Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Luo Ci felt that she had traveled a long time to reach the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and according to the route map, the Palace of Coldness was almost the farthest place from the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

She has no memory of her avatar yet, but from the provocation of Concubine Xu today, she can roughly guess that she is not favored, there is no maid by her side, and she is rejected by the emperor.

As a queen, she was sent to the cold palace.

Even if there is no clone memory, he knows what the attitude of the fragment is.

She pursed her lips, her face was expressionless, and she withdrew from the palace servant.

Jun Heng in her arms took the initiative to leave her embrace, her voice calm, "Let's talk."

The two sat at the table, and the atmosphere was silent for a while.

Jun Heng took the initiative to say, "Let me handle all the memorial and government affairs. When I go to court, let me pretend to be an **** to accompany me. You just need to ensure my safety. In order to avoid emergencies, we live together."

He looked at Luo Ci and continued, "When we return to our bodies, and similar situations will not happen again in the future, I can send someone to send you out of the palace, change your life, and stay away from these right and wrong from now on."

He changed his mind.

Suddenly I don't want to kill her.

The troublesome method was chosen.

Even after changing his body, the emperor's aura was still very strong, and he did not lose the slightest on the weak girl.

He slowed his tone and tried to be treated equally.

I don't know if I want to ease the relationship, so as to ensure the safety of life, or something else.

Luo Ci looked at him quietly, and slowly swallowed, "Okay."

The tone could not be heard ups and downs, and the dark eyes were calm.

Jun Heng felt that the expression she put on with her own face was indeed a bit intimidating, and no one could see what she was thinking.

including yourself.

It's just that the heart is inexplicably sharp and tingling, like being stabbed by a needle.

He frowned slightly and briefly said the main thing.

Luo Ci slightly lowered her feathered eyelashes and dropped a heavy silhouette, hiding the emotions in her eyes. She played with the white porcelain teacup with her fingers and listened casually.

After he finished speaking, he just said lightly, "I see."

The inside of the hall is very spacious, the two of them speak in a low voice, and the sound insulation effect is excellent, so they are not afraid of being heard.

Luo Ci got up and walked to the door, opened the door, and said in a cold voice, "Chuanshan."

Then he stepped back to his seat.

Instead, she was calmer than the emperor.

The door of the hall opened wide, and the cool autumn wind hit, Jun Heng couldn't stand the cold and began to cough.

Luo Ci looked up at him, and was about to take action, but the fragment stood up by herself and went to find a cloak to put on her body.

She stopped thinking.

This was originally the site of debris, and he would definitely be able to add his own clothes.

The palace people quickly entered the hall, lowered their heads and silently placed their meals, and then quietly left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Eunuch Li noticed the cape on the girl with sharp eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he had followed the emperor for more than ten years, and he did not dare to interfere in the emperor's affairs.

Luo Ci didn't move her chopsticks first, her dark eyes fell on Eunuch Li, "Eunuch Li, go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to arrange some warm winter clothes for the queen. After I finish eating, I will send the imperial physician to diagnose the queen's pulse."

Eunuch Li bowed his head and said yes, and slowly backed out.

Seeing that everyone had left, Luo Ci didn't put on the air on purpose and ate by herself, of course, ignoring the debris around her.

It wasn't that she didn't notice.

From the moment she opened her eyes, she knew that as a queen, she was placed in the cold palace. When she went to the cold palace, she saw a concubine bullying her body, and the fragments said that she was going to send her out of the palace.

She had already thought a lot on the way.

The cold palace is empty, the decoration is simple, the clothes are light and thin, there is no personal maid to take care of it, there are faint traces of silver charcoal on the ground, and there is only a basin of carbon ashes next to it.

The interior was damp and cold, the girl was weak and pale, but she had to put on a cloak when it was autumn. You can imagine how she was treated.

At first, she didn't get into it, and treated him like a piece of the past, with no reservations, so she apologized almost subconsciously, a little ignorant, because she felt that there was indeed her reason for swapping bodies.

Fragments are a disaster.

Originally, Shard was suffering from illness because of using her own body, and she should care about each other.

But on the way back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation from Leng Gong, many thoughts passed through my heart, and I even heard a long paragraph of Fragment's calmness, and that he was going to send her out of the palace.

In a flash, all her emotions were restrained, leaving only a calm appearance, and no one could see her thoughts.

It's impossible for her to deal with the shards like she used to.

Her body will be so ill because of the cold palace environment, why should she care about each other.

While eating, she asked the tweets in her mind, "How will the body swap end?"

This time, Chiu Chiu was a lot more reliable, and gave a definite answer, "After the day of porcelain and porcelain, there will be no more body swapping."

There are still three months left.

Luo Ci responded lightly.

Seeing that Fragment hadn't moved her chopsticks, she raised her eyes and glanced at him, "Why don't you eat?"

Jun Heng pursed his lips and didn't open his mouth. He took the chopsticks in his hand and slowly picked the dishes, but he didn't pick them up for himself, but put them into the Luo porcelain bowl.

The body reacts faster than the brain.

He was stunned for a moment, opened his lips, and wanted to say something, but he never made a sound.

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